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The next few hours: A dramatic decision by Knesset Speaker Edelstein | Israel today



The Knesset plenum is expected to convene at 11am, but Edelstein has yet to announce whether he will approve the vote on the identity of the next Knesset chairman.

The Supreme Court ruled earlier this week that a vote on the identity of the next Knesset chairman should be held until Wednesday, but ahead of the opening of the plenary session, which is expected to take place this morning at 11:00, the current Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein has not yet announced If I uphold the High Court's demand and bring the matter up for discussion.

Netanyahu and Gantz sworn to 23rd Knesset before empty plenary // Photo: Knesset channel

At this time, they have not yet decided on the right-wing block whether they will participate in the debate and votes or confiscate them. Decisions are expected to be made soon, before the plenum is convened.

Until the High Court decision was published on Monday, Edelstein refused to hold the vote for the election of a new Knesset chairman, as they requested on a blue-and-white list.

Chief Justice Justice Esther Hayes, who chaired a five-judge panel that discussed a petition filed by the Movement for Quality Government, said: "The flaw in this conduct lies primarily in the concern that this is a thwarting of the voter's will. Therefore, intervention in this effort by most Knesset members The position of the Knesset Speaker, according to which the election of a permanent Knesset chairman depends on the steps for the establishment of the government - has a reversal of creativity. The Knesset is the sovereign. The Knesset is not the "government's cheerleading band."

More on:

• The High Court ruled: Edelstein must convene the plenum by Wednesday to vote on his replacement

Likud warns: "The impeachment of Edelstein will inevitably lead to fourth elections"

• The High Court issued an ultimatum to Edelstein; Justice Minister Ohana urged him to reply "no"

• The Supreme Court: There is no impediment to holding Knesset hearings - despite the Ministry of Health's guidelines

In the meantime, this morning, the special committee for dealing with the Corona virus will convene for the first time to appoint MK Ofer Send a white brush to head. Also, the school system for the school year will be convened to select MK Nitzan Horowitz (Labor-Meretz) Its r.

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2020-03-25

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