The Limited Times

Record new HIV infections and deaths in a number of countries around the world

3/14/2020, 6:55:21 PM

Capitals-SANA continues to report new HIV infections and deaths in a number of countries around the world at the time it was announced on


Corona virus infection and new deaths continue to be recorded in a number of countries around the world, while several countries have announced the adoption of a series of exceptional measures to confront the virus.

In Madrid, the Spanish health authorities announced the registration of more than 1500 new cases of coronavirus during the last 24 hours, bringing the number of infected to 5753 cases, which is the second highest number in Europe after Italy, while the total number of deaths rose to 190 cases.

The Spanish government closed bars, restaurants and all sports and cultural institutions after the number of cases increased tenfold since last Sunday.

For its part, the Italian authorities announced the death of 175 people with the virus, bringing the number of victims of the deadly virus to 1441 people, an increase of nearly 14 percent in one day.

The Italian authorities indicated that the number of injured rose significantly and significantly, reaching 21,157 injured, after it was at the level of 17660 injuries yesterday evening.

In Norway, the Oslo University Hospital announced the registration of the second death due to the Corona virus today, bringing the total number of people infected to 907 cases, while Denmark announced the registration of the first death on its soil.

To that, Governor of the New York State of America Andrew Como announced that a 82-year-old woman died after contracting the virus, thus being considered the first victim of the virus in the state, noting that the number of cases across the state increased to more than 500 cases.

In London, the British health authorities announced 10 new deaths of people infected with the Coronavirus, bringing the total number to 21 deaths, while the Netherlands recorded two new deaths, while Russia recorded 14 new cases of Corona, bringing the death toll to 59 cases.

In Saudi Arabia, it was announced that 17 new cases of the virus had been registered, bringing the total number of cases to 103.

Meanwhile, the United Nations has asked all its staff at its headquarters in New York to work from their homes for at least three weeks due to the spread of the emerging virus, unless their presence is necessary.

In addition, French Health Minister Olivier Ferrand warned his citizens against the use of anti-inflammatory drugs if they develop symptoms similar to infection with the Coronavirus, because these medicines "may make their condition worse."

"Taking anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen and cortisone may be one of the factors that aggravate the infection ... If you have a high fever, you should take paracetamol," Ferran said on Twitter.

This comes after the Corona virus has killed 79 people in France and infected more than 3,600 so far.

For its part, the Jordanian government announced the suspension of all flights to and from Jordan from Tuesday to another notice to limit the spread of the Corona virus, while the Supreme Committee for the Control of Yemen's Epidemics announced the suspension of flights to Sana'a Airport for a period of two weeks.

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