The Limited Times

Coronavirus: on the front line with the Celio military PHOTOS and VIDEO

4/1/2020, 5:33:44 PM

In the hospital of Rome a hard battle is fought to cure the sick and fight the spread of the infection © Ansa


"The first new Defense doctors and nurses have sworn. They will be a total of 320 and will go where there is the greatest need." Thus defended the defense minister, Lorenzo Guerini. Over 8000 applications were submitted to the temporary recruitment notice following the decree approved in the CDM on March 17. Two of the 320 are the Italian Army lieutenant doctor, Guido Caramanico and the nurse marshal, Lorena Migliore who took up service on Wednesday April 1st at the Celio military polyclinic in Rome. "I am excited to be here to help my country," said Caramanico in particular.

The Celio Military Polyclinic has become part of the network that faces the Coronavirus emergency in synergy with the Spallanzani hospital in the capital.

In the center, a pre-triage tent was set up and a department entirely dedicated to the care of patients affected by Covid19 with a specific intensive care unit. The staff is highly qualified and carries out four-hour shifts on a rotating basis.

Part of the staff of military officers is available to be employed in field hospitals planned throughout the national territory. Specialized health workers are at work 24 hours a day in the laboratory of the scientific department of the Military Policlinic which always works in close synergy with the Istituto Superiore della Sanità.

For the coronavirus emergency, the Higher Institute of Health isolated the Sars-Cov2 virus and then the Scientific Department sequenced and analyzed it.

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