The Limited Times

The Minister of Information is satisfied with the status of colleague Wafaa Shibroni, after she was injured while covering military operations in the southern Idlib countryside.

1/29/2020, 6:40:11 PM

Hama-Sana Minister of Information Emad Sarah visited this evening's colleague Wafaa Shibroni, a channel reporter


This evening, Minister of Information Emad Sarah visited colleague Wafaa Shibroni, the correspondent of “Russia Today” channel, and he was satisfied with her health condition in the National Hospital in Hama, who was treated for being injured during media coverage of field operations in the southern Idlib countryside.

In a statement to reporters, the Minister of Information said that Wafa’s colleague was always in the first ranks with the Syrian Arab Army in his war against terrorism and took it upon her to carry the truth and expose terrorism with all its details and terrain, and she is fully aware that one day she may be injured as a result of terrorist attacks.

Minister Sarah added that her colleague Wafa believes that the media is a platform for the truth and the camera is a means of transmitting it. From this she assumed responsibility for reporting the championships of the Syrian Arab Army in various fields and locations, especially at the beginning of the terrorist war on Syria, where at that time only one voice was the voice of the supporting axis of terrorism. The Syrian national media was completely absent and its crews, buildings and equipment are being targeted by the terrorists and their supporters. To confront this, it wanted to fulfill with the Syrian national media and the friendly and ally media the nudity of terrorism and uncovering the truth as it is that Syria defends its soil and its sovereignty. Nation.

The Minister of Information reassured the family and friends of colleague Shibroni and all her friends that she is in good health and has no danger to her life, according to what doctors have confirmed, and she will recover soon and will remain a subject of interest and appreciation, especially as it has unforgettable lighting stations in the Syrian media.

For her part, her mother Josephine Ibrahim expressed her deep belief that her daughter will recover and complete her media message with more vigor and stronger will. Thanks and appreciation to the Minister of Information and the Governor of Hama and all the doctors and supervisors of her health for the attention and care to maintain the stability of the health of her daughter.

The director of the National Hospital, Dr. Salim Al-Khlouf, stated in a similar statement that the health condition of the associate Wafaa is stable, after taking the emergency measures and the necessary surgical interventions, and that his health status will improve within the coming days.

Abdullah Al-Sheikh

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