The Limited Times

Local election 2020: guest contribution by Charlotte Knobloch - this is particularly important for Munich on Sunday

3/13/2020, 7:10:26 AM

The 2020 local election is due on Sunday. Before that, Charlotte Knobloch, President of the Jewish Community in Munich and Upper Bavaria, explains what is important in a guest post.

The 2020 local election is due on Sunday. Before that, Charlotte Knobloch, President of the Jewish Community in Munich and Upper Bavaria, explains what is important in a guest post.

  • The 2020 municipal election in Bavaria is scheduled for March 15.
  • In a guest post , Charlotte Knobloch calls for an end to hatred.
  • Therefore, she has a request to all voters .

Munich - Charlotte Knobloch (87) is President of the Jewish Community of Munich and Upper Bavaria. She wrote a guest post on the local elections on March 15 : “It was a demonstration of unity: over 7,500 people came together in Munich last Friday to demonstrate against right-wing extremist terror . More than impressive - not least because top politicians from all political camps set a common signal against the danger from the far right. From the prime minister to the mayor, the message was the same: we Democrats stick together! It was not the first time that people in our city stood up against extremism.

What is important now is that the people of Munich not only raise their voices on the street , but also make them countable for democracy on Sunday in the voting booth. We literally keep demonstrating how important this is over and over again. The right-wing extremist "Pegida", for example, wanted to hold a rally against Jewish life within sight of the synagogue on election Sunday. It would not have been the first time that these enemies - yes, enemies! - would have been very open to our democracy . Ultimately, it was the spread of the coronavirus that led to the cancellation of this event (and the planned rally). I would like to thank everyone who worked to prevent the demonstration of PEGIDA .

2020 local elections: "We saw what hate can do"

Regardless, the following applies: We Munich citizens now have to give the correct answer to such provocations at the ballot box. Everyone counts. Every vote against hatred is a vote for our “cosmopolitan city with a heart” - and this heart must preserve it! We have it in our hands on Sunday.

In the past few months we have seen what hate can do . This hatred is no less destructive or can be called democratic or even bourgeois just because it is democratically elected. It does not matter which democratic party convinces each and every one of us. It is important that the doors to the city council remain closed to those who have nothing to offer except mob and empty words.

Our cosmopolitan hometown has to remain home for all of us - confident, tolerant and lovable. "

The corona virus * also has an impact on the election campaign and election day itself. On * you can follow all developments on election day in 14 tickers from the distribution area of ​​the large Munich daily newspaper.

Pre-election polls predict a close race between the leading parties. All candidates of the OB election in Munich can be found in this overview.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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