The Limited Times

Corona in Spain: More than 112,000 people infected - Germany sends ventilators

4/3/2020, 11:06:40 AM

Like Italy, Spain is severely affected by the corona virus. The number of infected people and deaths increases every day. The developments in the news ticker.

Like Italy, Spain is severely affected by the corona virus. The number of infected people and deaths increases every day. The developments in the news ticker.

  • The corona virus * causes devastating proportions in Spain .
  • The number of deaths and infected people is increasing.
  • Now a doctor who is considered the "face" of the fight has been tested positive.
  • Here you will find the basic facts about the corona virus and the corona news from Germany. You can also find current case numbers in Germany as a map. The following recommendations for corona protective measures are currently available.

Update of April 3, 1 p.m .: In Spain, which is severely affected by the coronavirus pandemic, 932 new deaths related to a Sars-CoV-2 infection have been registered within 24 hours.

This brought the total number of deaths to 10,935, as the Ministry of Health in Madrid announced on Friday. It was the second day in a row with more than 900 and already the seventh in a row with more than 800 deaths in Spain.

The number of new infections detected rose by almost 7,500 to almost 118,000. At the same time, according to official information, almost 4,000 patients who had been infected with the Sars-CoV-2 virus from Covid-19 were discharged as healed within one day. Of the more than 56,000 infected so far that had to be treated in hospitals in Spain, more than 30,000 people are already healthy.

Corona in France: Germany sends ventilators as help

April 3, 10:45 am update: According to John Hopkins University, more than 112,000 people in Spain have been infected with the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus . The number of people who died as a result of the coronavirus is 10,348 (as of April 3, 10:45 am).

Germany is now supporting Spain in the fight against the corona virus with 50 ventilators. The Federal Ministry of Health announced this via Twitter. Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) is quoted as saying: “Especially in times of Corona, we Europeans stick together. A lot of strength for the Spaniards in this difficult time. "

supports the fight against #Corona with 50 ventilators from @DraegerNews. @jensspahn: "Especially in times of Corona, we Europeans stick together. The Spaniards have a lot of strength in this difficult time." @salvadorilla (© Dräger / Isabelle Rath)

- BMG (@BMG_Bund) April 3, 2020

Update of April 2, 2:16 p.m .: The total number of deaths in Spain , as the health authorities announced on Thursday, is more than 10,000.

However, the statistics of the past few days also give reason for optimism, said Health Minister Salvador Illa . "The data shows that the curve has stabilized, we have reached the peak and a slowdown has started." At the same time, the situation in the intensive care units due to the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus remains critical.

Meanwhile, there is still an intensive search for a vaccine for the coronavirus *, as reports. In Germany, more and more nurses are infected with the new virus.

Update of April 2, 12:44 pm: Since Thursday, Spain has recorded a new record number of deaths due to the corona virus . The Ministry of Health announced at noon that 950 people had died within 24 hours. The country previously had more than 800 deaths five days in a row, but there have never been more than 900 victims. This means that around 10,000 people in Spain have already died of Covid-19 .

At the same time, however, the number of cured patients climbed to a record high: almost 4,100 people have been discharged as healthy since Wednesday.

Meanwhile, the WHO informed about mortality rates in Europe. EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen informed about billions in aid for the EU

Corona in Spain: code word for domestic violence announced

Update of April 2, 10:33 am: The strict exit restrictions in Spain due to the Corona crisis are particularly difficult to bear for victims of domestic violence. To help those affected, the Canary Islands Equality Institute (ICI) has launched an initiative called "Mascarilla 19" . With this code word (translated: Mask 19), victims in every pharmacy can draw attention to their situation - because shopping and going to the pharmacy are among the few things that are currently allowed in Spain .

" Tackling the coronavirus curve without domestic violence spreading is a collective challenge," said ICI Director Kika Fumero. Every pharmacist now understands the code "Mascarilla 19" , who then alerts the authorities by emergency call.

In the meantime, the idea of ​​the Canaries has spread further - Andalusia, Cantabria and numerous municipalities in the regions of Valencia, Madrid and Catalonia are already participating. The Extremadura region in the west of the country has also joined the initiative, the news agency "Europa Press" reported.

