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District election 2020 in Weilheim-Schongau: candidates for the local election

3/13/2020, 9:34:44 AM

The candidate field for the district election for the district of Weilheim-Schongau in March 2020 is growing and growing. So far, eight men and the incumbent have thrown their hats in the ring. But who exactly is there to choose?

The candidate field for the district election for the district of Weilheim-Schongau in March 2020 is growing and growing. So far, eight men and the incumbent have thrown their hats in the ring. But who exactly is there to choose?

+++ Results of the district elections +++

+++ Results of the district elections +++

Landkreis Weilheim-Schongau - It's about a very special office on Pütrichstrasse in Weilheim - namely that of the district administrator. In the past election periods, the respective users kept changing here. First it was Friedrich Zeller (SPD) who, in the runoff election, bowed incumbent Luitpold Braun (CSU) out of office. And then it was of all people his deputy Andrea Jochner-Weiß (CSU) who in turn beat Zeller in the runoff. Not even all of the municipalities were counted when the SPD politician conceded his defeat on March 30, 2014 at 6:54 p.m. Andrea Jochner-Weiß was able to collect 68 percent of the votes in the runoff election and a little later moved into the rather unspectacular district office directly on the B2 in Weilheim.

District election 2020 in Weilheim-Schongau: incumbent Andrea Jochner-Weiß (CSU) is running again

Now she wants to defend her position for the first time. The CSU nominated them with an overwhelming majority. Jochner-Weiß, who is the first woman to be head of the district office in the Weilheim-Schongau district, has in the past several years initiated a large investment program in the district.

Numerous schools have been renovated or partially rebuilt; around 80 million euros alone are currently being invested in the construction of a new vocational school center in Weilheim. At the same time, millions of euros were pumped into the financing and modernization of Krankenhaus GmbH with its locations in Weilheim and Schongau.

Critics therefore accuse Jochner-Weiß of being too carefree when it comes to district finance - new borrowing has risen significantly. In addition, the district levy that cities and municipalities have to pay to finance the district is currently 54 percent, which is far higher than in the surrounding districts. These are points that your opponents will certainly address in the election campaign.

District election 2020 in Weilheim-Schongau: Karl-Heinz Grehl (Greens)

One of these opposing candidates is today's deputy district administrator Karl-Heinz Grehl (Greens). He first applied for the office of district administrator in 2008. And was again sent by his party into the race with a large majority at the assembly meeting in Penzberg. How does he want to achieve this? Grehl, as he emphasized in his introductory speech, “wants to change the entire political landscape”. He said: "I want to green the municipalities" and "the top management in the district office must be greened". He wants to bring work and living together, buy electric company cars and campaign for a national park “Ammertal Mountains”.

District election 2020 in Weilheim-Schongau: Alexander Majaru (SPD)

While Grehl is an "old hand" in the district council, the SPD and Alexander Majaru rely on "the power of youth". The 29-year-old Schongauer was officially presented a few weeks ago, but the actual nomination is only planned for November 23. Majaru was born in 1989 in Mortu in Little Wallachia in southern Romania, the son of a Banat Swabian and a Romanian mother. In 1990 he came to Germany. He announced that he would first improve the bus connections to the cities and train stations and then optimize the rail connections so that the people in the villages could also make better use of local public transport.

That was well received by his party comrades. They celebrated it with thunderous applause at the official assembly meeting.

District election 2020 in Weilheim-Schongau: Michael Marksteiner (free voters)

Because he "doesn't like some of the current politics", the 36-year-old Michael Marksteiner from Weilheim decided to run for the Free Voters as a district administrator. What exactly it is that bothers him, he did not say when he was nominated. Nevertheless, the free voters unanimously expressed their confidence in him. Marksteiner cited the preservation of facilities that are important to the population, such as the two hospitals in Weilheim and Schongau and the indoor pool in Weilheim, as his most important goals.

He also wants to promote regional food production and create the framework for "affordable housing for all income groups". Marksteiner: "Everyone should have the opportunity to acquire home ownership."

District election 2020 in Weilheim-Schongau: Markus Kunzendorf (ÖDP)

After the ÖDP district chairwoman Agnes Edenhofer had given thanks, the members of the ÖDP nominated Markus Kunzendorf as their candidate for the district government with 18 of 19 votes cast. The 43-year-old, who lives in the Berg district of Oberhausen, works as managing director of a financial consultancy in Starnberg. He is currently studying economics.

In his introduction to the 2020 local elections, he said that he had been politically active for a long time, that he came to the ÖDP “because the others are only interested in economic growth, and that won't work in the long run”. He was a representative of an alternative, regardless of whether it was called the “common good economy or eco-social market economy”. His political goals included the two-track expansion of the railway at least to Murnau, the creation of a cycle path network, the maintenance of municipal hospitals and the introduction of the new mobile radio standard "5G" only after its harmlessness has been proven beyond any doubt.

District election 2020 / Weilheim-Schongau: Morten Faust (FDP)

Morten Faust, whom the FDP wants to send in the race for the office of district administrator for the district of Weilheim-Schongau, described himself as "blank slate" when he was introduced because he had no local political experience. The FDP-Man, who was born in Flensburg in 1967, has only been living in Weilheim since 2018 and wants to ensure that "the district is blown hard".

He wants to relieve the environment and climate, settlements and roads from motorized private transport and thus drive forward the change in mobility. He also wants to free young entrepreneurs from bureaucratic burdens so that they can “concentrate on developing innovative products and services”.

District election 2020 in Weilheim-Schongau: Tillmann Wahlefeld (BfL)

Although he has been on the City Council for Citizens for Weilheim (BfW) since 2014, Tillmann Wahlefeld is only now entering the big political stage. He runs for the citizens of the district (BfL) for the office of district administrator for the district of Weilheim-Schongau.

He was unanimously elected by the 38 people present at the general assembly. The official list is still pending. Not much is known about his election program yet. When he was introduced, he only said: "I will put a lot of emphasis on public transport." But not dogmatically, but where it makes sense - and if sometimes the car is the best solution, Wahlefeld can also live with it.

District election 2020 in Weilheim-Schongau: Jörn Wiedemann (independent)

Together with the ÖDP, the independents have had a parliamentary group in the district council for two electoral periods. However, as early as July, the independents had announced that they wanted to run independently in the March municipal election in order to raise their profile.

That is why they now also sent Jörn Wiedemann, their own applicant for the office of district administrator. The 51-year-old is relatively new to the district; he only moved from Munich to Prem two and a half years ago. Wiedemann is committed not only privately, but also professionally to the topic of "common good economy": his job at the Terra Institute is about corporate sustainability advice. He wanted to change something in politics, for that one had to work - "and where I live and can make a difference", says Wiedemann about his political goals.

District election 2020 in Weilheim-Schongau: Rüdiger Imgart (AfD)

The chairman of the AfD district association Weilheim-Schongau, Rüdiger Imgart, is a candidate for the district administrator. At a party rally, the 63-year-old lawyer was unanimously elected without opposition candidates, according to his own statements and with the exclusion of the press. "I have been interested in efficient public administration and all issues relating to local politics since my youth, because my father was the president of the district and my mother was the mayor," said Imgart.

As a district administrator, he would work for "a particularly citizen-friendly and transparent administration", emphasized the father of four.

2020 local election in Weilheim-Schongau: Would you like more information?

All information and news about the 2020 local elections in the Weilheim-Schongau district can always be found on our large topic page. You can read the most important questions about local elections in Bavaria on our overview page. You can find the latest news about the election in the news ticker for the district of Weilheim-Schongau.

Information about local elections: What are the tasks of a district administrator?

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