The Limited Times

The 5 things you should know this March 10: The outbreak of coronavirus is a pandemic

3/10/2020, 10:19:18 AM

CNN now uses the term pandemic to describe the current outbreak of coronavirus. All of Italy is in quarantine. The bag falls. Also, do not miss the coverage of the new super Tuesday. This is what ...

CNN now uses the term pandemic to describe the current outbreak of coronavirus. All of Italy is in quarantine. The bag falls. Also, do not miss the coverage of the new super Tuesday. This is what you should know to start the day. First the truth.



The new coronavirus has exceeded 100,000 infections worldwide and more than 3,000 people have died from causes attributed to the disease. It has spread across almost every continent, with the exception of Antarctica and, for now, it seems not to stop. CNN, based strictly on medical criteria, since Monday catalogs COVID-19 as a pandemic. In this report we explain the reasons and what this change implies.


All Italy in quarantine

All of Italy is now in quarantine, the country's prime minister, Giuseppe Conte, reported at a press conference on Monday. Conte said the measure was taken to protect the population, especially the most fragile people. He also announced a ban on public events.


  • Coronavirus turns vacations into “a nightmare”
  • Religious communities modify their traditions to prevent the spread of the coronavirus
The coronavirus has all of Italy in quarantine 1:36


Black Monday in the bag

The Dow index had its worst drop in points since October 2008, amid fears about the spread of the coronavirus and the collapse of oil prices. The index closed with a drop of 2,014 points or 7.8%. It is the worst day for the Dow since October 2008.

How does black Monday affect Mexico in the financial markets? 2:02


A Mexico without women

What would happen if all women in Mexico disappeared? That is the question that is at the heart of a national strike that began on Monday and during which women are expected not to go to work or to their schools or universities to protest against the growing cases of femicide.

Read also:

  • "Song without fear", the Mexican feminist anthem against femicides that rumbled in the Zocalo and on the march
What's next for Mexico after the 9M strike? 2:43


Biden and Sanders in the new super Tuesday

Former US Vice President Joe Biden has a double-digit advantage over Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders for the Democratic presidential candidacy, a new CNN poll of nationwide Democratic voters by SSRS shows. This Tuesday, March 10, starting at 8 pm (Miami time), CNN in Spanish offers extensive coverage of the presidential primary supermartees, in which the Democratic Party puts 352 delegates into play in the following six states: Idaho , Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota and the state of Washington.

At coffee time

Five reasons why you should take a nap

Taking a nap has benefits that could help you level up in your overall health and productivity. Which means there is no reason to feel that you are lazy for giving yourself the pleasure of a time for yourself.

Enrique and Meghan fulfill their last commitments before saying goodbye to their roles as members of British royalty

The Dukes of Sussex fulfill their last commitments as members of British royalty. This Monday, Prince Henry and his wife Meghan participated in a religious service at Westminster Abbey.

The worm supermoon illuminates the sky this week

The Moon will appear full until Wednesday, according to NASA. It will look bigger and brighter in the night sky and, hopefully, clouds and bad weather will not cover the view.

Trump, his grandfather and the flu

While giving a press conference on the outbreak of coronavirus last Friday, President Donald Trump said he did not know that people died from the flu. However, his grandfather died from this disease in 1918, according to Gwenda Blair, Trump's biographer.

The day's figure

$ 360,000

One of the latest known copies of a video game console that never hit the market, the Nintendo PlayStation, was sold at auction. Video game collector Greg McLemore, founder of and, paid $ 360,000 for the device.

The date of the day

What was supposed to be two weeks of vacations became a nightmare totally

A tourist of Cuban origin who was traveling on the Grand Princess cruise recounts the difficulties after it was confirmed that 21 people (19 crew members and two passengers) had contracted the coronavirus.

And to finish…

Two best friends discover they are sisters

Two women from Philadelphia, in the United States, discovered that they were sisters after more than a decade of friendship. They met in adolescence and shared several things in common, but it was only a few weeks ago that they knew about the blood link.

Best friends discover they are sisters 1:40

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