The Limited Times

Iran increases uranium reserves | Israel today

3/3/2020, 9:21:11 PM

the Middle East

The Islamic Republic continues to violate the nuclear agreement and holds a sufficient quantity of nuclear material to develop a bomb

  • Nuclear reactor construction in Iran // Photo: Reuters

Iran continues to violate nuclear agreement. According to a report by the IAEA, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the low-enriched Iranian uranium reservoir has tripled over the course of November, reaching more than a thousand pounds.

It is a quantity sufficient to build a nuclear bomb. In addition, the confidential report leaked to the media referred to Tehran's refusal to address three suspected nuclear sites.

According to the data, as of February 19, the Ayatollah agar regime is 1020.9 kg of low-enriched uranium compared to 372.3 kg documented in the previous November report. The current amount will allow Iran the "breakthrough time" to develop a nuclear bomb Lasting about a year, as long as it implemented the agreement and met the restrictions.

The 2015 nuclear agreement allows Iranians to stockpile up to 202.8 kg of uranium, but the euthanasia regime began to violate the agreement about a year after US President Donald Trump announced his retirement. At the same time as the Iranian agreement violations, several provocations were made against the US and the West in the Persian Gulf region. These actions eventually led to the assassination of General Qassem Suleimani.

Iran denies that it wants to develop nuclear weapons and claims all its uranium enrichment violations are reversible and could be reversed as soon as the US removes international sanctions against it or if the other powers signed by the agreement financially compensate it.

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