The Limited Times

PA Announces: We will not import from Israel | Israel today

2/3/2020, 6:16:31 PM


Tensions with Ramallah continue • Following the entry into force of a ban on agricultural imports from the West Bank into Israel, the authority announced that it would ban imports of vegetables, fruits and water from Israel

  • Trucks with goods on the way to the territories // Photo Archive: Yossi Seliger

Another Ramallah move as part of tensions with Israel: banning imports of vegetables, fruits, soft drinks and water from Israel into the Palestinian Territories, the Palestinian Authority announced on Monday.

On Friday, the Minister of Defense instructed the coordinator of government operations in the Occupied Territories to stop agricultural imports from the Palestinian Authority. The current defense minister's move comes in response to the Palestinian boycott against Israeli cattle breeders.

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Coordinator of Government Activities in the Occupied Territories, General Kamil Abu Rukon, was instructed by Minister Bennett to stop importing agricultural produce from the Palestinian Authority into Israel. As mentioned, the minister's decision was made after months of repeated attempts by the defense establishment to resolve, through dialogue, the calf crisis that led to a severe and ongoing damage to the cattle breeders sector in Israel and the collapse of hundreds of farms in the industry.

The statement issued by the Defense Ministry states that "when the Palestinian Authority refused to stop the" permits "method, which allowed the PA to restrict trade from Israeli growers and significantly reduce the volume of imports, Minister Bennett instructed the coordinator of government operations in the territories to implement the directive."

In accordance with Defense Minister Naftali Bennett's directive, agricultural imports from the Palestinian Authority will be halted in Israel, starting at 06:00 this Sunday, on February 2, 2020.

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