The Limited Times

Local election 2020 in Augsburg: candidates for the city council

3/12/2020, 9:52:43 AM

In the 2020 local elections in Augsburg, as many electoral groups as never before will compete against the coalition of CSU, SPD and Greens - and a satire party.

In the 2020 local elections in Augsburg, as many electoral groups as never before will compete against the coalition of CSU, SPD and Greens - and a satire party.

  • The city council will be elected in Augsburg on March 15, 2020 for the next six years.
  • The CSU has been the strongest faction here for almost 50 years.
  • Five independent groups of voters also want to move into the body.
  • The preliminary results from Augsburg * should be published in the evening, here you will also find the results of the national elections *.

Augsburg - The Bavarian metropolis Augsburg will go into the coming term with a new mayor (OB) . Kurt Gribl (CSU) no longer wants to run in the 2020 municipal election in Bavaria *. In his place, Eva Weber competes for the Christian Socialists. A total of 15 candidates are allowed to vote *.

For almost 50 years, the CSU had by far the most seats on the Augsburg City Council . In the last city ​​council election , however, the CSU Augsburg recorded its worst result (37.7 percent) since 1990.

This time, five groups of voters also represent a candidate for OB - and of course also want to go to the local parliament. The “Generation AUX” with their top candidate Raphael Brandmiller , “Wir sind Augsburg” (WSA) , the “polit-wg * DiB” list and the “Augsburg in Bürgerhand” (AIB) electoral group will be present for the first time in the Augsburg city council election. . The small party of Martin Sonneborn, The Party , starts with Kai Viertel . On the AfD Augsburg put a list for the 2020 city council election.

Voters can vote at the ballot box or by letter *. * has summarized how you can fill out the ballot correctly * and what you need the election notification for * in separate articles. They also stay informed about events outside of Augsburg in the news ticker on local elections *.

City Council Augsburg - local election candidate Peter Grab for "We are Augsburg"


Peter Grab (WSA Augsburg)

© Wolfgang John

Anna Tabak is the O B candidate of "We are Augsburg" (WSA) - and Peter Grab is number one in the list of 60 WSA city councils. The former third mayor of Augsburg has been involved in the WSA for five years. The local political association only wants to take care of Augsburg issues and currently has about 160 members. "With our own proposals in the city council, we represent independent positions that are not determined by a management level as elsewhere, but are decided by grassroots democracy in several general meetings per year in majority decisions."

Core demands of the WSA: "Real transparency for the citizens", for example at the interim storage facility in Oberhauser Schönbachstrasse. Here the residents of Augsburg wanted to be better informed about projects that directly affected them. Second, the "massive increase in property taxes of the current coalition of CSU / SPD / Greens, which has led to an increase in warm rents, should be reversed - but at least be reduced to the average level of comparable cities". In addition, the WSA would like more video surveillance in public places in Augsburg in order to strengthen "at least the subjective feeling of security".

WAS candidates for the city council election in Augsburg - first place

  • Grab, Peter, research assistant
  • Tobacco, Anna, Head of Human Resources and Law
  • Bauer, Helmut, managing director
  • Ponzio, Anita, grief counselor
  • Bochmann, Alexander, project manager
  • City Council Augsburg - municipal election candidate Oliver Nowak for "polit-wg * DiB"


    Oliver Nowak (polit-wg * DiB Augsburg)

    © polit-wg * DiB Augsburg

    The common list of " polit-wg " and democracy on the move (DiB) sends Oliver Nowak, a native of Augsburg, to the city council election in Augsburg. The 49-year-old IT system administrator and top candidate explained the goal of the electoral group as follows: "We are still committed to getting local politics out of the back rooms." Above all, the list is more about citizen participation. "Polit-wg * DiB" opened the council information system for the citizens and thus missed an "update" for democracy. In the new term of office, the electoral group wants to ensure that Augsburgers can submit their suggestions personally or through new digital methods.

    "We stand for mobility participation regardless of income, socially responsible climate protection and solidary values ​​without exclusion", Nowak * emailed , and closed his message with the demands: "Update instead of numbers - enable more administrative applications digitally! Park bench and playground instead of parking lot and casino! Shoe soles instead of wide tires - pedestrian city 2030! Municipal clay for free art, culture and slapstick! Lower rental and sea levels! Racism, sexism and discrimination are shit! "

    Candidates of "polit-wg * DiB" for the city council election in Augsburg - first place

  • Nowak, Oliver, IT system administrator
  • Sussmair, Alexander, chemical laboratory assistant
  • Brüller, Lisa, engineer for printing and Media technology
  • Weiler, Hanna, mechanical engineer
  • Buzón, Laura, BA Bookseller
  • Video: What are the tasks of the city council and municipal council?

