The Limited Times

"Be Liberated Palestine": Bennett's Twitter Page Broken | Israel today

3/7/2020, 10:16:28 AM


Turkish hackers managed to take over the defense minister's social network page and write pro-Palestinian slogans on it

  • Minister Bennett's hacked Twitter page

Defense Secretary Naftali Bennett's Twitter page was hacked early Saturday (apparently) by Turkish hackers, who wrote nationalist slogans into account.

On the page, the flags of Turkey and the Palestinian Authority were published, calling for "Liberation of Palestine" and the publication of the text of the Turkish anthem. Also, posts with an even more extreme tone were written: "What will man do, if not die peacefully for the holy earth?" It says, "The saints will leap out if you try to push us out of our land."

Defense Minister Bennett's last major move before the weekend was Thursday, during which he directed the IDF and the coordinator of government operations in the Occupied Territories, in coordination with the Palestinian Authority, to close the city of Bethlehem - in fear of contagion with the Corona virus.

Since then, the movement of Israelis and Palestinians into and out of the city has been banned. The minister's decision was made in light of the identification of several cases of a virus infection in the Bethlehem city area, and after consultation with the National Security Office and the coordinator of government operations in the Occupied Territories, Gen. Kamil Abu Rukon.

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