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Coronavirus: More than 100,000 people infected


Corona virus in Germany: Two million protective masks have arrived in Berlin. Johns Hopkins University reports more than 1,500 corona deaths in Germany.

Corona virus in Germany: Two million protective masks have arrived in Berlin. Johns Hopkins University reports more than 1,500 corona deaths in Germany.

  • The corona virus Sars-CoV-2 * has Germany under control.
  • Coronavirus exit restrictions are being extended.
  • More than 90,000 people infected - over 1,300 deaths

+++ 6.4.2020, 6.30 a.m .: In Germany, more than 100,000 people have now been infected with the novel corona virus. According to Johns Hopkins University, located in the US city of Baltimore, 100,024 cases of infection were reported in Germany by Sunday evening. 1576 people died from the lung disease Covid-19 caused by the virus.

Germany with many infected people - but low death rate

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Berlin reported the number of infected people on Sunday at 91,714. The RKI, which only takes the electronically transmitted figures from the federal states into account and updates its list only once a day, has registered 1,342 deaths so far.

Germany is one of the countries with the most confirmed corona cases worldwide. Only the United States, Italy, and Spain reported more infections. However, the death rate in Germany is significantly lower than in these countries.

Coronavirus pandemic: Germany has brought back more than 200,000 tourists

+++ 3.20 p.m .: The return campaign of the Federal Government, which is supposed to bring Germans stranded abroad because of the corona virus back to Germany, has been running for almost three weeks. In the meantime, more than 200,000 German tourists from 57 countries have been brought back. "It was not always easy and in some places it stuttered a bit, as you can expect in this difficult time," said Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas. “But everyone involved can be proud of this achievement.” Around 40,000 people are still waiting for the return journey - most of them in New Zealand, South Africa and Peru.

Corona Virus: Protective Masks Not “Confiscated” by the United States

+++ 13.55 p.m .: All-clear: Contrary to what was mistakenly accepted by Interior Senator Geisel on Friday, the United States has not brought any protective masks intended for Berlin into its own country. A spokesman for the Berlin police told the Tagesspiegel that there was no question of "confiscating". The officials had placed the order with a German middleman, who then forwarded the total of 200,000 masks to the United States. He is now looking for a replacement.

As a spokesman for Geisels confirmed, the dealer had claimed that the order had been canceled and rerouted under the instruction of the United States. However, Washington had not given such a directive. The exact sequence of events is still unclear. The police and the Senate administration have started an investigation.

Corona virus in Germany: two million protective masks arrived

+++ 12.27 p.m .: The long-awaited breathing masks due to the corona crisis have finally arrived in Berlin . Two million protective masks and 300,000 protective coats arrived from Leipzig / Halle Airport in China on Saturday. Berlin Senate spokeswoman Melanie Reinsch said on Sunday morning that the Bundeswehr had picked her up and brought her to Berlin.

The protective masks and gowns are to be distributed to clinics, nursing homes and the police in Berlin on Monday. "Spiegel" had previously reported about it. Michael Müller (SPD), Berlin's governing mayor, was happy about the "good news". After all, doctors and nurses are currently lacking the necessary material, as health senator Dilek Kalayci (SPD) emphasized to “Berliner Morgenpost”.

Corona Germany: "Highest infection numbers still ahead of us"

+++ 10.43 clock: The Corona crisis keeps Germany in suspense - according to the Federal Government, no relaxation is in sight yet. "The time with the highest infection numbers is still ahead of us," said Chancellor Minister Helge Braun (CDU) of the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung". "Our job as the federal government is to prepare ourselves for our population for the most difficult part of this crisis."

According to Braun, the prerequisite for continuing or easing the current containment measures is "that fewer people become infected at the same time intervals". Before the restrictions began, the number of people infected had doubled every three days. This time had to increase to ten to fourteen days, so as not to overload the healthcare system.

It is important "how quickly we can create additional hospital and intensive care beds and improve contact tracking". After all, there is a ray of hope: Braun does not rule out "improvements" either.

+++ 5.4.2020, 7.43 a.m .: In times of the corona crisis , the Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) would like to send a special payment of 500 euros to the particularly stressed nurses. "We in Bavaria don't just talk about it - we do it. We will pay 500 euros as a bonus to all nurses," he emphasized at "Bild am Sonntag". In addition, "free food and drinks have been set up for employees in all hospitals, nursing homes and retirement homes."

It pays to persevere: The curve of corona infections in Bavaria flattens slightly. It's a slightly positive trend, but no reason to give the all-clear yet. Right now we have to be patient and continue to consistently comply with all measures. Only then can measures take effect.