    City Council Augsburg - municipal election candidate Bruno Marcon for "Augsburg in Bürgerhand" (AIB)


    Bruno Marcon (Augsburg in civil hands)

    © photoresque GmbH

    "More and more people are experiencing that the will of the citizens is acted upon and governed," believes Bruno Marcon . The 66-year-old is not only a candidate for the “ Augsburg in Bürgerhand ” (AIB) electoral group, but also her top candidate for the city ​​council . He therefore wishes to have “extensive say” for the citizens. "The Augsburg city government of CSU, SPD and Greens is responsible for record indebtedness and for incalculable cost increases in schools, theaters and train stations," he said to m * .

    Marcon has never been a party member, but he can look back on 15 years of experience in local politics. For example, the graduate psychologist organized the citizens' petitions against the sale of the drinking water property to the municipal utility company and against the fusion of the municipal utility energy division with natural gas Swabia. As AIB city councilor, he would like to stand up for the turnaround in traffic, participatory budgeting and more meeting places in the Augsburg districts. Marcon is against the privatization of "water, energy and all services of general interest". The AIB is participating in a local election for the first time.

    “Augsburg in Bürgerhand” candidates for the city council election - first place

  • Marcon, Bruno, graduate psychologist
  • Göppel, Elise, student
  • Walter, Tobias, planning engineer
  • Schulz, Roswitha, pensioner
  • Winkler, Peter, employee
  • City Council Augsburg - local election candidate Roland Wegner for the V party³


    Roland Wegner (V party Augsburg)

    © Felix Hartwig

    Roland Wegner , born in 1975, has had a hazelnut plantation since 2015, which he cultivates biovegan. A year later, he became the federal chairman of the Party for Change, Vegetarians and Vegans ( V-Party³ ). In 2020 he is both their OB candidate and the number one candidate on their city council list. Initially, he was with the SPD, for which he also ran in the Augsburg city council election in 2014. After studying administrative science and administration of justice, he is now managing director of the Gablingen municipal administration in the Augsburg district.

    Candidates from the V-Party³ for the city council election in Augsburg - first place

  • Wegner, Roland, Diplom-Verwaltungswirt (FH)
  • Rudolf, Heike, student counselor
  • Harle, Konrad, entrepreneurs
  • Höck, Maria, relaxation teacher
  • Brugger, Natalie, self-employed beautician
  • City Council Augsburg - local election candidate Frederik Hintermayr for Die Linke


    Frederik Hintermayr (Die Linke Augsburg)

    © The Left Augsburg

    Frederik Hintermayr is only 27 years old - but already a political advisor to a member of the German Bundestag, a candidate for OB and in first place on the Augsburg City Council list of Die Linke in the 2020 local elections in Bavaria. “Augsburg is the poorest city in Bavaria. I am fighting for a social Augsburg because I cannot accept that children in our city go to school without a break and that senior citizens have to look for a deposit in the trash can, ”Hintermayr told * .

    Augsburg needs a start for social justice, Hintermayr continued: "I'm going for this!" The health and nursing staff is married and has a child. "Six years ago I was first elected to the district council of Swabia, where I mainly deal with health and care policies."

    Candidates from Die Linke for the city council election in Augsburg - first place

  • Hintermayr, Frederik, health and nursing staff
  • Wilholm, Christine, publishing house employee
  • Lindner, Rebecca, wholesale and foreign trade clerk
  • Lubecki, Tim, union secretary
  • Diron, Anke, union worker
  • City Council Augsburg - local election candidate Peter Hummel for free voters


    Peter Hummel (Free Voters Augsburg)

    © Peter Hummel

    Peter Hummel has lived in Augsburg since 1992, this year he is a candidate for free electoral candidate and the first candidate for the city council election in Augsburg. The office clerk, paramedic and journalist is 51 years old, married and has two children. “My main focus is on school and indoor pool renovation. There are considerable deficits here in Augsburg, ”Hummel told * . Hummel calls for free buses and trams on Saturdays in order to "offer people an attractive way to leave their car at a P&R car park and still get to the city center conveniently for shopping."

