The Limited Times

Coronavirus: 12 thousand infections, 259 dead. foreigners fleeing China

2/1/2020, 7:07:19 PM

Bird flu appears in Hunan chicken farms. EU calls for masks to be sent to Beijing (ANSA)

The latest official report from Beijing on the coronavirus epidemic is 259 dead and over 11 thousand infected . The previous official report, dating back to about 24 hours ago, had 213 deaths and two thousand infected. 45 new deaths, which brought the total to 258. All the deaths of the last 24 hours except one - specified the Chinese National Health Commission - occurred in the province of Hubei, the epicenter of the outbreak now widespread all over the world. 2,102 were diagnosed in 24 hours, bringing the national total to 11,791. And this despite the unprecedented restrictions imposed on millions of people in Hubei last week and the very severe preventative measures taken in other parts of the country.

With 46 new deaths and 2,102 new confirmed cases, Friday was the day with the most severe bulletin of the Wuhan coronavirus epidemic .

Beijing needs medical supplies, the EU has asked the States for masks for China . Meanwhile, Chinese authorities have detected H5N1 avian virus cases in the central province of Hunan . Kill 20,000 chickens after confirming the infection. The province borders the one where the epicenter of the coronavirus epidemic is.

Huanggang, a city in Hubei not far from Wuhan, could have a significant increase in coronavirus cases between tomorrow and the day after tomorrow as a result of the return of 600-700 thousand people from Wuhan before the start of the isolation. Mayor Qiu Lixin said this in a press conference in the Global Times report, assuring that there are no problems with supplies of basic necessities such as meat, eggs and milk. Each family will have its own member authorized to go out once every two days to do the shopping.

Vietnam has suspended all flights to and from China as part of the measures taken against the spread of the coronavirus epidemic. The directive applies to all airlines "that have routes between Vietnam and China," said the Civil Aviation Authority in a statement.

Britain has decided to recall some of the staff on the basis of its embassy and consulates in China , a note from the London government reads. On Monday, in an informal meeting between the EU countries at the European Union representation in Beijing, the line of free choice on the lines to be adopted by individual states was confirmed, starting with the departure of the family members of the staff of the embassies.

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