The Limited Times

Was his uncle stabbed? | Israel today

3/4/2020, 7:18:11 PM

In recent hours, images of the network star and singer appearing to be stabbed are being distributed • However, authorities are not aware of such a local case

A new provocation? In recent hours, images of the network star and singer appearing to be stabbed are being distributed • However, the authorities do not know such a case

  • Dudu Farooq // Photo: Coco

In the last few hours, images of network star and singer Dudu Farouk have been released on the Internet after being stabbed.

After quite a few tests, it turns out that a call was made to MDA for an injured man in Herzliya, but no one was found there, even after scans in the area.

Man's Spring - Answer to Uncle Farooq // Photo: Gil Kramer

Further tests were done with all relevant parties and they are also unfamiliar with the subject. A new provocation of the singer who has disappeared and loves to play with the media? Days will tell and in any case, the main thing is health

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