The current crisis is causing dramatic conditions in Great Britain: in England, too, doctors have to make inhuman decisions because of the corona virus. *

Corona crisis in Spain: intensive care units at the limit

Update from April 1, 7:04 pm : Spain has extended its curfew by two more weeks until April 11 in the wake of the alarm condition. Health authorities are optimistic in the country, but the Spanish newspaper El Mundo predicts a collapse of intensive care units in large parts of Spain. This should therefore be expected this week.

This would have resulted in an analysis of data from Covid 19 patients . Corona patients therefore remain in the intensive care unit for more than 20 days. Places on ventilators would be blocked, but 5,872 people would already have to be treated in the intensive care unit. The newspaper relies on information from the Ministry. It would be 1,769 in Catalonia and 1,514 in Madrid.

The situation in Spanish nursing homes is particularly dramatic. Many senior citizens die alone in their rooms, reports (behind the pay barrier). There is often a lack of protective material. All over Spain, 380,000 older people would live in nursing homes. The situation is tense. Employees and residents lived in fear.

Corona in Spain: death toll record - but authorities announce "very good news"

Update, 2:50 pm: Despite a record number of corona deaths in Spain ( see below ), the health authorities there speak of "very good news". The Ministry of Health in Madrid announced that 864 new deaths had been counted within 24 hours, more than ever in a single day. "However, we are seeing pressure on hospitals and intensive care units diminishing, which is very good news, " said spokeswoman for the Health Emergency Agency (CCAES), María José Sierra. Since March 15, Spain has been fighting the corona crisis with a strict curfew .

Almost 3500 patients who had Covid-19 were discharged as cured within one day. Of the more than 51,000 people who had to be treated in hospitals in Spain to date, more than 22,500 people have recovered.

CCAES boss Fernando Simón emphasized that the question was no longer whether the peak had been reached. "Everything indicates that we have achieved it or that we have already done it". The 57-year-old, a face of the fight against the coronavirus * in Spain, attended the press conference of the authorities from home. He tested positive for the corona virus himself earlier in the week.

The fight must continue to focus on preventing a collapse of the intensive care units , Simón said. According to the authorities, meanwhile, the rate of increase in new infections and the new death toll, as well as in admissions to hospitals and intensive care units, is decreasing day by day.

Corona in Spain: sad death record - but a development gives hope

Update, 12:01: In Spain , which is severely affected by the coronavirus pandemic, 864 new deaths were counted within 24 hours. This is the highest number recorded so far in a day, according to the Ministry of Health in Madrid on Wednesday (April 1). It was the fifth day in a row with more than 800 deaths (see below). The total number of fatalities rose to 9053 .

Meanwhile , the number of new infections detected rose by almost 8,000 to more than 102,000 . At the same time, nearly 3,500 patients who had been infected with the Sars-CoV-2 virus from Covid-19 were discharged as healed within one day .

There is also hope that out of the more than 51,000 people who had to be treated in hospitals in Spain , more than 22,000 people have recovered.

Coronavirus: Unusual police dance for children - Short distraction in the crisis

Update, April 1, 10:58 a.m .: The corona virus is taking on terrible proportions - it is even more wonderful that there are small, emotional moments that briefly distract from the crisis - such as this unusual dance performance that the police used for children during Corona Crisis * there.

Coronavirus in Spain: clinics and hospitals at the limit

Update at 10:25 p.m .: With over 94,500 infected and almost 8,300 deaths, Spain is the worst affected country by the epidemic, behind Italy and the United States . Clinics and hospitals are fighting at the limit, protective clothing is lacking.

However, Spain is now receiving support from Amancio Ortega , the founder of the Zara clothing chain . He has donated € 63 million worth of medical equipment to Spanish hospitals to help fight the corona virus.

Through his foundation, the Spanish fashion tsar provided the clinics with a total of 1,450 ventilators, 450 beds, 3 million protective masks, one million rapid test kits and other medical material, as Spanish media reported on Tuesday. He therefore procured the material from China, where the Zara parent company Inditex has numerous textile suppliers.

