The Limited Times

Local elections in Bavaria: Here you can experience the election night live - in 14 tickers from all Merkur regions

3/13/2020, 12:01:48 PM ticks live on election evening from 11 counties and the city of Munich. You can read all news, results and reactions from your local community here live and only with us. ticks live on election evening from 11 counties and the city of Munich. You can read all news, results and reactions from your local community here live and only with us.

  • On Sunday, March 15th, all Bavarians are called for local elections.
  • You choose mayor, city or town council, district or mayor and district council.
  • In many municipalities, the choice is more exciting than it has been for a long time. We deliver you, dear reader, the very latest news and results from every municipality and region.
  • We send you the most important stories from your * region once a week in our free, local newsletter. Register and receive all information about the election on Monday morning at 6 a.m.

Local elections in Bavaria: Go vote - here is our last minute information

It is the most complicated choice in Bavaria. It is the most exciting choice in Bavaria. It is the election in Bavaria that affects all of us directly and closest. Therefore: go vote! Corona is not an excuse. Everyone can take their own pen with them. The corona virus is also easy to handle with gloves and avoid physical contact.

The complicated ballot paper is no excuse either. Here we explain the municipal election note again in the video.

If you are still undecided: Here we have summarized all the stories about the local elections in Bavaria, sorted by districts and big cities for you. So when you've done that, the exciting questions come up:

Who will be my new mayor ? How does my candidate for the district government do? Is there a runoff election ? Will my list candidate make it up to the city ​​council ? Answering all these questions as early as possible for you, our editorial staff have been dealing with this challenge for more than half a year.

Local elections in Upper Bavaria: We deliver all results, news and statements live in 14 live tickers

The answer - in addition to an unprecedented, incredibly sophisticated, interactive, graphical data tool - is: We are ticking! And not just for the OB election in Munich and the top news for Bavaria, but from all counties and regions in the Merkur region .

The online editorships of * and * together with all local newspaper editors from Freisinger Tagblatt to Miesbacher Merkur offer you a total of 14 (!) Live tickers from all regions, in which we immediately receive the latest results, reactions and news Publish news about the election. Here is an alphabetically arranged overview of our offer.

  • Our live ticker for the Bad Tölz region
  • Our live ticker for the district of Dachau
  • Our live ticker for the district of Ebersberg
  • Our live ticker for the district of Erding
  • Our live ticker for the district of Fürstenfeldbruck
  • Our live ticker for the district of Freising
  • Our live ticker for the district of Garmisch-Partenkirchen
  • Our live ticker for the Geretsried-Wolfratshausen region
  • Our live ticker for the district of Miesbach
  • Our live ticker for the district of Munich
  • Our live ticker for the district of Starnberg
  • Our live ticker for the district of Weilheim-Schongau
  • Our live ticker for the Würmtal region

Apart from that, we highlight the most exciting results from all of Bavaria and those of the largest cities in our local election Bayern ticker. And of course we offer minute updates in our ticker for the OB election in Munich.

Apart from that, we offer you a wide range on our social media channels.

There is only one task left for you: Go vote. You can read the rest live from us.

* * and * belong to the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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