The Limited Times

Live ticker: Local election 2020 in Würmtal - news, results and statements on election day

3/14/2020, 11:04:20 AM

In the 2020 municipal election in the Würmtal, mayors and municipal councils are elected, as well as the district councils and district councils in the Starnberg and Munich districts. You can find all important news and results here in our live ticker.

In the 2020 municipal election in the Würmtal, mayors and municipal councils are elected, as well as the district councils and district councils in the Starnberg and Munich districts. You can find all important news and results here in our live ticker.

+++ Results of the mayoral elections +++

+++ Results of the district elections +++

+++ Results of the local council elections +++

  • March 12: The current situation around the corona virus also influences the preparations for the local elections on Sunday. In some communities, election workers jump out of fear of infection. Requests for postal voting are increasing significantly. The election events in the town halls with the presentation of the results on election evening should nevertheless take place according to the current status.

    "A week ago we still had postal voting applications from around 20 percent of those entitled to vote, now there are applications from just under 40 percent," says Krailling's Vice-Election Director Franz Wolfrum. An increase in applications shortly before an election was normal. "But not to this extent, 60 people stood in line with us on Thursday alone," says Wolfrum. In the other municipalities, too, the numbers are rising sharply, which can also be due to the flu and other reasons. In the municipality of Neuried, around 2,379 citizens have so far applied for postal voting - which is more than a third of 6551 eligible voters. "There are more than 100 applications every day," says City Council spokeswoman Inke Franzen.
    In the community, five out of 150 election workers jumped, in Gauting a good 30 out of a total of 230 election workers. "Of course we had a reserve list, but that was not enough, and we therefore called for help again," said City Hall spokesman Maximilian Olberding. Some helpers also canceled in Graefelfing, but this was due to diseases apart from the corona virus.
    All town halls will place disinfectant sprays and some dispensers in the polling stations. There should be sufficient opportunities for washing hands on the toilets. In Neuried, for example, two mobile dispensers are set up in the entrance area and hand disinfection dispensers in the bars themselves. “Anyone who does not have their own pen to mark the ballot paper will be given a ballpoint pen by the election workers, who will then dispose of it. This is issued with a gloved hand, ”says Inke Franzen. The other communities also ask citizens to bring their own pens (no ink, no pencils). In Planegg all polling stations will have “disinfectant sprays, disposable gloves and disinfectant wipes. The urns, door handles and tables are repeatedly disinfected on election day. We also hope to receive a hand disinfectant delivery by election day, ”said spokeswoman Martina Sohn.
    After the election, thorough cleaning and disinfection of the polling stations takes place from 4 a.m. until school / childcare begins by a specialized company. In this way, the risk of infection should be brought close to zero in all communities. "However, it is sometimes quite difficult to get sprays and dispensers on the market right now," says Franz Wolfrum. In Graefelfing too, election workers are required to disinfect regularly.
    No changes are planned in the actual counting process, since hundreds of people in a room do not do this. A number of local political parties and groups of voters have since canceled election parties or rallies. The IGG, for example, refrains from meeting in the new "Graefelfinger" on Sunday. ps

    All candidates in the Munich district

    Many offices will be filled in Bavaria as part of the 2020 local elections. All candidates and applicants from the municipalities in the Munich district can be found here. In the mayoral election, voters have one vote for their favorite. If none of the candidates can win over 50 percent of the votes in the first ballot, the mayor will be finally elected in a runoff election on March 29. In addition, the two candidates with the most votes from the first ballot will run. The same applies if the district council candidates do not immediately receive an absolute majority in the 2020 municipal election in Fürstenfeldbruck.

Local council election in the Würmtal: accumulate and panaschieren

The municipal representations at the smallest level are determined by the municipal council election or city ​​council election . How many mandates are awarded depends on the respective municipality. In this election, voters have several votes that they can accumulate or vary. For easier understanding, we have summarized the most important information on the ballot papers for the local elections in Bavaria. The same principle applies to the crosses when choosing a district day.

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