The Limited Times

The suspected father of his daughter's murder was released from the hospital | Israel today

3/7/2020, 9:40:16 AM

In the country

Hod Hasharon resident suspected of killing his daughter and attempting to murder his wife and second daughter were handed over to police for questioning • Improving mother's condition in Beilinson Hospital

A resident of Hod Hasharon is suspected of murdering his infant daughter and attempting to murder his wife and second daughter, was released from the hospital this morning after a significant improvement in his condition. The man will be taken to the police investigation.

Meanwhile, Meir Hospital has reported that the woman's condition has improved, she is no longer breathing but in serious condition. There was no improvement in the daughter's condition and she is still asleep and breathing.

Yesterday was extended until Sunday for the arrest of the man suspected of murdering his infant daughter and the attempted murder of his wife and 3-year-old daughter in Hod Hasharon. The horrific incident happened yesterday (Friday), so the suspect tried to stab himself and put an end to his life, after attacking his wife and daughters. A short time ago, a hearing was extended to extend his detention in Petah Tikva Magistrate's Court, in which it was decided that the suspect, who was euthanized and breathed, would be under surveillance at the hospital. Judge Hagit Bolsham: "I think there is a reasonable suspicion against the suspect. At this point, the suspect is breathing down and falling asleep and a version cannot be backed."

In a court hearing, a police representative said: "The woman could not also be given testimony but there was some statement of her that linked the suspect to the offenses."

Attorney Ren Alon, who represents the public defense suspect, said after the hearing: "This is a big tragedy. The suspect is breathing and falling asleep so we don't have the ability to communicate with him and hear his version. We wait for his condition to improve and we can meet with him. "

The terror of the woman who was attacked said: "The sky has fallen on us. We are a normative family. We have not seen any pre-signs."

The woman's cousin said earlier: "It's a warm and loving family. Nothing prepared us for that. We're in a total market. We couldn't guess that would happen. We're waiting for the police to tell us what happened."

Initial investigation revealed that the incident occurred in a residential complex where the extended family also lives. The suspect in the stabbing is 33, his wife is 36, and the couple has two girls - 3 years old and a 10-month-old baby. Around 7:45 p.m., a relative living in the compound reported the incident. Cops who arrived on scene a few minutes later found the baby when she was critically injured and the father in the neck. The mother was sprawled in the yard and the 3-year-old girl was found in the main living room when she was severely injured. The mother's condition is very difficult to define and poses a danger to her life. She is expected to undergo an urgent surgery to stabilize her condition.

The family is not known to the police nor to the welfare services, and at this stage no complaints from the family are known to the authorities. The background to the difficult event is under review.

Superintendent Yoram Barina, commander of Kfar Saba Station: "A car arrived in the arena within four minutes. Police found a woman in the neck and a critically injured baby. The police arrested the man immediately and he was treated in a hospital and surrounded by police. This is a normative family that was not at all familiar with welfare services. "

Ido emergency driver wearing an MDA motorcycle Ido Schiff said: "We arrived at the scene with large forces along with the police. In the home yard, the woman lay conscious and suffering from injuries to her body, a MDA paramedic began life-saving treatment that included dressing and bleeding and I continued into the apartment, brought a 3-year-old girl to me, performed a preliminary examination and provided primary care that included a life-threatening bleeding arrest. The unconscious, pulse-free and breathless toddler and her intensive care team performed CPR and evacuated her in critical condition to nearby Meir Hospital. A few minutes later, the severely injured woman and girl were also evacuated to the hospital with a stable condition and the man was cleared. .

One neighbor said, "This is a completely normative family, an old family. I know my grandparents. I was in a bedroom and heard shouts. Shouts of hysteria. The brother-in-law yelled: 'He murdered them.' I thought Shouts of Purim. We went out to their house and someone from the family did not give We came in. We didn't want to push our noses. I'm in shock that something like this is happening. "

Esther, who lives nearby, said: "At a quarter to eight, we suddenly heard and saw police and ambulances. I don't know the family but it's very unusual. It's a very quiet neighborhood. It's a very difficult case."

Another neighbor said: "I know the family. It's a good family. I'm shocked. I don't believe he can do such a thing. I don't know about a conflict between them. It's not perceived."

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