The Limited Times

Is Abu Mazen sick in Corona? | Israel today

3/28/2020, 10:18:36 AM


Ramallah denies reports that the PA leader was infected with the virus and was hospitalized in severe condition • Palestinians report 88 patients in the West Bank and 9 in Gaza • One patient dies

The Corona epidemic also strikes the Palestinian Authority: As of Saturday, Palestinians are reported to have diagnosed 88 verified patients in the West Bank, 18 have recovered and one has died. In Gaza, 9 patients were diagnosed.

Photo: Ministry of Health

Palestinian security forces blocked the crossings between Bethlehem and Hebron District in the West Bank, in an attempt to prevent the epidemic from spreading.

Meanwhile, the Abu Mazen bureau denies reports that Rais was rushed to hospital last night in serious condition. A statement from the Rais Bureau said that "Abbas is in excellent medical condition. He is staying at his home and closely monitoring the reports and actions to prevent the spread of the epidemic."

Tomorrow is expected to announce the cancellation of all Earth Day events and marches scheduled for Monday in the Gaza Strip.

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