The Limited Times

Live ticker: Local election 2020 in Fürstenfeldbruck - All news, results and statements on election day

3/12/2020, 12:58:44 PM

In the 2020 municipal election in the Fürstenfeldbruck district, the district administrator, mayor, councilors and district council are elected. All important news, results and statements only here with us in the live ticker.

In the 2020 municipal election in the Fürstenfeldbruck district, the district administrator, mayor, councilors and district council are elected. All important news, results and statements only here with us in the live ticker.

  • Many offices in the Fürstenfeldbruck district will be filled as part of the 2020 local elections in Bavaria.
  • The mayors , the municipal councils and the district council are also newly elected. All results on election evening from the Fürstenfeldbruck district can be found here.
  • Here you can read all news about the 2020 local elections on election Sunday (March 15) . In addition, only we offer our Fürstenfeldbruck newsletter with all local and local election news from FFB & Region directly on Monday after the election and every Friday. Click here for registration.

+++ Update +++

Wednesday, March 11: Invitation to election parties: According to current status, an election party will take place again in the district office on Sunday. This time even a food truck comes to the district authority. The service egg opened from 5.30 p.m. All current results can be found here. The presentation of the election results of the city of Fürstenfeldbruck will not take place this time in the large conference room of the town hall, but in the event forum Fürstenfeld. If you would like to experience the outcome of the city council election in a convivial atmosphere, you are cordially invited to the Pillar Hall on Sunday, March 15, from 6 p.m. The receipt of the results can be followed on a screen. It is possible to purchase drinks and snacks.

Friday, March 6, 12 noon: In the district town of Fürstenfeldbruck and the municipalities of the district, citizens are called to the ballot box on March 15 . In the 2020 municipal elections in Fürstenfeldbruck, all types of municipal representatives are newly elected. Offices are assigned both at the level of cities and municipalities and at the level of counties . From the evening of the election, we will keep you up to date on all results of the 2020 local elections in Bavaria.

Important issues in the 2020 municipal election in the Fürstenfeldbruck district

One of the dominant topics was climate protection. Almost all candidates wrote it on flags. Another important topic in the background is the impending dissolution of the air base and the reuse of the huge area. Furthermore, the question of creating social housing and improving local transport is always important, where Bruck is considered exemplary.

District election in Fürstenfeldbruck - district has seven applicants

The previous incumbent is aiming for another term in the 2020 municipal election in the Fürstenfeldbruck district. Six opposing candidates are challenging him. Thomas Karmasin (CSU) is advertising for votes just like Christoph Maier (SPD), Jan Halbauer (Greens), Sandra Meissner (FW), Christian Holdt (ÖDP), Ulrich Bode (FDP) and Ernestine Martin-Köppl (Left).

Mayor election in Fürstenfeldbruck - New city hall bosses wanted

In the 2020 local elections in Bavaria , the mayors are elected across the Free State in most municipalities. Also in the municipal election in Fürstenfeldbruck, the voters have one vote for their favorite in the mayoral election. If none of the candidates can win over 50 percent of the votes in the first ballot, the mayor will be finally elected in a runoff on March 29. In addition, the two candidates with the most votes from the first ballot will run. The same applies if the district council candidates do not immediately receive an absolute majority in the 2020 municipal election in Fürstenfeldbruck.

Municipal council election and city council election in Fürstenfeldbruck - Everywhere is elected

The municipal representations at the smallest level are determined by the municipal council election or city ​​council election . How many mandates are awarded depends on the respective municipality. In this election, voters have several votes that they can accumulate or vary. For easier understanding, we have summarized the most important information on the ballot papers for the local elections in Bavaria. The same principle applies to the crosses when choosing a district day.

District elections in Fürstenfeldbruck - local election 2020 decides over 70 seats

The Fürstenfeldbruck district council consists of the district administrator and 70 elected district councilors. In the upcoming local elections in Bavaria, all seats in the Fürstenfeldbruck district will also be newly elected. The district councils work on a voluntary basis and are responsible for overseeing the district administration.

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