The Limited Times

Local election in Bavaria: postal vote emergency regulation on Sunday due to corona virus

3/15/2020, 4:19:33 PM

In the 2020 municipal election in Bavaria, there is the possibility of postal voting. Here you can find out in which cases an application is possible even on election Sunday.

In the 2020 municipal election in Bavaria, there is the possibility of postal voting. Here you can find out in which cases an application is possible even on election Sunday.

  • The local elections will take place in Bavaria on March 15, 2020 .
  • Those who cannot or do not want to go to the polling station that day can vote by postal vote.
  • Here you can find out which documents you need for postal voting and what the deadlines are.
  • We send you the most important stories from your * region once a week in our free, local newsletter. Register and receive all information about the election on Monday morning at 6 a.m. On election day, we will also keep you up to date in our news tickers on the OB election in Munich * and on local elections throughout Bavaria *.

Update of March 14: The corona virus has a significant impact on the 2020 local elections in Bavaria . Even before the election weekend, the number of postal voters in many places peaked. For everyone who actually wanted to go to the polling station, postal voting on Saturday and Sunday can still be an important topic. Anyone who needs to be quarantined shortly before the election can still take part in the election. Suddenly sick people can even submit applications to the municipalities until 3:00 p.m. of the election day , as the Interior Ministry said. Corresponding exemptions that relate to medical reasons did not have to be introduced separately for the corona crisis.

Local election in Bavaria by postal vote: deadlines until election Sunday

First announcement: Munich - On Sunday, March 15, 2020, Bavaria will again determine new mayors, councilors, district councilors and district councilors - those who are unable to attend this election Sunday have the option of postal voting. Eligible voters can cast their vote in advance.

Postal voting is popular in Germany: In the 2017 federal election , more than 28 percent of all voters voted by letter. This is also becoming increasingly popular in Bavaria. Around one in four voted in the past state election from home.

How does postal voting work in the local elections in Bavaria?

In the weeks leading up to the local elections and by February 23, 2020 at the latest, the municipalities will send the election notifications by post. All eligible voters will receive this if they have registered their place of residence in the municipality by 15 January 2020 at the latest.

Video: This is how voting in local elections in Bavaria works

Anyone who has not received an election notification by February 23, 2020, but thinks they are eligible to vote, should contact the local electoral office as soon as possible. If you want, for example because of a stay abroad , you can apply for postal voting before the election notification comes. Incidentally, the application for postal voting documents is free of charge , and the completed documents can also be returned free of charge.

What is in the election notification for the local election?

  • The election notification contains the address of the polling station at which the voter can cast his vote.
  • The documents also state whether the polling station has barrier-free access and how postal ballot documents can be requested.
  • The application for postal voting documents is on the back of the election notification.
  • Most of the time, the postal voting documents come within a week after you have applied for them .
  • A reason why you choose postal voting is not necessary .

How do I request postal voting documents?

The postal voting documents can be requested in various ways:

  • personally in the local electoral office
  • by post
  • per fax
  • by email
  • online on the election office website (which can also be reached by scanning the QR code on the election notification)

    Attention: A phone call is not enough. If you pick up the postal vote documents personally , you can vote on the spot by postal vote and hand in the election letter . The municipality will keep the election letter safe until election day.

What are the deadlines for postal voting in the 2020 municipal election in Bavaria?

  • Applications for postal voting must be submitted to the municipality at least two days before the municipal election.
  • That would be on Friday, March 13, 2020, until 3 p.m.
  • However, there are exceptions : If you suddenly fall ill and can prove it, you can still apply for postal voting until 3:00 p.m. on Sunday .
  • Anyone who decides to vote by mail at short notice should best submit the application orally to the municipality - then the documents will be handed over immediately. Where this is possible is stated in the postal voting documents. A valid photo ID and, if possible, the election notification should be presented for the application.

And when should you send the election letter?

  • Ideally at least three working days before the election, i.e. by Thursday, March 12th .
  • Election letters from the Friday before the election are sometimes not delivered on time.
  • If the election letter is only thrown into the mailbox on Saturday or Sunday, it will reach the community too late.

Infographic: This is how I correctly fill out the voting slip for the municipal and district council election


The infographic shows: How to correctly fill in the voting slip for the municipal and district council election.

© Munich Mercury

What do the postal voting documents include?

The documents are particularly extensive in the Bavarian local elections. They should consist of:

  • a ballot
  • Ballot paper
  • Envelopes for ballots
  • a red election envelope
  • an information sheet

2020 Local Election in Bavaria: Which Ballots Are There?

  • Yellow ballot: election of mayor or mayor
  • Blue ballot paper: election of the district councilors
  • Green ballot paper: election of councilors or city councilors
  • White ballot paper: election of district councilors
  • White ballot paper: election of district committees (only in Munich)

Local elections in Bavaria: grant power of attorney

If it is not possible for you to apply for the postal voting documents yourself, you can give another person a power of attorney in writing , or have them help you. The elected person must guarantee to act in the will of the voter. A wording for a power of attorney is enclosed with the election notification . A person can represent a maximum of four eligible voters.

All information and dates for the 2020 local elections in Bavaria can be found here. Results of the 2020 local elections will be available on Sunday, March 15, 2020 from In advance you will find detailed reports on candidates, lists and all current developments.

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