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Cook for Shabbat: Meat and Hummus | Israel today

3/26/2020, 12:39:29 PM

Take a mixture of veal and lamb, which gives the meat a strong and bold flavor, along with chickpeas and onion rings • A quick meat and chicken meal

Take a blend of veal and lamb, which gives the meat a strong and bold flavor, along with chickpeas and onion rings • Quick meal

Meatballs are one of my favorite foods especially because they have so many varied and wonderful choices. This time I used a mixture of veal and lamb, which gives the meat a strong and bold flavor.

Photo: Moshe Ben Simhon

In addition, the chickpeas are a wonderful and nutritious addition. The baked and crispy onion rings are a particularly delicious decoration, and, if prepared first, the remaining raw materials will be used for meatballs, thus practicing a meal without food waste, one of the most important and prominent trends in the culinary world, and an important lesson for young cooks.

Meatballs and hummus

List of materials for about 20 patties:

250 grams of lamb and ground beef

A cup of well-cooked chickpeas (you can crush them lightly)

1 egg (allow the remaining egg onion coins)

2/3 cup of bread crumbs (you can use leftover onion coins)

A generous handful of herbs (parsley, dill, coriander, mint - what you love)

1 small onion cut into slices (allow the remaining onion coin edges)

4 cloves of garlic

Salt to taste

Shredded black pepper to taste

Spices that love to taste

Olive oil and sunflower oil for frying

For submission:

Garlic cloves

½ sliced ​​lemon

2/3 cup of natural tomato sauce

1 cup well cooked chickpeas

Spices to taste

Fresh grasses for decoration


Grind all the meat ingredients in the food processor except the meat and the chickpeas.

Add the meat and stir, seasoning.

Heat oil in a frying pan and fry small patties on both sides until brown.

Remove from pan and keep aside.

Drain a little oil, add to the same pan garlic cloves and lemon, lightly golden.

Add chickpeas and tomato sauce and cook slightly.

Season and add the patties. Cook the dish for about two minutes.

Serve with the onion rings.

Baked onion rings

List of materials for 4 dishes:

2 sliced ​​onions into thick slices

2/3 cup flour

1 and a half cups of whole wheat bread crumbs (of course, plain)

2 salted and seasoned eggs with salt, pepper and spices that love


Separate the slices into rings, the leftover pieces that are broken or not separate into rings, save for patties.

Transfer the flour to a wide bowl, the crumbs to another wide bowl and so does the egg.

Expect like schnitzel: First, wrap in flour, shake leftovers and transfer to egg and from there to breadcrumbs. Expect all rings well and arrange on baking sheets lined with baking paper.

Bake at medium-high heat, 190 degrees for about 10 minutes, until golden and softened.

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