The Limited Times

OB election 2020 in Nuremberg: Candidate overview for the local election

3/15/2020, 8:31:27 AM

OB election 2020 in Nuremberg: Candidates and parties in the check before the local election on Sunday, March 15th.

OB election 2020 in Nuremberg: Candidates and parties in the check before the local election on Sunday, March 15th.

  • On March 15, 2020 , a new city head will be determined in Nuremberg.
  • Mayor Ulrich Maly (SPD) waived another term.
  • Has the CSU with candidate Marcus König made it back to the city hall executive chair for a long time?
  • The result from Nuremberg and the most important results of the 2020 local elections in Bavaria * can be found here on election evening.
  • All information about local elections can be found on our topic page Local Elections Bavaria *.

+++ Mayor election results +++

+++ Results city and local council elections +++

Nuremberg - Bavaria's second largest city gets a new head of city: Ulrich Maly (SPD) says goodbye to professional politics - and in the 2020 municipal election * other parties in the SPD stronghold also have a real chance of being the mayor. In the last vote in 2014, Maly was able to prevail in the first ballot with a good 67 percent of the valid votes. His then- CSU main rival Sebastian Brehm only achieved a good 24 percent. Based on the polls in Nuremberg, observers assume a runoff election. With 31 seats, the SPD is currently the largest town hall faction in Nuremberg - still. A new city council is also elected in this municipal election.

The Nuremberg election committee approved 13 election proposals for the city in the 2020 municipal election. Jürgen Dörfler competes for the Free Voters. However, he did not respond to repeated requests. The editors couldn't reach him. * asked the mayor candidates about their candidacy. We present the statements of the candidates who answered us. has summarized which issues are most urgently on the agenda in Nuremberg in a separate article.

Elsewhere we keep you up to date with what's happening in the local elections in Bavaria *. Here you can find out how to fill out the ballot paper correctly on election evening *.

The SPD Nuremberg OB candidate: Thorsten Brehm


Thorsten Brehm (SPD Nuremberg)

© Ludwig Olah

At 35, he would be one of the youngest mayors of a major German city: Thorsten Brehm , who was born in Nuremberg and who joined the SPD in 1999. Brehm, who comes from a family of artisans, did his civilian service at the Bund Naturschutz in Nuremberg and then went on to study social sciences with a focus on labor market policy and poverty research. He worked at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU) and at the Federal Employment Agency (BA), among others. He has been a member of the management of the Franconian publishing house since 2018. In 2008 Brehm was elected to the Nuremberg City Council for the first time. He has been chairman of the SPD Nuremberg since 2015.

Regarding his candidacy for office , Brehm says to *: “ Nuremberg convinces with its quality of life and has a magnetic effect. The associated city growth also poses great challenges for us. In order to cope with traffic, we must above all strengthen cycling and public transport. As the SPD , we want to build new tram lines, expand the subway network and introduce a 30-euro monthly ticket.

He continues: “Over the next few years, we will invest 1.6 billion euros in childcare and school infrastructure so that all children have the same opportunities to start. As Mayor , I want to stand up for social cohesion, take everyone with me and continue to conduct an intensive urban policy in dialogue. "

The CSU Nuremberg OB candidate: Marcus König


Marcus König (CSU Nuremberg)

© CSU Nuremberg

Since the Second World War, there has only been one CSU OB in Ludwig Scholz (from 1996 to 2002) . Does the 2020 municipal election in Bavaria change that ? The CSU Nuremberg relies on Marcus König . Like Brehm, born in Nuremberg , the 39-year-old describes himself as "down-to-earth" and lists his "core topics" mobility, building and living, family and security as well as the environment - almost everything. The trained banker says he prefers to relax in his free time with his little son and his wife, for example playing soccer. He is also the chairman of the animal protection association. He has been sitting for the CSU on the Nuremberg City Council for more than eleven years.

The CSU City Council told * why: “ Nuremberg is a great metropolis. Other municipalities envy us the high quality of life in our city. It should stay that way, even in times of change! With the Mayor Election 2020 , a pioneering new beginning is pending for my hometown. I want to design this together with the people of Nuremberg - under the motto 'Restart together' ”.

The OB candidate of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen Nürnberg: Verena Osgyan


Verena Osgyan (Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen Nürnberg)

© Stephan Spangenberg

After the OB election in 2014 , the SPD Nuremberg did not want to try the Greens and continued as GroKo in the town hall. Six years later, the zeitgeist demands environmental and climate protection - and the Greens are hoping for real opportunities in the Nuremberg 2020 OB election. With their candidate Verena Osgyan , they want to at least win the runoff.