    Candidates of free voters for the city council election in Augsburg - front places

  • Hummel, Peter, editor
  • Stuber-Schneider, Regina, high school teacher
  • Lippert, Angelika, clerk
  • Wengenmeir, Johann, retired criminal officer
  • Kleber, Dieter, graduate engineer, honorary judge
  • City Council Augsburg - municipal election candidate Claudia Eberle for Pro Augsburg


    Claudia Eberle (Pro Augsburg)

    © Guido Köninger

    “When the economy is booming, the citizens are also doing well,” believes Claudia Eberle , who is running for the “ Pro Augsburg ” electoral group as OB and top candidate for the city council. It therefore wants to promote entrepreneurship and retail in the city. "Vacancies, such as on Karolinenstrasse, affect the magnetic force of the entire pedestrian zone." Eberle, who has been the group chairman of "Pro Augsburg" since 2018, has many years of experience in local politics. In 1996, at the age of 26, she was the youngest city councilor in Augsburg. In addition, she was formerly a member of the Christian Social Center (CMS).

    The administration in Augsburg had to develop "new attractive commercial areas" and the rate of lifting had to be reduced to a "competitive level", "in order to avoid further painful emigration from important companies", said the 50-year-old to * . Born in Augsburg, she is an IT trainer, lives with her husband in Göggingen and has two adult daughters.

    Pro Augsburg candidates for the city council election - first place

  • Eberle, Claudia, MA IT trainer
  • Schabert-Zeidler, Beate, former judge retired
  • Dr. Holzapfel, Rudolf, surgeon, city councilor
  • Haase, Steffen, property manager
  • Wölfle, Walter, master skinner
  • City Council Augsburg - local election candidate Christian Pettinger for the ÖDP


    Christian Pettinger (ÖDP Augsburg)

    © Photo Behrbohm Augsburg

    "Climate change is progressing and the first effects can be felt immediately," said Christian Pettinger to * . The ÖDP Augsburg has nominated him as a candidate for the OB office and also as a top candidate for the city council. In order to counteract climate change, the motorized individual traffic must be reduced in Augsburg. This could be achieved through "attractive offers of local public transport and the development of cycle paths".

    Old trees would have to be protected and new ones planted in old car spaces, Pettinger suggests. They could absorb the climate-damaging gases and also provide "shade and cooling in the summer". "All these measures not only help with the climate, but also improve the quality of stay in the city." In addition, the buildings in Augsburg would have to be converted from "energy guzzlers" to "energy suppliers". The ÖDP city councilor was born in 1963 and works as a software engineer .

    ÖDP candidates for the city council election in Augsburg - first place

  • Pettinger, Christian, development engineer
  • Adler, Deniz, supervisor
  • Dr. Wunderwald, Jens E., computer scientist
  • Winkler, Julia, Diplom-Verwaltungswirtin (FH)
  • Keller, Wolfgang, experimental mechanic
  • City Council Augsburg - municipal election candidate Lars Vollmar for the FDP


    Lars Vollmar (FDP Augsburg)

    © Roman Tarasenko

    Lars Vollmar is the top candidate for the FDP Augsburg and the city council. "Augsburg has grown by 40,000 inhabitants since 1998, but the city has not yet adjusted sufficiently," said the 45-year-old to * . Traffic planning is based on an overall traffic plan from 1998.

    Vollmar therefore proposes the following measures: To make cycling and local public transport a "real alternative to the car", "without demonizing driving". Another problem that Vollmar identified: "Only 60 percent of the apartments needed are completed in Augsburg every year." He therefore suggests editing old development plans so that owners can add and expand houses.

    "Every Augsburg citizen is in debt with 1400 euros," Vollmar also warns. "We have to save window projects (city zone, bike night), sell participations (airport) and cut voluntary benefits by a flat rate of 10 percent." The money should be better used, digitized the administration and improved street lighting. Vollmar actually comes from Hof. He is married with three children and works in the IT industry.

