The Limited Times

Local election 2020: This was the podium discussion in Grasbrunn

3/13/2020, 8:55:32 AM

The four mayor candidates revealed what plans they had for Grasbrunn during the panel discussion. Despite the corona virus, the rush was large shortly before the 2020 local elections.

The four mayor candidates revealed what plans they had for Grasbrunn during the panel discussion. Despite the corona virus, the rush was large shortly before the 2020 local elections.

Grasbrunn - Despite Corona hysteria, more and more Grasbrunners gathered in the town house to get the last promises from their four mayor candidates a few days before the election. So they sat together for almost three hours and discussed.

CSU candidate Detlef Wildenheim started with reservations: a much too expensive gymnasium without proof of need, lack of public participation and transparency in general, traffic reports that would not be implemented, until planning in the town center, where he feared a "small hunting field ring". Although his allegations should hit Mayor Klaus Korneder (SPD), Wildenheim also got vigorous contraindications from Johannes Seitner (FW) and Max Walleitner (Greens).

The differences are visible in detail

All four candidates agreed on the challenges of the coming years: reduce traffic in all districts, connect them with cycle paths, create affordable living space and maintain life in Grasbrunn as pleasant as now for seniors and young people. However, there were clear differences in the details.

Wildenheim said the gym would not cost eight or nine but 13 million euros. “In Zorneding they built it for four million. Our hall is in the wrong place, the citizens could never have a say. "Korneder disagreed:" We have been talking about the hall for ten years, all clubs and schools were interviewed, every citizen could always speak publicly. It will cost a maximum of 9.2 million, including the risk buffer. ”If a local council mentioned the sum of 13 million euros, it was simply wrong. "We are building a school gymnasium, which is why this location, the majority of which was decided publicly in the municipal council," said Korneder. Walleitner confirmed this: "The property that the CSU wanted at the sports park does not belong to the municipality and is in the ban forest - two clear points against the sports park." Seitner added that there was a two-year delay and thus an increase in costs of around two million euros because of the CSU. "We agreed, then the CSU wanted a needs analysis - there was," said Seitner with applause from the audience.


In the times of Corona, the idea was to put the chairs as far apart as possible. But more and more citizens came and one moved closer anyway.

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Korneder referred to 16.5 million euros in reserves and healthy finances for the future. “We have a lot of vacancies in Technopark I, which is unfortunate, but Sirius, the owner, doesn't let a little mayor chatter in. It is our turn, and we will quickly hire an environmental officer. ”That was Walleitner's request, who spoke in favor of more photovoltaics and a biogas plant, but against a new parallel to the B 471. "Eight lanes A 99 are enough, we need more bike paths and small buses."

For Seitner, traffic is the focus, "there is no noise protection along the A99 and the B 304, and we also advocate a motorway exit onto St. 2079." As mayor, he wants to keep the Grasbrunner Hof and speed up the administration. "Our plans, whether garden street, roundabout in Neukeferloh or Stadel in Harthausen, take far too long to be realized."

Wildenheim criticized that the 2013 traffic report was simply not implemented. "There are so many ideas in there, now there's a new report," he said. The same applies to Grasbrunn: two years ago, no change was imposed, nothing has happened since then. "

We have listed the mayoral candidates for all municipalities from the Munich district in our overview article for the 2020 local elections. You can also find out more about the candidates running in our article on the district elections. All other background reports can also be found on our topic page on the local elections 2020 in the Munich district.

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