Corona virus in Spain: almost 850 deaths in 24 hours - Madrid and Catalonia particularly affected

Update at 1.30 p.m .: In the extremely severely affected by the coronavirus pandemic, more than 800 deaths were recorded on the fourth day in a row. The Ministry of Health said in Madrid on Tuesday that 849 new victims had been counted within 24 hours . This is the highest number of casualties in one day since the onset of the crisis.

The number of newly detected infections rose again after falling several days in a row and was more than 94,000 on Tuesday - about 9,000 more than the previous day. However, this also included cases from the weekend that have only just become known, said the spokeswoman for the Authority for Health Emergencies (CCAES), María José Sierra.

Coronavirus in Spain: Almost 20,000 people recover

She was still optimistic that the curve of new cases in Spain is slowly leveling off. “The numbers fall within the expected range. By the end of the week we will have a clearer idea of ​​the development. ”A lot of tests would be done,“ about 20,000 a day, ”Sierra said.

The regions of Madrid and Catalonia continue to be particularly hard hit by the crisis. The impending collapse of the intensive care units is particularly worrying. The good news, however, was that since Sunday, more than 2,500 patients across the country have been discharged as healed - a total of almost 20,000 people have recovered .

How long will the state of emergency last? An expert is not confident. A study for the first time mentions a time for the end of the pandemic.

Update at 9.37 a.m .: The number of infected continues to increase drastically. In the meantime, 87,956 cases have been confirmed in Spain. Of these, 7,716 people lost the fight against the virus. However, 16,780 people have cured the disease, as reported by Johns Hopkins University.

In Italy the death toll is even higher. But why do so many infected people die there?

Corona virus in Spain: tightened curfew comes into force

Update of March 31, 5:27 a.m .: In Spain , on Tuesday night, the curfew tightening of the curfew to combat the Corona crisis came into force. Since midnight, all citizens who are not active in major economic sectors are no longer allowed to drive to their jobs. The corresponding decree of the left government is initially valid until April 9. The construction industry and large parts of the industry are particularly affected.

All those affected should continue to receive their salary and make up for the hours they have not worked. Many entrepreneurs and regional presidents have sharply criticized the new rules.

The short-term announced tightening of the exit ban was originally supposed to come into force on Monday. However, it had been postponed by 24 hours late on Sunday evening so that those affected could do “the last essential work” to stop the activities.

Coronavirus: Spanish military launches huge disinfection campaign

Update at 8.15 p.m .: In Spain, the military is also fighting the corona virus with huge disinfection campaigns. The Defense Ministry in Madrid said on Monday that more than 1,300 retirement homes, 500 hospitals, 64 airports, 22 ports and almost 250 metro stations, train stations and bus stops had been disinfected nationwide. Thousands of soldiers are deployed. Spain is the most severely affected country in Europe after Italy.

The operation by which the armed forces are deployed in the fight against Covid-19 is named after the Balmis vaccination expedition (1803 to 1806) to the Spanish regions in America and Asia. The expedition led by Francisco Javier de Balmis aimed to vaccinate millions of people against smallpox and is considered one of the most important humanitarian actions in medical history.

Meanwhile, the number of corona cases continues to rise in Baden-Württemberg.

Coronavirus: It is considered the "face" of the fight against Corona - Spanish doctor tested positive

Update of March 30, 12.10 p.m .: The doctor and epidemiologist Fernando Simón, who is considered the "face" of the fight against the corona pandemic in Spain, has tested positive for the corona virus.

Simón is the head of the Health Emergency Agency and has been in front of the cameras every day since the outbreak in Spain to announce the latest developments and figures. The 57-year-old is now waiting for the second test to confirm the infection.

Corona virus in Spain: government tightens curfew - over 80,000 infected

Update of March 30, 12:00 noon: In Spain, the drastic and controversial tightening of the curfew to combat the corona pandemic will only come into force on Tuesday. On Monday, the people and companies concerned should do “the last essential work” to stop activities, according to the decree published in the Official Journal on Monday night. The "hibernation", as the finance minister and spokeswoman for the left-wing government María Jesús Montero put it, was originally supposed to begin on Monday.

According to the order, which, according to Montero, is unique worldwide, all workers who work in non-essential sectors must remain at home by April 9th. The construction sector and large parts of industry are particularly affected. The employees concerned should continue to receive their salary and make up for the hours not worked at a later date. So far, all citizens who could not work in their home office were allowed to drive to work. The tightening of the ban on going out has been sharply criticized by many entrepreneurs and regional presidents.

