The Limited Times

The Bills That Shame Gantz and Lieberman | Israel today

3/17/2020, 10:52:34 PM


MK Mickey Zohar has proposed a bill for annexation, and an affiliation with Lieberman regarding the death penalty for terrorists - while the latter is seeking to cooperate with the joint list

  • Blue and White leadership and Avigdor Lieberman // Photo: Elad Malka

Despite the Corona crisis and despite talk of a certain rapprochement between the Likud and the blue, the distrust between the parties is particularly great and Likud is the one who wants to embarrass them because of the partnership with the joint list.

MK Mickey Zohar, chairman of the Likud faction, put two bills on the Knesset that would push the people of Blue and Israel into our corner. Zohar placed a private bill on the annexation of the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea and the Judean Desert, for which they said in blue and white during the election they support during such, and another bill affiliated with Israel our home - the death penalty for terrorists.

"Let's see this wonderful collaboration between the Joint List and Israel Our Home and Blue and White," Zohar said cynically, "We will see how those working together against the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state and blue-white and Liberman members. These laws are, after all, laws supported by Lieberman, And that is also supported by some members of Blue and White. Will we see them opposing these legislation to please their new members from the joint list? "

Zohar said, "The connection between Blue-White and Lieberman is based on a single interest in harming Netanyahu. The common list's interest is to harm the State of Israel. Blue-White and Lieberman are ready to hurt the state's interests to harm Netanyahu. When we bring those laws in, we will see if they are ready to continue to harm the country. And in its interests, and to oppose legislation to justify membership with the Commonwealth. "

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