The 48-year-old elected her as OB candidate with 97.4 percent of the vote. The graduate designer describes herself as a "self-confessed feminist" and said to * that she wanted to "consistently put climate protection forward" and to promote a "real change in mobility". Specifically, that would mean planting more trees, creating green spaces and “massively” expanding solar energy. According to their will, there should be a climate protection fund of 150 million.

“The Nuremberg city society is colorful, diverse and characterized by good cooperation. Franconian church consecrations are part of Nuremberg like Christopher Street Day and the Syrian snack bar around the corner, ”Osgyan told * . But cohesion needs to be strengthened: "I am setting equal opportunities for all children and young people and will promote inclusion." Also on the Osgyan agenda: living at an affordable price, a 365-euro annual ticket for local public transport, and that future European Capital of Culture would be attractive for artists, start-ups and "innovative companies".

Video: What tasks does the mayor have?

Die Linke Nürnberg's OB candidate: Titus Schüller


Titus Schüller (The Left Nuremberg)

© Titus Schüller

In contrast to the last time, in the Nuremberg 2020 OB election, the left is no longer represented on the left list, but presents its own list. Your OB candidate is Titus Schüller . The 33-year-old works as a trained orthopedic technician and, like Verena Osgyan, is campaigning for a 365-euro annual ticket for local public transport and lower rental prices.

He has been active in Nuremberg municipal politics for more than ten years, and has been a member of the Nuremberg City Council since 2014. A year later he finally took over the co-chair of the Left Nuremberg . He has been working part-time for left-wing Bundestag member Harald Weinberg since 2016 - and ran for the Bundestag in 2017 in the constituency of Nuremberg-North himself.

To this day, Titus Schüller is active in the peace movement and the environmental movement (Castor blockade 2003) and is proud that his party is a "determined anti-war party". His political initial spark was therefore the United States' attack on Iraq in 2003. At the time, he protested with 12,000 students in front of the Lorenzkirche in Nuremberg against the fact that the then red-green federal government provided the military infrastructure. In addition, Schüller is a member of IG Metall, was active with the DGB youth and helped to build the alternative work and social justice option WASG in Nuremberg and Fürth.

The OB candidate of the ÖDP Nuremberg: Christian Rechholz


Christian Rechholz (ÖDP Nuremberg)

© Simone Bierlein

The Ecological Democratic Party (ÖDP) has nominated Christian Rechholz . The political science graduate, born in Berlin, has lived in the Franconian metropolis since 1978 and works as a lecturer at the Nuremberg Technical College and as a communications consultant. The 47-year-old claims to be a "long-suffering" football fan and trains the 2nd women's team SpVgg Erlangen. * , he explained about his candidacy as OB : “Our cities are suffocating in traffic. We need a real change in mobility, not only to protect the global climate, but also the urban one. I am committed to a fairer distribution of space for all road users, especially pedestrians, cyclists and local traffic, and more space for nature and city life. And one of the most pressing problems is the housing shortage. Living is not a luxury, it is a human right. We need affordable housing. I would also like to set up a budget for children and young people as an OB in Nuremberg, which the young people can decide for themselves. "

The FDP Nuremberg OB candidate: Ümit Sormaz


Ümit Sormaz (FDP Nuremberg)

© FDP Nuremberg

Before joining FDP in 2017, Ümit Sormaz had also been with the CSU for several years - and there Bavaria's first CSU local association chairman with Turkish roots . The son of guest workers came to Bavaria with his family in 1982. Sormaz is a trained business IT specialist, head of an educational company - and since 2011 has also been awarded the Federal Integration Medal with which the Federal Government honors "outstanding personal commitment" when it comes to integration.

The 40-year-old describes himself as a "political career changer" and is running as a candidate for the Nuremberg 2020 OB election with numerous topics: City council meetings are to be broadcast via live stream in the future and the opening hours of the authorities are designed to be "demand-oriented". "A shortage of skilled workers, the energy transition and digitalization are major tasks of our time", which can be addressed by "reducing bureaucratic hurdles". In addition, Sormaz wants to strengthen voluntary work for “civil society and municipal political tasks” and invest in traffic routes and local public transport. He advocates “a balanced relationship” between rented and owner-occupied apartments, cooperative and community-based forms of living.

The OB candidate from Citizens' Initiative-A (BIA Nuremberg): Fridrich Luft


Fridrich Luft (BIA Nuremberg)

Fridrich Luft was elected to the Nuremberg City Council in 2014, and is now the OB candidate of Citizens' Initiative-A (BIA) for Nuremberg , which is the "only non-partisan" citizen representative to take part in the 2020 local elections . The Bavarian Ministry of the Interior classifies the BIA (formerly "Citizens' Initiative Foreign Stop Nuremberg ") as right-wing extremists. Air wants to make family policy a “top priority”. He finds local public transport particularly important and wants to merge the Nuremberg Public Transport Corporation , for which he works as a bus and tram driver, and Infra Fürth into one transport company. In addition, "after the building and demolition craze since 2015", he would like to be "extremely careful" with the remaining open spaces and the historical building fabric of Nuremberg . Luft mentions the destruction of the Nuremberg Post Office Building in the Bauhaus style as an example.

