The Limited Times

Sicily, Molise and Urbino between 2020 destinations New York Times

1/9/2020, 7:14:13 PM

52 destinations chosen for sustainability, history (ANSA)

CAMPOBASSO - If Sicily, Molise and Urbino will experience a surge in tourist attendance in 2020, the merit will also be of the New York Times. The newspaper included the two Italian regions and the city of Marche in its list of 52 destinations to visit in the year that has just opened.
Among the daily newspaper's favorite destinations in 2020, some are obvious: like Tokyo, where this year the Olympics will take place, or the Bahamas, always a tourist's paradise but who this year needs support for the consequences of the passage of the hurricane Dorian.
Or Greenland, whose majestic glaciers are threatened by climate change. These are choices that suggest the leitmotives of the list: sustainability on the one hand and the push of history on the other, at a time when the tourism industry begins to wonder about the consequences of travel for the survival of the planet.
Sicily entered the list thanks to the rebirth of sustainable tourism on the island as well as its culinary traditions and the presence of the volcano. Cited by the travel experts of the New York Times are initiatives such as EtnAmbiente launched in 2019 - an app that helps locals and tourists to photograph and report pollution - or the Food Heritage Association that celebrates the typical ingredients of Sicilian cuisine.
As for Molise ("have you never heard of it? Don't feel embarrassed", writes the Times) it is the ideal choice for those looking for an Italy "traditional and unspoiled at the same time": archaeological areas such as Saepinum, the spotless coasts and mountains that served as a backdrop to the journey of transhumance registered last year on the UNESCO lists, are some of the elements that inspired the choice.
Finally Urbino: in this case it is history that speaks, on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of Raphael's death, celebrated as early as January 19 with the exhibition at the National Gallery of the Marches. Capital of the book and mecca of jazz, "Urbino has everything Tuscany has - the Times writes - but at half the price and with half of the tourists". (HANDLE).

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