The Limited Times

Coronavirus in Argentina: confirm the second case and is a young man who came from Italy

3/5/2020, 11:16:15 PM

The patient would be around 23 years old. He is interned in the Otamendi Sanatorium. A joint statement from the national and Buenos Aires government is expected.

03/05/2020 - 20:13

  • Clarí
  • Society

The health authorities confirmed on Thursday the second case of coronavirus in Argentina and, as it turned out, is a 23-year-old who returned from a trip to Italy.

The patient is admitted to the Otamendi Sanatorium and an imminent joint statement from the national and Buenos Aires Government is expected.

Meanwhile, the first infected continued on Thursday isolated and in good general condition, while "the country is on high alert to raise awareness of epidemiological surveillance," according to the first daily report on the disease issued by the Ministry of Health.

"The patient is complying with the isolation established by the health authorities and in good general condition," said Ginés González García's portfolio in his first official statement on the status of the virus.

"The close contacts of the confirmed case were identified and contacted by the authorities of the jurisdiction so that they comply with home isolation and are followed daily for early detection of symptoms," he added.

In that sense, from Salud they confirmed that "none of the close contacts in follow-up presented symptoms".

The report reaffirms that "Argentina does not register local transmission of the new SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus" and that "the country is on high alert to sensitize epidemiological surveillance."

"Given the current situation, Argentina is in the containment phase to detect suspicious cases early, ensure their isolation, provide adequate care to patients and implement investigation, prevention and control measures aimed at reducing the risk of dissemination of infection in the population, "the report explained.

Finally, from the portfolio they highlighted the importance of self-referral and of seeing a doctor in case of symptoms.

"In the presence of fever and respiratory symptoms such as cough, sore throat, difficulty breathing and having traveled in areas with virus circulation or having been in contact with a confirmed case, the population is urged to make a medical consultation immediately, refer to the travel record and avoid social contact, "the report concluded.

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