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The line that will keep you updated on the Corona in Israel | Israel today

3/12/2020, 2:34:25 PM


Corona Challenge: Ministry of Health launches new line of Wattsapp application through which citizens can refer questions • This is a collaboration between Facebook and Combox companies

As part of dealing with the Corona virus, the Ministry of Health launched a coronation helpline on the WhatsApp app on Thursday.

Ministry of Health instructions to prevent the spread of the Corona virus in Israel // Credit: Ministry of Health

The new service was created in collaboration with the global WhatsApp app, with the assistance of Facebook Israel based on a platform from Combox. The purpose of the line is to help fight the rapid spread of the virus, and to help the public stay in touch with the authorities during this difficult time.

The line was established to answer questions from the Israeli public regarding the Corona virus, as well as to provide a prompt, up-to-date and reliable response directly from the Ministry of Health. The service that the market is currently piloting and operating for several hours a day is expected to expand and provide response throughout most of the day.

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The service includes a bot of the WhatsApp Help Line that can answer Hebrew questions about the spread of the virus, and provides medical advice and useful tips, and a second line to more complex questions by a representative.

In the coming days, the Ministry of Health will publish the helpline's telephone number on the office's website, on its official pages on social networks and in the major newspapers. Facebook will help fund Health Ministry posts on the social network to support the publication of the information.

Matt Idma, chief operating officer of WhatsApp: "We are very proud to launch this service in Israel today, especially as Israel is the second country in the world to operate such a helpline. We know that in difficult and complex times like these, people use WhatsApp more than ever to connect with friends and family and support each other.

"We are pleased to be able to provide the Health Ministry with the technology that will allow it to use WhatsApp's platform to respond to citizens' questions about the Corona virus reliably and quickly, to keep residents safe," Idma added.

Ayelet Greenbaum Arizona, head of the Department of Health's Service Department: "We are excited and excited to launch the WhatsApp service and upgrade our health center response to the most advanced and relevant channels. I believe the WhatsAp service will allow us to fully respond to customers on-site and at their convenience.

"We are proud to be the second government agency in the world to launch the service, and we are delighted with the trust we have given us. The WhatsApp is the product of a collaborative work of a number of office, information, service and computing units with Facebook Israel and Combox," she added.

The solution is based on the platform of Combox, its official WhatsApp partner. ComboX enables communication with customers through delegates and bots while providing full WhatsApp customer service and other digital channels. The Health Ministry hotline is the first swallow to allow Facebook to help with the Corona crisis.

This will also enable organizations to provide in-house customer service through WhatsApp in bulk. The Singapore government was the first to launch a helpline on the app's platform, and the Ministry of Health in Israel will be the second health ministry in the world to launch a similar helpline.

The joint project is based on the Combox multichannel platform that enables information to be received through live chat and in-app representatives, thereby assisting with the heavy loads that the Ministry of Health has to provide a quick response to residents. The project is a breakthrough in the world and is the first swallow to allow WhatsApp to help with the Corona crisis based on the Combox platform.

This solution will enable organizations to maintain business continuity and provide home-based customer service through WhatsApp in bulk. In the hope that the winning combination will lead to a decline in the number of people infected, there will be a public service, and will be a fast and progressive nation-wide inquiry center.

The WhatsAp number is: 050-792540

Regarding the locations, the MDA website has posted a list of locations published by the Ministry of Health with a city and date filtering option. The locations are connected to the Ministry of Health interface and are updated from time to time. SMS leading to this page.

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