Die Guten Nürnberg's OB candidate: Philipp Schramm


Philipp Schramm (The Good Nuremberg)

The Voting Community Die Guten sends art historian Philipp Schramm into the race. The 51-year-old grew up in Nuremberg , but now lives in Bamberg and works in Bayreuth. Among other things, he wants to work for inclusion, diversity and solidarity. Specifically, Schramm aims to strengthen local public transport as well as the bicycle and pedestrian network.

Nuremberg is a creative city with diverse facets. That's how I met her as a young person. That's how I want to experience it in the future, ”he said to * . "Cultural life was cultivated in the districts 30 years ago" and there was an "active subculture". " Nuremberg must and will again find adequate answers to the questions of climate change, digitization and globalization" - but: "(Life) artists know how to adapt to changes," he explained. For example, he knows from his own experience how to cope if the power is turned off. "Of course it is nicer with electricity."

The voter community Die Guten wants to accompany Nuremberg with their experience in creative management, a city “that has always been the cultural capital for us, with or without a title. We don't need a cultural elite city, ”he continues. "One of the first symbolic acts will be that the city says goodbye to the honorary citizen Hindenburg ."

The OB candidate of the AfD Nuremberg: Roland Hübscher


Roland Hübscher (AfD Nuremberg)

© AfD Nuremberg

Roland Hübscher joined the AfD 2016. The business graduate is married and worked as a bank clerk for 20 years before starting his own business in Nuremberg in 2001. At * 's request, Hübscher said: " Nuremberg is my hometown and a matter close to my heart!" It was particularly important to him that the now "tense" housing situation in the city was corrected, the protection of our environment and thus our living conditions as well as a noticeable and visible one Increasing security in public spaces. "

He also called for a "reasonable traffic concept" with "fair consideration of all road users". Local public transport must be made more attractive in the long term. He concluded with: “Securing services of general interest, consolidating urban finances and, not least, expanding direct democracy will also be on the agenda with us in the City Council. I compete so that Nuremberg remains home! "

The OB candidate of the Nuremberg Pirate Party: Florian Betz


Florian Betz (Pirate Party / The Nuremberg Party)

© Florian Betz

Florian Betz is also a member of The Nuremberg Party and the Pirate Party . "Our goal is to go with Nuremberg in a way that preserves the beauty of the city and at the same time prepares the way for the future," he said to * . That is why he and his party want to increase interest in local politics - firstly through more transparency, for example by streaming the city council meetings . On the other hand, through more opportunities for participation, for example with the help of apps for citizens. The Nuremberg pirates are committed to "ticket-free local transport" and a lowering of the rent level according to the "Vienna model". The newly emerging district of Lichtenreuth should become a “role model” for the whole of Germany: “Instead of little fancy concepts from the 1970s, we rely on green facades, decentralized energy supply, replacement of private transport with autonomous pods and close cooperation with the newly emerging technical university.”

The OB candidate of the Left List Nuremberg: Marion Padua


Marion Padua (Left List Nuremberg)

© Tilmann Weishart

The Left List Nuremberg relies on the City Councilor Marion Padua . The 55-year-old is a single mother and educator in an open all-day school. Compared to * , she found clear words why she is running for mayor for Nuremberg : "I have been campaigning for social justice in the city council for 10 years and since then have been applying for a 365-euro annual ticket for local public transport, which is finally at least for Students and trainees is introduced. Child and old age poverty must not exist in a city that wants to afford expensive city highways. As a non-partisan association, Linke Liste Nürnberg , we work closely with citizens' initiatives, whose voice I understand. ”

Video: What tasks does the mayor have?


Cheat sheet municipal election Bavaria 2020

© Munich Mercury

To take to the polling station : Our cheat sheet for the local election in Bavaria 2020 as a PDF file for download and printing .

Local elections 2020: Mayors wanted in cities and municipalities

A new mayor is not only elected in Nuremberg. In the course of the local elections, the executive chairs in the town hall are being replaced across Bavaria. * has listed the candidates for the following cities:

  • Munich
  • augsburg
  • regensburg
  • Ingolstadt
  • Passau

Reporting and results of the 2020 local elections

Results of the 2020 municipal election will be available on Sunday, March 15, 2020, from * . In advance you will find detailed reports on candidates, lists and all current developments. There is also a news ticker for the elections in Munich *. At you can also find out what you need the election notification * for and what you need to consider when voting by mail *.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.


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