The Limited Times

Local elections 2020 in Weilheim-Schongau: results from the district

3/13/2020, 12:01:54 PM

Results of the 2020 municipal election in the Weilheim-Schongau district: Overview of figures for district administrator, mayor, councilors and district council.

Results of the 2020 municipal election in the Weilheim-Schongau district: Overview of figures for district administrator, mayor, councilors and district council.

  • The 2020 municipal election in Bavaria will take place on March 15.
  • Not only are the mayors and district councilors newly elected, but also the municipal councils and district councils.
  • In this article you will get all information about the results of the local elections in the Weilheim-Schongau region. More results of the national elections can be found here.

+++ Results of the mayoral elections +++

+++ Results of the district elections +++

+++ Results of the local council elections +++

Weilheim-Schongau - Citizens in the Weilheim-Schongau district are called upon to elect their political representatives in the 2020 local elections in Bavaria . On March 15, voters will have the opportunity to vote in multiple elections using multiple ballot papers. Depending on the outcome of this first vote, run-off elections for the posts of the district administrator and the mayor will also take place on March 29.

Local elections 2020 in Bavaria: All results from Weilheim-Schongau

On election evening you can find out on which results have already been counted for the district of Weilheim-Schongau. Current news from the district can be found on our topic page, as well as the topic page for all of Bavaria. We also report on the election in the state capital. Stay up to date for the immediate region - the live ticker from the Weilheim-Schongau district provides information on all important election topics.

Below you will find out when the various election results for the mayor and district election as well as the municipal and district elections for the 2020 municipal election in Weilheim-Schongau can be expected.

Result of the district election in Weilheim-Schongau

Andrea Jochner-Weiß from the CSU has been a district administrator since 2014. She wants to defend her office in 2020, but faces a lot of competition. In addition to her, there will be 8 other candidates on the ballot:

  • Karl-Heinz Grehl, Greens
  • Alexander Majaru, SPD
  • Michael Marksteiner, Free Voter
  • Markus Kunzendorf, ÖDP
  • Morten Faust, FDP
  • Tillmann Wahlefeld, citizen for Weilheim
  • Jörn Wiedemann, Independent
  • Rüdiger Imgart, AfD

Here we present all candidates for the district election in Weilheim-Schongau.

On the evening of the election, voters will probably be able to find out the result of the district election in Weilheim-Schongau. The counting starts with the ballot papers for the mayoral election and district election before the more complicated lists for municipal councils and district councils come up. If none of the applicants receives more than half of the votes, a runoff vote will take place two weeks later among the two applicants with the best election results.

Result of the mayoral election in Weilheim-Schongau

In the entire district, the mayoral elections will also take place in the 2020 local elections. The residents of the various municipalities decide on the mayor directly at their location. In contrast, only one district administrator is elected for the entire district. The counting of votes in the mayoral election will probably be finished on election day , because only one cross has to be counted per ballot.

Result of the municipal council election and city council election 2020 in Weilheim-Schongau

The local parliament of their own community is of particular interest to many voters. The municipal council election or city ​​council election is only counted according to the mayor and district administrator. The time required to determine the votes cast is considerably greater than in the case of the people's elections. Voters can accumulate or vary a large number of votes and thus actively influence the order of the party lists. The local elections are therefore the most complicated elections in all of Bavaria. Only in the days after the 2020 local elections in Bavaria will concrete figures be available.

Result of the district elections in Weilheim-Schongau

According to the law “the district council monitors the entire district administration” and is responsible for deciding on “important matters of the district administration”. The total of 6 0 members of the district council are determined based on the result of the local elections in Weilheim-Schongau. Counting the election results can also take a long time. The ballot papers are as complex as in the municipal council election or city council election.

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Jan Woitas

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