The Limited Times

Districts: The Food Network That Chases Harry and Megan | Israel today

1/15/2020, 4:56:27 PM

All over the world, and in the British Kingdom in particular, are eagerly awaiting to see what the couple's next destination will be • Meanwhile, suggestions are flowing to the new food

All over the world, and in the British Kingdom in particular, are eagerly waiting to see what the next "abandoned" destination will be • Meanwhile, proposals continue to flow

  • On the way to making burgers? Harry and Meghan // Photo: Reuters

Kingdom as a drugstore. Prince Harry and Duchess Megan Merkel have decided to step back from their official duties as royalty in Britain and reach financial independence alone. This is a move that has been causing turmoil in the world for many days as the British island disagrees with the controversial couple and on the contrary justifies the move.

On the marketing side, there are those who did not wait, took advantage of the event and decided to offer two kings work. The Berger King branch network in Argentina was the first to address the couple who immediately followed the American Berger King branch network.

"Dear Dukes, we have a first job offer for you without losing the crown," the Argentine network released a letter, written in Spanish, intended for Harry and Megan. It also states that "We found out that you decided to be financially independent, so we have a proposal for you Harry as well as thousands of other people at the beginning. This is a proposal where you know that its crown will fit you perfectly," the humor says in a letter, which is expected to suggest the chain's "queen of burgers" ". The letter was signed by the chain in the phrase "Until now you have lived as dukes and now you will eat like kings."

The US hamburger network's representative apparently began to envy the success of its Argentine counterpart and posted on Twitter a letter intended for the royal couple: "Our royal family offers you a number of positions for us."

The humorous tweets garnered a large wave of networking and applause over the sharp and original idea that the network published itself without any real harm to Harry and Megan. "You've won at least one day," one user commented on those tweets, then tweeted that "Harry won't be the first royalty to work online" adding to the tweet a sticker with a photo of Eddie Murphy's movie reveals America where Prince works in Berger King, too. In the meantime, the Canadian branches maintain silence and do not offer work to the royal couple, but we are waiting.

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