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What about propaganda: What do you think Israeli? | Israel today

2/3/2020, 10:43:08 PM

Outsiders Deri and Lieberman, who represent non-mainstream groups, are vying for a reinterpretation of the Israeli political ethos

The outsiders of the establishment, Deri and Lieberman, who represent groups outside the classic Zabari Zionist mainstream, are vying for a reinterpretation of the Israeli ethos.

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Shas launched the state campaign in its history this week. After returning Petra to Yoshana and redeeming the community's honor from Mapai decrees, the Torah observant Sephardi Party recalled that Ben-Gurion might not have been so bad. After all, in the Declaration of Independence a few times the phrase "Jewish state" appears. And if Ben-Gurion's voice is played with a sitting visual in the background, even the Declaration of Independence sounds like the son is a living man.

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The irony, of course, is self-aware, and the fact that recruiting the "kidnapper" and the "sidekick" for an ultra-Orthodox party campaign is intended to undermine the cultural significance of Ben-Gurion's own enterprise in appropriating or even boldly reinterpreting Mapa's secular heritage "Y. Or in short: The Religion of Practical Zionism.

But the surprising thing is the resemblance of the Shas campaign messages to those of its current Chilava, Israel Beitano. This is not a new phenomenon, long since the Deri and Lieberman campaigns are marching hand in hand and portraying parallel strings. Sparked a storm with the "Conversion Star" broadcast, which challenged Soviet Jewry; And in the current elections, Lieberman is the one who launches an anti-Haredi campaign and undermines the Israelis of the Sheniks. In the 2013 campaign, Shas presented a huge picture of Lieberman wearing a black cap with the caption, "Only a strong Shas will prevent assimilation", and Lieberman makes sure to mention the law of recruitment. , Conversion reform and civil marriage.

In the current round, Lieberman declares that he will keep Israel liberal, while Deri declares that he will keep her Jewish. And they all, of course, endlessly rub the sectarian breast lamp. The tragedy is that it all comes at the expense of the most significant element of Ben-Gurion's legacy - the status quo.

The two outsiders of the establishment, which represent groups that come from outside the classic Zionist Zionist mainstream, are vying for a reinterpretation of the Israeli ethos. The pair of foreign children in Israeli politics, Lieberman and Deri, who until recently were also close friends, broke up. Each one continues to play its own melody, but the harmony, what to do, is jarring.

And something else: Blue and White are going strong this week on the following message: We have to vote, because Netanyahu will be busy defending his innocence in court, and therefore will not be free to run state affairs. Not long ago, they promised that "they will go from here" and "Israel first of all", and of course "possible and different." But in recent months it has even been difficult for them to come to Netanyahu with significant claims (gas, Issachar, century plan). Faced with this not-so-bad power, all that remains is to warn us of the day when all this good might end, so, if need be, remember that we are around and our schedule is quite vacant.

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