The Limited Times

Coronavirus: a cartoon angered China

1/28/2020, 2:34:45 PM

The Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, which published cartoons of Muhammad fifteen years ago, has shocked China, which demands an apology.

The Danish daily Jyllands-Posten has been talked about again. Fifteen years after its cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, the newspaper has just published a new drawing showing the Chinese flag with coronaviruses in place of the traditional stars, to evoke the agonizing news in China.

The embassy apparently did not appreciate the caricature. According to Chinese authorities in Copenhagen, the drawing has crossed the “ethical limit of freedom of expression”. They therefore demanded from the newspaper and its designer "a public apology to the Chinese people".

For its part, the president of the Danish magazine, Erik Petri, considered that "it is a fantastic drawing, because it communicates very quickly what it is about and where we are." "We can't apologize for something we don't think is wrong. We do not intend to be humiliating or to make fun of, and we do not think that the drawing is it ”, said, meanwhile, said Tuesday Jacob Nybroe, the editor of the daily, on the site Newspaper internet.

Over 100 dead and 4,500 people infected in China

The coronavirus has already infected more than 4,500 people and killed more than 106 people in China. In Germany, a first case of human-to-human contamination has been detected. In France, there are three people infected with the virus: two in Paris and one in Bordeaux.

In recent days, China has massively partitioned Wuhan and embarked on the express construction of a 25,000 square meter hospital dedicated to infected patients in the city. It must be delivered in the coming days.

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