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District election 2020 in the district of Freising: candidates in the municipal election 2020

3/14/2020, 12:04:32 PM

District Election in Freising: An overview of the candidates who will take part in the district election on March 15, 2020.

District Election in Freising: An overview of the candidates who will take part in the district election on March 15, 2020.

+++ Results of the district elections +++

+++ Results of the district elections +++

District - It is the highest office to be awarded in the 2020 municipal election: District Administrator of Freising. An overview of the candidates.


Manuel Mück (CSU) wants to inherit Josef Hauner.

The CSU, the party of the incumbent district administrator Josef Hauner, sends "our friend Manuel Mück" into the race, as district chairman Florian Herrmann called the candidate in his free program. The 32-year-old from Allershausen received 118 out of 124 votes at the nomination meeting. At the age of 32, Mück was supposed to represent the youth, but as group leader of the CSU in Allershausen and in the district council, he was also one with political experience. Mück himself called "nervousness and calmness" as his strengths. As a focus of his program, the partner and authorized officer of the family business listed seven main topics - including "Rethinking mobility", school and education, also the topic "Promoting health", the energy transition by 2035, but also the promotion of volunteering.


Herbert Bengler (SPD) is committed to sustainability.

The only party with which there were two applicants for the candidate position so far was the SPD. Herbert Bengler (63) prevailed against his competitor Victor Weizenegger (24) with 26 to 21 votes. The Langenbacher, who joined the SPD in 2005 and ran for the European elections in 2008, formulated the following motto: "Six years for future". His goal is to use the scope available for design in all areas for sustainable and social policy. He imagined inviting young people "to show them how politics works". He would strive to work with all the mayors and support the local authorities wherever possible. The district must be climate neutral, but also social, the district is required to help remedy the shortage of housing. He wanted to be "a strong voice of social democracy" in the district council. "I want it and I can."


Robert Wäger (Greens) places great emphasis on trust.

With "Robert, hit it!" Robert Wäger from Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen was sent into the election campaign. The 58-year-old's hashtag: #grandpasforfuture. Wäger is a councilor in Hallbergmoos and a district council and made it clear: “Now it is time for me. District Administrator - that would be the crowning glory of my professional life, ”says the system administrator, who has lived in the Freising district since 1981. The list of topics that he would like to take care of if he became the first green district administrator in Freising is long: the turnaround in traffic, the improvement of the situation on the housing market, the energy transition, saving space, offers for senior citizens, political youth work and the Volunteer work in the social field, says the man who has been active at Lebenshilfe Freising for around 20 years and is currently the 2nd chairman there. Wäger's credo: "First of all, I trust people, not distrust."


Helmut Petz (FW) knows the district office.

Helmut Petz (62) was the first candidate to venture out of cover. He was “touched” when he received 36 out of 36 votes at the free voters' nomination meeting. Petz knows one thing: The way to the chief office of the district office is “no walk”. Nevertheless - or better: now more than ever: "Let's go!" Petz was the head of the building authority in the Freising district office from 1998 to 2003, lives in Feldmoching and has been a judge at the Federal Administrative Court for ten years. His motivation for the candidacy: After his good experience in the district office, he wanted "to let people's concerns be my concern" and - unlike as a judge - wanted to "implement the joy of design that resides in me" and so "unbelievable get a lot out of it for people ”. The issues that he deals with as a judge are precisely the issues that are also central in the Freising district: airport planning, building, traffic and nature conservation law. Title of his election program: “Shaping the future in the district in a way that is acceptable to people”. The district suffered from "airport-related overheating", one needed a "breather" in the settlement development. Petz sees itself as a "contact person and advisor for people and the communities", wants to know in a personal conversation "where the shoe is pressing".


Tobias Weiskopf (FDP) is the youngest at 21.

Tobias Weiskopf was officially nominated at the end of November and the FDP wants to put it on the candidate's plate. The board of the FDP district association Freising proposed the 21-year-olds to its members as district council candidates. Weiskopf comes from Allershausen and studies business education in Munich at the Ludwig Maximilians University. Before he graduated from high school, he was the student representative at the Josef Hofmiller High School, regional student representative for the district, and has been a member of the youth group for three years. His credo: “There are a number of things that we can do even better together.” He wants to tackle three major issues: mobility, education and administration.


Birgit Mooser-Niefanger (FSM) has "many good ideas".

The Freising Center (FSM) has also found what it is looking for and has nominated its favorite for the highest office in the district: Birgit Mooser-Niefanger. The 50-year-old city and district councilor, who had been a candidate for the district government in 2014 - at that time for the Greens - and had been second deputy of the district administrator until March 2017, justified her motivation as follows: As in the city of Freising, she also wanted to join the district establish a new "style of cooperation". "Many, many good ideas become great ones." Housing, mobility and, above all, environmental protection are the most important issues. In addition, as a district administrator, she wanted to further develop the district office as a service provider and employer: digitization and the keyword home work listed the 50-year-old.

The chairwoman of SV Zukunft, which she founded, received 42 votes in favor of the 43 FSM members present. And she made it clear that she was going "to become a district administrator".


Franz Scholz (AfD) has no experience in local politics.

The AfD district association Freising-Pfaffenhofen held its assembly meeting at the Old Wirt in Langenbach at the end of November: Franz Scholz, a disappointed "civil servant" is entering the race. The 64-year-old Freisinger has no local political experience. In terms of content, he did not comment on his goals in the meeting.

The left drew up the list for the district council candidates in mid-December.

The ÖDP and Die Party have not yet announced whether and whom they may be candidates for the district government.

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