The Limited Times

"Depletion of Edelstein - Fourth Election" | Israel today

3/22/2020, 1:24:31 PM


Blue and White try to hasten Knesset replacement - and Likud resents: "A shocking irresponsible step" • Blue and white: "Netanyahu is dragging elections at the height of the crisis"

The Likud threatens: "The impeachment of the Knesset Speaker will eliminate the unity government and inevitably lead to a fourth election." During talks to form a unity government, moves in blue and white to promote Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein's resignation to MK Meir Cohen led to resentment in the Likud party, which said on Sunday that "this would be a shocking irresponsible moment during the Corona epidemic. "The world, which has not been like it for the last 100 years. What Israel's citizens now want is not to deal with repulsions but to join forces."

Netanyahu and Gantz sworn to 23rd Knesset before empty plenary // Photo: Knesset channel

According to the unity between Blue and White Likud, Benjamin Netanyahu and Gani Gantz will serve as prime minister in the rotation, with the former first serving for a year and a half and the latter continuing for the same period. Likewise, during Netanyahu's presidency, the Likud is expected to hold the positions of Knesset Speaker and Minister of Finance, necessary to move the budget and manage the Corona crisis. Blue and White are expected to take on foreign and security roles. .

Likud states that "this logical agreement was set up to allow the incumbent prime minister to pass legislation and budget in the Knesset to manage finance and economic affairs, which is essential for an unprecedented global epidemic and economic crisis."

More on:

• "Government coup": Roadblock on Route 1 due to protest

• Gantz attacks Netanyahu and Edelstein on arrest of protesters: "Crushing Democracy"

• MK Shalah calls for a halt to negotiations with the Likud

• Expanding cockpit cracks: Gantz and Ashkenazi against Torch and Ya'alon

Blue and White responded to criticism from Likud: "Likud's attempt to put ultimatums and damage democracy shows that Netanyahu wants to drag Israel into a fourth election even at the height of a crisis that requires us all to act for Israeli citizens in government and in the Knesset. The Knesset - and so will this time. "

Today at 3:30 PM, Chairman of the Blue and White faction, MK Abi Nissenkorn, and MK Ofer will send a statement to the media outside the Supreme Court.

Tomorrow is expected to be approved by the Knesset, after the Knesset Speaker, Adv. Il Yinon, issued an opinion last week stating that the law stipulates that the committee should be established "as soon as possible."

Yanun emphasized that the importance of establishing the committee stems from the fact that as long as this committee is not established, the Knesset cannot begin its activities, and this committee can start the Knesset's activities and expedite the establishment of a foreign and security committee, a finance committee and a special committee to supervise the government on the Corona virus.

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