The Limited Times

Jean Rottner: "It's a steamroller that happened to us"

3/23/2020, 7:03:33 PM

INTERVIEW - The LR president of the Grand Est region, an emergency doctor, asked for help from the other French regions less affected by the coronavirus. As of March 5, he alerted Emmanuel Macron.

LE FIGARO. - The Great East is particularly affected by the epidemic. Describe the situation, Jean ROTTNER. - We are in the fourth week of the epidemic and the third week of treatment. We are really in the eye of the storm. "If you're going through hell, especially keep going , " said Churchill. This is somewhat our situation today with tired caregivers, faced with the care of patients, sometimes very young, also faced with death. It was a steamroller that came to us. Everything started from the evangelical gathering from 17 to 24 January in Mulhouse. 2000 people - including 300 children - are gathered. People came from everywhere, from Mulhouse, the Doubs, the Paris region, Guyana, Germany, Switzerland.

Read also: "It's terrible": the chilling testimony of Jean Rottner, doctor and president of the Grand Est region

What is happening at the end of January?

From this gathering, the contamination is wide and at high speed. On March 2, the first patient was admitted to Mulhouse for intensive care. On the evening of March 4, I will regulate at Samu: there I

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