The Limited Times

The army is responding to an attack by terrorists (Jabhat Al-Nusra) on the Abu Dafna axis in the southeastern Idlib countryside

1/19/2020, 3:01:00 PM

Idlib-Sana The Syrian Arab Army units operating in the liberated southeastern countryside of Idlib repelled a violent attack launched by IR


The units of the Syrian Arab Army operating in the liberated southeast of Idlib countryside responded to a violent attack by "Jabhat al-Nusra" terrorists and allied groups towards the army posts stationed in the area, which resulted in losses of personnel and equipment.

A Sana correspondent stated that the army units had clashes with terrorist groups from the "Jabhat Al-Nusra" organization and other groups allied with him, who carried out attacks using heavy weapons towards army points on the axis of the village of Abu Dafna.

The reporter pointed out that the army units inflicted heavy losses on the attacking terrorist groups, as they managed to destroy several armored vehicles of the terrorist groups along with rocket and artillery fire towards the terrorist supply lines in the region.

Yesterday, the army units responded to an attack by "Jabhat Al-Nusra" terrorists and their related groups on the direction of the axis of the town of Halban, in the Sinjar district of the countryside of Maarat al-Numan in the southeastern Idlib countryside, with heavy losses of life and equipment.

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