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Local election 2020 in Miesbach: The results and news from the district

3/16/2020, 6:34:21 AM

The results of the 2020 local elections in the Miesbach district: district administrator, mayor, councilors and district council at a glance.

The results of the 2020 local elections in the Miesbach district: district administrator, mayor, councilors and district council at a glance.

  • The 2020 municipal election in Bavaria will take place on March 15.
  • District councilors, mayors, municipal councils and district councils are also newly elected in the district of Miesbach.
  • Here you will find all results of the local elections in the district of Miesbach as soon as they are counted. Nationwide results can be found here.

+++ Mayor election results +++

+++ Results district elections +++

+++ Results of local council elections +++

Update, March 16, 6:35 a.m .: The results for the municipal council , city ​​council and district council are available today (March 16). We will report them live here as soon as they are published.

Local elections in Miesbach: results and news from the district

Update from March 15, 2020, 11.55 p.m .: You can find an overview of all results above in our result text.

Update of March 15, 2020, 9.45 p.m .: There is an official result of the district election in Miesbach: Olaf von Löwis (CSU) is 36.75 percent, Wolfgang Rzehak (Greens) 27.44 percent, Andreas Hallmannsecker (FWG) 17.68 Percent, Christine Negele (SPD) 4.54 percent, Martin Beilhack (Bavaria party) 4.20 percent, Gisela Hölscher (FW) 4.0 percent, Alois Ostermair (AfD) 2.53 percent, Ursula Lex (FDP) 1.53 Percent, Angela Sterr (Die Linke) 1.34 percent.

This means that von Löwis and Rzehak must be in the runoff !

2020 local elections in Miesbach: Braunmiller and Fraunhofer must vote in the runoff

Update from March 15, 2020, 8:19 p.m .: runoff election in Miesbach! Gerhard Braunmiller (CSU) has 43.14 percent of the votes against Walter Fraunhofer (SPD / FWG) with 31.74 percent in the runoff.

Update of March 15, 2020, 7:57 p.m .: Interim result in the district election : Olaf von Löwis (CSU) with 35.78 percent first in front of incumbent Wolfgang Rzehak (Greens) with only 27.30 percent. Third is Andreas Hallmannsecker (FWG) with 17.97 percent.

Update from March 15, 2020, 7 p.m .: Johannes Hagn (CSU) remains Mayor at Lake Tegernsee. He prevailed with 66.0 percent ahead of Thomas Mandl (SPD) 12.7 percent and Michael Bourjou (FWG) 21.2 percent. All results in the overview can be found above in our result text.

Update from March 15, 2020, 6:08 p.m .: Time is up! The polling stations closed a few minutes ago. You can now count.

Update from March 15, 2020, 5:35 p.m .: The countdown has started! The polling stations are still open for just under half an hour. The first projections will be available soon.

Miesbach - The citizens in the district of Miesbach are called in the 2020 municipal election in Bavaria to re-elect the political offices in the district and the municipalities. On March 15, voters will receive several ballot papers for the various elections, some of which are among the most complex in the Free State. If necessary, run-off elections for the posts of the district administrator and the mayor are also held on March 29.

Local elections 2020 in Bavaria: All results from Miesbach

From the election evening and the following days, we will keep you up to date on the results of the local elections for the Miesbach district. For the region, stay informed on all important election topics with our live ticker from the district of Miesbach. You can find everything about local elections in Bavaria on our topic page. It is especially about news from Miesbach. News from the state capital can be found in the Munich ticker.

In the following you will find out which offices the voters decide and when the individual election results of the 2020 local election in Miesbach can be expected.

Result of the district election in the district of Miesbach

The incumbent district administrator is Wolfgang Rzehak from the Greens. He has been in office since 2014 and is running for a second term in 2020. In addition to him, the previous mayor of Holzkirchen, Olaf von Löwis from the CSU, Martin Beilhack (Bavarian Party), Christine Negele (SPD), Ursula Lex (FDP), Angela Sterr (Die Linke), Andreas Hallmannsecker (Free Voter Community), Giesela Höscher ( Free voters list) and Alois Ostermair (AfD).

The outcome of the district election in Miesbach after the first ballot will in all likelihood be determined on the evening of the election. The ballot papers of the district election are counted at the beginning, so that the more complicated lists for local councils and district councils end up with. If none of the candidates for the district administrator receives more than half of the votes, there will be a runoff vote among the two candidates with the strongest election results.

Results of the mayoral elections in the district of Miesbach

The mayors of cities and municipalities will also be elected in the 2020 local elections. Miesbach has 17 municipalities, the largest of which are the market town of Holzkirchen and the district town of Miesbach. The voters of course decide on the mayor directly at their site. All voters in the district in turn elect their future district administrator. The counting of the mayors of the mayors is also expected to end on election day , because voters only have to choose their preferred candidate.

Incidentally, the BR reports live on the 2020 local election, all program dates and the livestream can be found here.

Result of the municipal elections and city council election 2020 in Miesbach

The local parliament in their own place of residence is of particular interest to many voters. The municipal council election or city ​​council election is only counted according to the mayor and district administrator. The time it takes is much longer than for the personal elections. The voters can accumulate or vary a large number of votes in order to specifically favor individual candidates from the party lists. In the days after the 2020 local elections in Bavaria, the concrete figures from most municipalities will still be available quickly.

Result of the district election for Miesbach

According to the law, the district council is responsible for deciding on the "important matters of the district administration" and "supervises the entire district administration". Overall, the result of the municipal election in Miesbach determines the 60 members of the district council . Counting election results can take a long time. The ballot papers are as complex as in the municipal council election or city council election.

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Jan Woitas

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