The Limited Times

[Fugitives Regulations] The trial of a businessman involved in the 8.53 strike on a car stopping at a roundabout will begin trial next month

2/3/2020, 9:46:25 AM

A storm of revisions caused a series of protest movements. On August 5 last year, citizens launched a "three strikes", and traffic in multiple districts was once paralyzed. In the morning, 4 people were involved in parking their private car at the Kowloon City roundabout. One of them was beaten by several people. After the driver reported the crime, the police dragged the car away from the scene for inspection. Six months later, the driver was charged with one count of obstruction in public places and three counts of summons for failing to meet car specifications. He pleaded guilty to two summonses at Kowloon City Magistracy today (3) and was fined $ 2,000. The other two charges he denied were scheduled for trial on March 16.

Social News

Author: Lin Leer

2020-02-03 17:41

Last updated: 2020-02-03 17:41

A storm of revisions caused a series of protest movements. On August 5 last year, citizens launched a "three strikes", and traffic in multiple districts was once paralyzed. In the morning, 4 people were involved in parking their private car at the Kowloon City roundabout. One of them was beaten by several people. After the driver reported the crime, the police dragged the car away from the scene for inspection. Six months later, the driver was charged with one count of obstruction in public places and three counts of summons for failing to meet car specifications. He pleaded guilty to two summonses at Kowloon City Magistracy today (3) and was fined $ 2,000. The other two charges he denied were scheduled for trial on March 16.

Defendant Chen Jitong, 53, reported a businessman. He denied that on August 5, last year, without reasonable excuse, the private car was parked at the Kowloon City Interchange multiple times, increasing the public place and traffic obstruction.

As for the three summons charges, he violated the Road Traffic (Head Structure and Maintenance) Regulations. Vehicles driven on the same day and on the same day did not assemble reflectors in accordance with regulations; did not maintain mandatory headlights to be clean and operate effectively ; And did not keep turn indicators, parking lights clean and effective.

Chen Yuan wants to plead guilty

Chen originally pleaded guilty to the above three crimes, but said in intercession that a group of thugs would destroy the indicator before committing the charge. Acting Chief Magistrate Yan Shunyi said that he would not accept him to plead guilty to the crime and fined 1,000 yuan each for the other two summonses.

The defendant will be tried on two counts and is expected to take two days. The prosecution alleged that there were 4 witnesses and that they would rely on the driving recorder of the vehicle involved to record.

Case number: KCCC234 / 2020

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