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This is the new city council in Freising - old parties are shrinking to dwarf size


After the local elections, it is now clear how the new Freising city council is composed.

After the local elections, it is now clear how the new Freising city council is composed.

Freising - The Freising city council is almost unchanged from the 2014 election in the next six years. The AfD, which had started in order to be vigorously involved in the committee in the future, did not get beyond a very meager 3.7 percent - and therefore has only one representative on the city council: District Council candidate Franz Scholz. The old parties SPD and CSU have shrunk to dwarf size.

SPD and ÖDP on par

The strongest faction remains the Freisinger Mitte with eleven seats unchanged, followed by the Greens, who now have ten councils, one more than after the 2014 election. The CSU has again shrunk in the Freising city council, the four of them starting the next council period: off the faction that was so powerful before 2011 became a quartet - in addition to Rudolf Schwaiger and Hubert Hierl, only Jürgen Mieskes and Josef Schrädler made it into the city council. Since 2014 the Christian Socialists have had six seats.

With five seats, the Free Voters remain third strongest in the city council, followed by the SPD, which has lost one of its four seats and is now represented in the body with the same strength as the ÖDP - three. The left is represented with two seats, the FDP with only one.

The joy of the good result tarnishes the Greens with the fact that OB Tobias Eschenbacher, as the driving force behind the group in Freising, won a lot of votes for his group, but as OB no longer belongs to the city council and can therefore make room for a replacement from FSM -Rows. The OB election should therefore actually be carried out independently of the city council elections, argues OB candidate Susanne Günther - "which of course would be too time-consuming". But the choice is “not quite fair”.

Distribution of votes in the city council of Freising

Distribution of votes: FSM: 28.8 percent, Greens: 25.5 percent, CSU: 10.8 percent, Free voters: 11.9 percent, AfD: 3.6 percent, SPD: 6.4 percent, FDP: 2.4 Percent, ÖDP: 6.8 percent, left: 3.9 percent.

These 40 men and women sit on the board

  • CSU: Rudolf Schwaiger (4673), Josef Schrädler (3619), Jürgen Mieskes (3600, new member of the city council), Hubert Hierl (3529).
  • Greens: Eva Bönig (12 457), Susanne Günther (9629), Manfred Drobny (7021), Karl Sebastian Habermeyer (6789), Werner Habermeyer (6663, new), Joana Bayraktar (6294, new), Rolf Linke (6180, new ), Charlotte Reitsam (6165), Nico Heitz (6069, new) and Alfons Aigner (5367, new).
  • Free voters: Benno Zierer (8041), Robert Weller (5480), Karl-Heinz Freitag (4980), Johanna Hiergeist (4387), Richard Grimm (3715).
  • AfD: Franz Scholz (2712, new).
  • SPD: Peter Warlimont (5029), Norbert Gmeiner (3042) and Andreas Mehltretter (2503, new).
  • FDP: Jens Barschdorf (2070, new).
  • Freisinger Mitte: Tobias Eschenbacher (17 142, a replacement comes for him, probably Christoph von Schilling, new), Birgit Mooser-Niefanger (10 730), Reinhard Fiedler (7415), Anton Frankl (7119), Monika Riesch (7061), Maria Lintl (6902), Monika Schwind (6677), Johann Hölzl (6612), Samuel Fosso (6089, new), Philomena Böhme (5817, new) and Thomas Bauer (5796).
  • ÖDP: Ulrich Vogl (4319), Hartmut Binner (3533, new) and Emilia Kirner (2377, new).
  • The left: Guido Hoyer (2586) and Nicolas-Pano Graßy (1645, new).

All events and results of the 2020 municipal election in the Freising district can be read in our live ticker.

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-03-17

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