The Limited Times

Lieberman decided: support Netanyahu's priesthood law | Israel today

3/5/2020, 11:13:27 AM


At the end of the faction, Yisrael Beiteinu announced that his party will support the law initiated by the center-left camp. • The party will also support the law in limiting the number of terms to the prime minister. • Despite the decision, the road to approving the laws is still long.

  • Photos: Jonathan Saul and Miri Tzahi

Nearing the end of the Netanyahu era? Knesset members of the Israeli House of Parliament decided Thursday on a faction meeting to promote two laws: the law that limits a two-term prime minister's office, and a law that prevents an MK from being charged with forming a government - an initiative born yesterday in the left-wing parties.

Photo: Ami Shamir

Remember, MK Nitzan Horowitz, chairman of Meretz, yesterday called for a white-blue to form a government on the basis of a law that would prevent a prime minister from serving under indictments. According to Horowitz, "The new Knesset has an absolute majority (62) of the law that a prime minister cannot serve under indictments. It is politically correct, it reflects the wishes of the majority of voters and it is also morally appropriate. A government can also be formed on basic lines that will include legislation. Such and a few more corrections.

Knesset Member Ahmed Tibi (the joint list) also joined the initiative, saying: "We will support a bill that would prohibit a criminal defendant from forming a government." We'll see how they work next. "

Only last November, Lieberman said: "I have no personal motive and I have no vandalism against Netanyahu. In the last election, I have often said that as long as no ruling of the prime minister can continue to play his role, we were offered to pass a law. Barring a Knesset member who has been indicted for running for prime minister. I said we would oppose it because it is a personal law. "

Importantly, even if the law's supporters get the necessary majority, the road to its approval is complicated. The law can only be approved in the next Knesset, which will be sworn in two weeks. The law's initiators will also require Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein (Likud) to put the law on the agenda. In order to circumvent this obstacle, Edelstein is already preparing to replace the law in order to advance the law.

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