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Local elections 2020 in the district of Munich: results for district and municipalities

3/14/2020, 1:13:32 PM

The results of the 2020 local elections in the Munich district: district councilor, mayor, councilors and district council at a glance.

The results of the 2020 local elections in the Munich district: district councilor, mayor, councilors and district council at a glance.

  • The 2020 municipal election in Bavaria will take place on March 15.
  • It is voted on by the mayors, district administrators, municipal councils and district councils.
  • Here you will find information on the results of the local elections in the Munich district on election evening, further results from Bavaria can be found here.

+++ Results of the mayoral elections +++

+++ Results of the district elections +++

+++ Results of the local council elections +++

Munich (district) - Eligible citizens in the district of Munich have the opportunity to elect their political representatives in the 2020 municipal election in Bavaria . Voters can fill out multiple ballot papers on March 15 to vote for the various elections. Depending on the outcome of the election, there may also be a case in which a runoff election on March 29 decides on the posts of the district administrator and the mayor.

Local elections 2020 in Bavaria: All results from Munich

You can find out which results of the 2020 municipal election have already been counted for the district on election evening and beyond in this article. You can find the latest news for the state capital in the Munich ticker, you can find out everything from the district on our topic page, the Bavaria topic page gives an overview of the whole country. For the region you will be kept up to date on all important election topics in our live ticker from the district of Munich.

In the following, you will not only learn which offices will decide on the evening of the election, but also when the various election results for the Munich district are expected to be counted.

Result of the district election in the district of Munich

The incumbent district administrator is Christoph Göbel from the CSU . He has been in office since 2014 and is running for a second term in 2020. These are the other candidates in the Munich district: Annette Ganssmüller-Maluche (SPD), Christoph Nadler (Greens), Otto Bußjäger (Free Voters), Michael Ritz (FDP), Gerold Otten (AfD).

The ballots of the district election and mayor election are counted at the beginning. Only then does the evaluation of the votes cast on the lists for local councils and district council begin. Voters can therefore expect the result of the district election in the Munich district in the evening of March 15, 2020.

If it happens that none of the applicants can get more than half of the votes, a runoff election will take place two weeks later. A choice will then be made between the two applicants with the most votes.

Incidentally, the BR reports live on the 2020 local election, all program dates and the livestream can be found here.

Result of the mayoral election in the Munich district

The district of Munich extends south, east and north of the city ​​of Munich . The district comprises 29 municipalities. In the municipalities, the mayor and the municipal council are newly elected in the 2020 municipal election. The district councils and the district council are decided at the district level.

When the mayor is elected, the determination of the votes cast is expected to be completed on election day . Only one vote is cast and counted per ballot when the mayor is elected.

Result of the municipal council election and city council election 2020 in the district of Munich

For many voters, the local parliament in their own place of residence is particularly important. However, the mayor and district council votes have priority in counting the votes cast in the local election. The municipal council election or city ​​council election only begins after the votes for the mayor and district administrator have been counted.

The electoral assistants need longer to determine the result of the municipal council election than in the personal elections (mayor and district council election). The time required is greater because voters can accumulate or vary a large number of votes. This procedure enables voters to actively influence the order of the party lists. Concrete results on the committee elections for the 2020 local elections in Bavaria will not be available until the following days of the election day of March 15.

Result of the district council election in the district of Munich

The district council is newly elected by the citizens every six years in the municipal elections. The district council represents the people at the district level. This means that the members of the district council are legally responsible for deciding on the "important matters of the district administration". Another task of the district council members is to "monitor the entire district administration".

The result of the local elections in the Munich district will be voted on over the 70 members of the district council . The counting of the election results generally takes longer than when determining the district councilors, since the ballot paper is as complex as in the municipal council election or city council election.

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Markus Scholz

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