The Limited Times

Local elections 2020 in Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen: The results in the district

3/16/2020, 6:35:08 AM

The results of the 2020 local elections in the district of Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen: district administrator, mayor, councilors and district council at a glance.

The results of the 2020 local elections in the district of Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen: district administrator, mayor, councilors and district council at a glance.

  • The 2020 municipal election in Bavaria will take place on March 15.
  • District councilors, mayors, municipal councils and district councils are newly elected.
  • Here you will find all results of the local elections in the district of Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen . The overall result from Bavaria can be found here. All other information about the election in Bavaria can be found in our election ticker.

+++ Mayor election results +++

+++ Results district elections +++

+++ Results of local council elections +++

Update from March 15, 2020, 11.55 p.m .: You can find an overview of all results above in our result text.

Update of March 15, 2020, 9:29 p.m .: In the district election in Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen there will probably be a runoff election: incumbent Josef Niedermaier (free voters) leads with 41.5 percent ahead of Anton Demmel (CSU), who is close to 30.7 percent lies.

Update from March 15, 2020, 7:52 p.m .: We have a preliminary overall result of the mayor election from Bad Tölz: Ingo Mehner wins the absolute majority with 50.77 percent of the vote. He is the successor to Josef Janker. Franz Mayer-Schwendner came second with 27.82 percent.

Update of March 15, 2020, 7:52 p.m .: A really tight race in Wolfratshausen: OB Klaus Heilinglechner (BVW) ended up with 29.05 percent of the vote, Günther Eibl (CSU) ended up in second place with 21.14 percent , just ahead of Annette Heinloth with 20.71 percent. So there will be a runoff between Heilinglechner and Eibl!

Update from March 15, 2020, 6:51 p.m .: Things are getting tight in Wolfratshausen , a runoff election is on the way. Incumbent Klaus Heilinglechner is currently in the lead count (8 out of 22 quick reports) with 28.9 percent of the votes. Annette Heinloth (22.7 percent) and Günther Eibl (21.2 percent) follow.

Update of March 15, 2020, 6:10 p.m .: The polling stations closed a few minutes ago. Now it's time to count.

Update from March 15, 2020, 5:34 p.m .: The countdown has started! The polling stations are still open for just under half an hour. The first projections will soon be available.

Bad Tölz / Wolfratshausen - Citizens in the district of Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen are called upon to vote for their political representatives in the 2020 local elections in Bavaria . On March 15, voters will receive multiple ballot papers for the various elections that day. If necessary, run-off elections for the posts of the district administrator and the mayor are also held on March 29.

For the district you are informed about all important topics by our live ticker from the region Bad Tölz and region Wolfratshausen. Bayerischer Rundfunk reports live on the 2020 local elections, all program dates and the livestream can be found here.

Local elections 2020 in Bavaria: All results from Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen

On election evening and beyond, we will keep you up to date here with the results of the 2020 local elections that have already been counted. You can find out everything about the elections in Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen on our topic page. For current developments in the state capital, consult our Munich ticker. The topic page for Bavaria provides news from all over the Free State.

In the following you will find out which offices the voters decide and when the various election results of the 2020 municipal election in Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen can be expected.

Result of the district election in Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen

The incumbent district administrator is Josef Niedermaier (free voters). He has been in office since 2008 and is again voting for voters in the 2020 local elections. In addition to him, four other candidates are applying as district administrators in Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen: Anton Demmel (CSU), Klaus Koch (Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen), Filiz Cetin (SPD) and Sebastian Englich (Die Linke).

The voters can expect the result of the district election in Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen on the evening of the election. The ballots of the district election are counted at the beginning, before the more complicated lists for municipal councils and district councils come up. If none of the applicants receives more than half of the votes, a runoff vote will take place two weeks later among the two applicants with the best election results.

Result of the mayoral election in Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen

In the entire district, the mayoral elections will also take place in the 2020 local elections. Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen is divided into three cities and 18 municipalities. The voters of course decide on the mayor directly at their site, while they choose a district administrator for the entire district. The counting of votes by the mayors is also expected to be completed on election day , because only one cross has to be counted per ballot.

Result of the municipal council election and city council election 2020 in Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen

The local parliament in their own place of residence is of particular interest to many voters. The municipal council election or city ​​council election is only counted according to the mayor and district administrator. The time required is much longer than for the personal elections. Voters can accumulate or vary a large number of votes and thus actively influence the order of the party lists. Only in the days after the 2020 local elections in Bavaria will concrete figures be available.

Result of the district council election in Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen

According to the law, the district council is responsible for deciding on the "important matters of the district administration" and "supervises the entire district administration". Overall, the result of the municipal election in Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen determines the 61 members of the district council . Counting election results can take a long time. The ballot papers are as complex as in the municipal council election or city council election.

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