The Limited Times

Raz Rahab's Grill Secrets | Israel today

3/8/2020, 9:28:29 AM

Apparently, the most recommended way to launch a new luxury line of grills and smokes is to let the chef decorate an ocd restaurant to cook on them.

Apparently the most recommended way to launch a new luxury line of grills and smokes is to let the chef decorate an ocd restaurant to cook on them • We tasted and were impressed

Last Wednesday, Nine Consumer Products launched the prestigious everdure Australian brand, which is responsible for, among other things, renowned chef Heston Blumenthal, the man behind the British "The Fat Duck" restaurant, which is decorated with three Michelin stars.

Reporters: Liran Ohali and Shimon Yaish // Photographer: Gil Kramer

In the new product line we find gas grills, charcoal and smokers that are spectacularly designed and considered to be very technologically advanced. The chef chosen to experiment with the new products at the launch, which was held in the courtyard of the Australian ambassador's home in Herzliya Pituach, is Raz Rahab, one of Israel's leading chefs, who has cooked, bounced and roasted a variety of successful ocd style foods.

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