The Limited Times

Winners and losers in the new city council

3/17/2020, 12:31:52 PM

The Greens are the big winners of the city council election. The party increased its 2014 result by around ten percent and now has nine (previously 5) mandates. The CSU has lost its absolute majority, and the SPD has also lost a lot.

The Greens are the big winners of the city council election. The party increased its 2014 result by around ten percent and now has nine (previously 5) mandates. The CSU has lost its absolute majority, and the SPD has also lost a lot.

Germering - The election to the city council also made one thing clear in Germering: the Greens are trendy. The list spearheaded by parliamentary group spokeswoman and candidate OB Agnes Dürr was voted by 23.7 percent - around ten percent more than six years ago. Agnes Dürr said that she would not have expected this and acknowledged the result with a simple "super".

Your party will provide nine of the 40 seats in the future. It now has more than the SPD, which had to give up three of the eight seats so far. The downward slide of the Social Democrats continues inexorably from eleven (2008) to eight (2014) to now only five mandates. At 11.9 percent, the SPD is only three percent ahead of the free voters.


Agnes Dürr (Greens)

The CSU was unable to repeat its dream result of six years ago. At that time, the party had won an absolute majority with 53 percent and 21 out of 40 city council seats. Local spokesman and youth officer Oliver Simon, he moves back to the local parliament, but is also very satisfied with the 46 percent now reached. “The result six years ago was terrific. It was already clear that it would be difficult to repeat that. ”In view of the controversial issues between the Kreuzlinger Feld and the letter center, he was particularly pleased that the CSU's most important goal had been achieved:“ We wanted to become the strongest faction again. We managed to do that by far, I'm proud of that. ”In addition, one should not forget that OB Andreas Haas was convincingly re-elected:“ We are delighted. ”


Oliver Simon (CSU)

The free voters have improved their result in percentage terms and are now at 8.1 percent (6.8). The number of seats remains constant at three.

It is similar with ÖDP / party-free: They climbed from 3.8 to 5.8 percent, but are still represented in the city council with two seats. The body is completed by the FDP - as previously a seat - and the left. The latter moved into the city council for the first time. Top candidate Stefanie Lehenmeier moves into the committee with just over 1000 votes from the Germeringen voters.

This is the new city council

Mayor: Andreas Haas (CSU)

City Council: 40 seats; CSU (19 seats, -2): Manuela Kreuzmair (9366), Franz Senninger (8908), Johannes Kirmair (8743), Katrin Schmidt (8512), Thi Thu Thuy Tran (8216), Oliver Simon (8139), Gabriele Pichelmaier ( 8050), Herbert Sedlmeier (7947), Christian Ganslmeier (7560), Benedikt Nesselhauf (7515), Sandra de Brecey (7254), Hans Pichelmaier (7083), Wolfgang Andre (6626), Rudolf Widmann (6432), Sonja Thiele (6429 ), Franziska Hotter (6369), Eva Kuchler (6277), Sandra Andre (6248), Marcus Breu (6088); Greens (9 seats, +4): Agnes Dürr (7733), Sophie Schuhmacher (5503), Christian Huber (4632), Gerhard Blahusch (4521), Sepp Dürr (4466), Filiz Gropper-Schäftner (4437), David Kulbe ( 4149), Barbara Mokler (4082), Angelika Kropp-Dürr (4040); Free voters (3 seats, +/- 0): Franz Hermansdorfer (4172), Martina Seeholzer (3968), Lorenz Wagner (2687); SPD (5 seats, -3): Johannes Landendinger (3801), Fereschteh Schausadi-Zimmermann (3337), Saskia Schon (2602), Christian Gruber (2461), Daniel Liebetruth (2446); FDP (1 seat, +/- 0): Peter Klotz (2437); ÖDP / party-free (2 seats, +/- 0): Tanja Pfisterer (2368), Maximilian Streicher (2360); The left (1 seat, +1): Stefanie Lehenmeier (1177)

The corona crisis overshadows everything

In his assessment of the city council election, OB Andreas Haas made it clear that this event is rather unimportant at the moment. The corona crisis and its consequences would have put everything else in the background. That's why there is a very strange atmosphere in the town hall. Now you have to see what happens next, said the city hall manager, given the fact that important meetings of the current city council are still pending. The exam with the new city councils, which the CSU had actually planned for the first weekend in April, will probably be canceled.


New and old OB Andreas Haas (CSU).

A single polling station delays the end result

A final list of all those applicants who made it into the city council was not available until the editorial deadline last night. The delay was caused by problems with the counting of a postal polling station. Legal director Dagmar Hager, who led the elections with Jochen Franz, tried yesterday to determine and publish the result. But it was no longer possible in time.

Although it is only a single polling station, the result could still lead to shifts in the distribution of seats. This was also pointed out by Mayor Andreas Haas when Merkur asked him to comment on the outcome of the city council elections: “It is a large polling station. Something can change. "

The numbers in the above article are therefore not exactly right - only the percentages for the individual parties ensure that they will not change significantly. If you add up the number of individual city council seats, however, you will find that there are only 39. This is one of the consequences of the polling station, which has not yet been counted.

Until yesterday evening, the individual results of the applicants on the basis of 51 of the 52 polling stations are listed on the city website. Here you can get a first overview of who moves into the city council. The report below of the most conspicuous candidates is thanks to these numbers. However, it also becomes clear here that the differences between individual applicants are very small - a polling station can easily determine whether they move into the committee or not.

The Dürrs are now three in the city council

The detailed results of the city council election reflect what can be observed every six years: the municipal election is a personal choice. The accumulation and panaschiren allows the voter to select candidates, whom he knows and appreciates, forwards. This time it is mainly Wolfgang Andre (CSU) and Sepp Dürr (Greens) that happened. Both were in 40th and last place on their respective lists. And both were heaped into the panel. Second mayor Wolfgang Andre didn't really want to be put up anymore, but was persuaded to compete at least in the back.

Sepp Dürr, on the other hand, is used to this kind of catching up. Twice he made the leap into the state parliament from unfavorable places. In the last election, it was no longer enough - now he returns to the city parliament after a long break.

Long-time social service manager Sonja Thiele and social adviser Herbert Sedlmeier were also elected to the top of the CSU list - Thiele actually wanted to limit herself to the district council from then on and did not attach any importance to a top place. Sedlmeier, on the other hand, was aware in advance that he would make the jump from the 28th place on the list.

With the return of Sepp Dürr, the family of the organic farmer will be present on the city council with three representatives: In addition to Sister Agnes Dürr, his wife Angelika Kropp-Dürr, the current environmental officer, has been re-elected.


The trend towards the Greens has been evident across Germany for months. But it is astonishing that the party, which was founded 40 years ago, would do so well on the spot. After all, they are facing a strong CSU in Germering, which has recently increasingly focused on environmental and climate protection issues. And then one should not forget that the ÖDP is well positioned on the ground and has recently been more radical in ecological terms than the Greens themselves - they have never called for a complete halt to planning for the Kreuzlinger Feld.

Another clear result is the steady decline of the SPD. There is not much left of what was once the strongest faction, which for a long time provided the mayor with Peter Braun. With only five city councilors, the SPD has almost become a splinter party. The performance is mainly due to a list on which little-known names appeared - starting with the absolute Germering newcomer and OB candidate Johannes Landendinger.

It will also not comfort the Social Democrats that the CSU has also lost votes and seats. On the one hand, the Christian Socialists still make up by far the largest faction. On the other hand, with Andreas Haas you have a mayor who is more unchallenged than ever.

Here you will find the results from the other municipalities.

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