Update of March 30, 10:40 a.m .: The spread of the new coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 continues on Monday. According to the Johns Hopkins Institute, there are now 80,110 infected people in Spain. 6,803 people have died as a result of Covid-19. However, there is good news. The number of people who have recovered has now risen to 14,709.

Update of March 29, 1:18 p.m .: In Spain, which was particularly hard hit by the coronavirus pandemic, 838 new fatalities were counted within 24 hours. This was announced by the Ministry of Health in Madrid on Sunday. This is the absolute highest number of days since the outbreak of the crisis. In total, the death toll climbed to more than 6,500. The number of infected people also rose: on Sunday it was just under 79,000 - a good 6500 more than the previous day.

But there is good news: The growth rates continue to decline significantly. The death toll on Sunday was just under 15 percent, after a good 17 percent on Saturday. The number of infections decreased by almost four percentage points to nine percent compared to the previous day.

In the meantime, the corona situation in Germany is getting worse. 15 people from a nursing home in Wolfsburg have died after being infected with the coronavirus. The number of cases is increasing nationwide. Meanwhile, there is a new schedule for the Corona Hospital in Berlin.

Corona in Spain: 832 dead within 24 hours - Prime Minister

News from March 28th:

Update, 9.30 p.m .: Many elderly people are among the corona victims worldwide, including Spain. In several countries, the risk group is now assigned special times for shopping in supermarkets - in order to reduce the risk of infection.

Update, 7.44 p.m .: Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has announced a further tightening of the exit restrictions that have been in effect for two weeks in the fight against the corona virus . Starting Monday, all workers who are not doing essential work should stay at home for two weeks , the Prime Minister said in a television speech on Saturday evening. He did not say which sectors are meant exactly. The salary will continue to be paid to those affected during this time, and the hours they have not worked can be made up later in stages.

"In Spain we are facing the hardest hours, the virus hits us with relentless violence," said Sánchez. It was not until midday that it became known that 832 Covid 19 patients had died since Friday alone ( see update at 12.38 p.m. ) - this was the highest increase ever. In the meantime, the coronavirus is spreading even more in Russia. *

Corona Spain: 832 dead within a day - but a number gives a glimmer of hope

Update, 15.07: The authorities in Spain are cautiously optimistic despite the devastating numbers from the past few days: it is believed that the epidemic will soon peak. The background is that the increase in new infections is decreasing in percentage terms and is only around eleven percent on Saturday. Around 40,000 people currently need to be treated in hospitals nationwide.

Update, 12:38 pm: In Spain , which is particularly badly affected by the coronavirus, 832 new fatalities were recorded within 24 hours. This is the highest increase that has been registered in the country so far, according to the health authorities in their daily balance sheet. Overall, the number of victims has risen to just under 5,700 since Friday. The number of infected people also rose further, reaching around 72,000 on Saturday afternoon, around 8,000 more than the previous day. However, the percentage increase has been relatively low for days.

More than 12,000 people are already healthy. The region most affected remains Madrid , where almost half of all deaths have been recorded.

After Italy, Spain is the most severely affected country in Europe. In the meantime, the military has to help transport the bodies here too. This was announced by the Ministry of Health in the Official Journal on Saturday.

Spain in the Corona crisis: Experts estimate the number of infected people in a new dimension

Update March 28, 2020, 8:47 am: For Toni Kroos and his teammates from the Spanish football giant Real Madrid, the Corona quarantine is over after two weeks - at least officially. After a positive test by real basketball player Trey Thompkins, the entire football department was also placed under domestic isolation on March 12.

According to the AS newspaper, the club has confirmed that no other real professional has COVID-19. First of all, not much changes: The players work out individual fitness plans, given the tense situation in Spain, joint training is out of the question.

Update of March 27, 10.30 p.m .: The FAZ writes of an embarrassing setback for the Spanish government in the fight against Corona , referring to the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. . According to the report, the Ministry of Health has sent 58,000 rapid tests back to a Chinese manufacturer because the tests are said to be only 30 percent reliable.

