The Limited Times

"Repeated" non-compliance with confinement: Assembly wants prison sentences for recalcitrant

3/21/2020, 8:34:25 PM

The National Assembly adopted, on Saturday, an amendment proposed by the government to transform the current lump sum fine into an offense

The authorities are cracking down. When voting for the establishment of a "state of health emergency", the National Assembly adopted, Saturday evening, an amendment proposed by the government to punish much more severely the "repeated" non-compliance with the rules containment.

The first violation remains punishable by the fine of 135 euros. If there is a recurrence within 15 days, the bill increases to 1500 euros. Above all, non-compliance with the rules "more than three times" becomes a crime, now punishable by six months' imprisonment and a fine of 3,750 euros.

Recalcitrants are also exposed to an additional penalty of community service, as well as the suspension of three years of driving license. All within the framework of an immediate appearance procedure.

"A really dissuasive effect"

Before the deputies, the Minister of Justice, Nicole Belloubet, had justified the need, "in light of the observation of what has been done in recent days", to crack down on "so that there is a really dissuasive effect and therefore , by this very fact, a preventive effect ”.

Since the introduction of the travel ban on Tuesday noon, the executive is annoyed by the lack of discipline shown by some French people. On Monday, the government's Scientific Council will have to decide on the "duration" and "extent" of the confinement.

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