    FDP candidates for the city council election in Augsburg - first place

  • Vollmar, Lars, employee
  • Michaelis, Katrin, junior high school teacher
  • Spark called Kaiser, Maximilian, entrepreneur
  • Dr. Geppert, Jürgen, doctor
  • Arleth, Patrick, industrial clerk
  • City Council Augsburg - municipal election candidate Eva Weber for the CSU


    Eva Weber (CSU Augsburg)

    © Nikky Meyer

    The CSU Augsburg not only sends Eva Weber into the race for the executive chair in the town hall, but also as the first candidate for the city council election. The 42-year-old has been the city's financial and economic officer since 2014. The most important topic for her is the future of work. "Only then can we afford all the things we want to keep the common good at the top standard," she said to * . "We must not again, like the textile industry, lose industrial change."

    Instead, computer and data-based technologies should create jobs. Weber observes that a new middle class is emerging. Top companies would move to Augsburg or be founded there. "This time Augsburg should be one of the winners of change." Weber is the daughter of former State Secretary Alfons Zeller, grew up in the Allgäu, studied law in Augsburg and Bayreuth and is married.

    CSU candidates for the city council election in Augsburg - first place

  • Weber, Eva, mayor, lawyer
  • Merkle, Gerd, Professional City Councilor
  • Kränzle, Bernd, retired State Secretary
  • Gabler, Astrid, foundation manager
  • Dietz, Leo, restaurateur
  • City Council Augsburg - Municipal election candidate Martina Wild for Alliance 90 / The Greens


    Martina Wild (Alliance 90 / The Greens Augsburg)

    © Martine Wild

    It lowers the average age in the Augsburg city council: Martina Wild is 42 years old, has been a member of the committee for the Greens since 2003, and has also been the group leader since 2014. In her role, she is responsible for the topics of education, women's policy, climate protection and sport. She has been a member of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen since 1998. During her studies (history, Italian and political science) in Augsburg, she founded the green university group in 1997 and was a representative in the student parliament. The Greens nominated her in the 2020 local elections in Bavaria as the top candidate for the city council election and also as a candidate for OB in Augsburg.

    The issues of equality, education and climate protection are central to me. I am on the Education Committee of the German Association of Cities, chair the Commission for Equal Opportunities and the Environment Committee on the City Council, ”Wild said to * . "Family is very important to me - it is a place to recharge my batteries." Born in Augsburg, she lives in Inningen with her husband and three children.

    Greens candidates for the city council election in Augsburg - front places

  • Wild, Martina, historian
  • Heirs, Reiner, Professional City Council
  • by Mutius-Bartholy, Verena, lawyer, city councilor
  • Dr. Anan, Deniz, University Dozen
  • Hippke, Melanie, graduate social worker
  • City Council Augsburg - municipal election candidate Dirk Wurm for the SPD


    Dirk Wurm (SPD Augsburg)

    © Gerhard Guffler

    Dirk Wurm was born in Augsburg in 1979. He has a degree in political science and has been the city's regulatory and sports officer since 2014. He is also a member of the legal and constitutional committee of the Bavarian City Council. For the SPD , he is a candidate for the city council. He is married, has three children and calls for a “master plan for educational institutions” for modern schools, because: “Education should be fun.”

    "We will have a lot of work to do," Dirk Wurm told * . Fewer cars would improve the quality of life in Augsburg - but that would require "high-performance and affordable" local transport. "In order to preserve Augsburg's medium-sized businesses and strong industry, Wurm envisions a" technology park "in which research, teaching and companies network. "I want an alliance for qualification to make existing jobs future-proof."

    SPD candidates for the city council election in Augsburg - first place

  • Wurm, Dirk, professional city councilor
  • Rasehorn, Anna, student, city councilor
  • Dr. Freund, Florian, economist, city councilor
  • Heinrich, Margarete, specialist for financial advice, city councilor
  • Lang, Gregor, graduate social worker (FH)
  • +

    Cheat sheet municipal election Bavaria 2020

    © Munich Mercury

    For election day we recommend you download and print out our cheat sheet for the local election in Bavaria 2020 * as a PDF file. All information and dates for the 2020 local elections in Bavaria * can be found here *. Results of the local elections 2020 will be available on Sunday, March 15, 2020, at . * You will find detailed reports on candidates, lists and all current developments in advance *. We will also notify you when there are surveys / forecasts of local elections in Augsburg *.

    2020 local elections: the candidates in other Bavarian cities

    An exciting race for seats on the city council is not only expected in Augsburg. We therefore offer a ticker for the local elections in Munich * to report on current developments in the state capital. * has created an overview of parties and candidates for the following cities:

    • Munich
    • Nuremberg
    • regensburg
    • Ingolstadt
    • Passau

    * is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.


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