The government previously announced 640,000 rapid tests to make up for the international gap, the report said. Experts would also fear that over half a million people in Spain are already infected with the corona virus.

Corona in Spain: Report - Thousands of German campers have to return to Germany

Update from March 27, 8:50 p.m .: Spain is closing all hotels and camping sites to tourists.

The result: According to Auto Bild, thousands of campers have to leave the country for their home, including many Germans. According to the report, around 50,000 Germans are in Spain over the winter to spring to escape the cold winter at home - it is not uncommon for them to be 65 years old or older. Say: pensioners.

If they do not have their first or second residence on the Iberian Peninsula, they must now leave the country. The EU member states have closed their borders because of the unrestrained spread of the coronavirus pandemic .


Barcelona: Soldiers in protective suits are walking towards a retirement home, where they are supposed to carry out disinfection measures.

© picture alliance / dpa / David Zorrakino

So far, however, the German campers who travel back are allowed to cross the border between Spain and France as well as between France and Germany. In addition, overnight breaks in parking lots are still allowed.

Update of March 27, 7:20 p.m .: After former Real Madrid President Lorenzo Sanz (76), the second Spanish sports personality has died from the effects of a coronavirus infection : the former runner Santiago Llorente.

Former athlete Covid-19 died at the age of 61. The European Athletics Association European Athletics announced this Friday. Llorente won silver at the U20 Cross World Cup in Düsseldorf in 1977 and was one of the top runners in his country in the 1980s.

Corona in Spain: thousands more infected within 24 hours

Update of March 27, 5.11 p.m .: In the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, concrete hope is sprouting for the first time in severely affected Spain . The number of infections rose sharply again on Friday: in just 24 hours, it rose by just under 8,000 to a good 64,000, as the Ministry of Health announced.


The corona virus also hits Spain badly.

© dpa / Eduardo Parra

At 14 percent, however , the increase was the lowest of the past few days, stressed the head of the authority for health emergencies (CCAES), Fernando Simón , at his daily press conference.

Simón spoke of "promising data that gives us some hope". The pandemic is approaching its climax , after which the situation will improve. The increase in the number of fatalities and the number of admissions of Covid 19 patients to hospitals and intensive care units also shows “stabilization, a slight flattening” of the curve . In addition, the number of those discharged as healthy * was almost 10,000 - around 6,000 more than the previous day.

First report from March 27, 3 p.m .: Corona in Spain : 600 dead within 24 hours - experts with a bad guess

Madrid - The Coronavirus * keeps Spain in suspense and kills thousands of people. After Italy, Spain remains the country in Europe most affected by the new Sars-CoV-2 virus.

Corona in Spain: 600 deaths within 24 hours

According to official figures, more people in Spain have now died from the consequences of the coronavirus * than in China, where the virus had spread from.

As in the past few days, the number of people infected * and dead continues to rise sharply. Almost 8,000 new infections have been registered in the last 24 hours . As a result, the total number has climbed to a good 64,000, as the Ministry of Health announced on Friday in its daily balance sheet. The number of deaths has meanwhile increased to just under 4,900 , which corresponds to an increase of 600 within a day. As reports, experts like microbiologist Gabriel Reina suspect that the true number of infections is four to five times higher than is officially stated.

Corona in Spain: Patients flee from hospitals

Spain's capital Madrid continues to be the epicenter of the coronavirus *. The health system is overwhelmed, hospitals, clinics and medical staff at the limit. In addition, there are increasing new infections among hospital staff .

An end is not yet in sight in Spain . How bad the conditions in Spain actually are is shown, among other things, by the report that Corona patients fled from clinics and an ice stadium was temporarily converted into a morgue.

The city council assured that it was an “interim depot” that primarily aimed to “alleviate the pain of the families of the victims and the situation in the Madrid hospitals”.

Corona in Spain: curfew until April 11th

In view of the critical Corona situation, the strict curfews * in Spain were extended by two weeks on Wednesday until April 11th .

Meanwhile, the situation in France is also coming to a head. In Germany, the authorities warn hospitals of "increased risk of threats". Cell phone data monitoring is being discussed in Germany - a virologist warns against this step.

This example shows what needs to be considered for international and national case numbers.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

List of rubric lists: © picture alliance / dpa / Eduardo Sanz

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