The Limited Times

Cinta Senese, EU extends PDO to pork lard

3/23/2020, 5:54:27 PM


(ANSA) - SIENA, MARCH 23 - The specification of the DopCinta Senese changes, the pig with the white band around the trunk raised in the wild and semi-wild in Tuscany. The European Commission has in fact extended the name, obtained in 2012, from meat only to all edible portions of the carcass of the animal. A decision according to which even the lard, that is the fat part of the pig, can boast the recognition of origin. An ameliorative modification that will make it even more advantageous to breed Cinta Senesevista the high percentage of lard present in the specimens and their particular characteristics.

"The path for obtaining this modification - said Daniele Baruffaldi, president of the Consortium for the protection of the Cinta Senese - was long and delicate, but thanks to the determination of the consortium and the synergy of the institutions, it was possible to reach this goal that opens new prospects for the diffusion of this excellence of the Italian agro-food industry ". From now on, therefore, on all cuts, including lard, intended for the final consumer, the seal of the consortium with the traceability code can be affixed. (HANDLE).