- Markus Söder (@Markus_Soeder) April 3, 2020

Coronavirus Germany: More than 90,000 people infected - over 1,300 dead

+++ 20.25 PM: The Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 continues to advance nationwide. According to data from the US "Johns Hopkins University", more than 90,000 people in Germany have already contracted the novel pathogen.

According to this, the number of infected people increased to 92,150 on Saturday (04.04.2020). 1,330 patients died from Covid-19 . The good news: 26,400 people have recovered from the disease and are therefore considered immune according to the current state of knowledge.

Corona virus in Germany: Most citizens follow the rules

+++ 18.27 PM: Despite the spring-like weather, most citizens on Saturday followed the exit restrictions due to the corona pandemic . “The location is quiet. The citizens are very prudent and follow the instructions, ”said a police spokeswoman in Schleswig-Holstein. The police in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania said that it was very quiet on the access roads into the country and to the destinations on the Baltic Sea coast.

And also in Bavaria, people have largely followed the exit restrictions. Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) said: "The police find that the vast majority of citizens adhere very well to the regulations." There were no large excursion trips to the Bavarian Oberland and very few excursionists and tourists.

Corona virus: People in Germany abide by the rules - many violations of it in Berlin

+++ 5.42 p.m .: In the German capital, many still do not adhere to the strict Corona rules: The Berlin police continue to record numerous violations of the Senate's ordinance to combat the spread of coronavirus . Within just 24 hours until Saturday morning (April 4, 2020), the police officers recorded 30 criminal charges and 79 administrative offenses across the city, a spokeswoman said. "The entire range was included."

If you mostly stay at the weekend, do everything right. Playing sports and walking is of course also okay. The minimum distance? One pillow length is not enough, an elephant length is not absolutely necessary. The correct distance should be 1.5 to 2 m.

- Senate Department for Home Affairs and Sport (@derInnensenator) April 4, 2020

Corona crisis in Germany: Federal government brings back 200,000 Germans

+++ 14.41 PM: 200,000 Germans stranded abroad because of the Corona crisis are back home. The federal government launched the return campaign almost three weeks ago. "It was not always easy and in places it jerked a bit, as you can expect in this difficult time," said Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas on Saturday (04.04.2020) "But everyone involved can be proud of this achievement."

Almost 200,000 travelers brought home in 2.5 weeks: on some days, 20 planes were in the air in parallel. Detailed agreements, landing permits, transport of travelers on site: @HeikoMaas explains the dimensions of the #return campaign at @rponline.

- Federal Foreign Office (@AuswaertigesAmt) April 4, 2020

+++ 4.4.2020, 9.40 a.m .: Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) assumes that a corona tracking app will soon become part of everyday life. "We will all use such apps in the foreseeable future, and will do so voluntarily," he told the "RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland".

Corona virus in Germany: Corona tracking app soon "normality"

"In this way, we can reduce the restrictions that we need until vaccines and medicines are there." Acceptance for such an app will exist if it is not prescribed by the state, but the possibility is simply technically there. “We saw this with the health card: When the state wanted to save health data on it, the outcry from data protectionists was great. A short time later there was a big run on corresponding applications on Google and Facebook, ”said Kretschmer. After Easter, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the state premiers want to discuss whether and how the restrictions due to the Corona crisis will continue.

+++ 5:40 p.m .: The Signal Iduna Park, in which Bundesliga club Borussia Dortmund normally plays its home games, is transformed into a treatment center in times of the Corona crisis . BVB announced this on Friday.

Corona in Germany: BVB stadium to discharge Corona treatment center

Accordingly, the north grandstand of the orphaned stadium is to be used for "the care of suspected coronavirus cases and patients with corresponding complaints". BVB converted the area accordingly in cooperation with the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians of Westphalia-Lippe (KVWL). With its "technical, infrastructural and spatial conditions, the stadium is the ideal place to actively help people who are potentially infected with the corona virus or who are complaining about complaints such as respiratory diseases and fever," said BVB boss Hans-Joachim Watzke .

The newly created capacities in the BVB stadium are intended to relieve the corona treatment center at the Dortmund clinical center.

RKI: Measures against the corona crisis are having an effect - but no all-clear

+++ 1.00 p.m .: The measures to curb the coronavirus epidemic in Germany show measurable effects according to the Robert Koch Institute. An infected person in Germany has only infected another person on average for a few days, said RKI President Lothar Wieler on Friday. But that's not a reason for the all-clear.

Coronavirus: More right-wing violence feared - "Prepper" prepare "Day X"

+++ 11.45 clock: The Federal Government fears an increase in right-wing violence in the wake of the Corona crisis . The Federal Ministry of the Interior informed the Bundestag that there are increased activities and plans for right-wing extremist groups. Representatives of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and the Federal Ministry of the Interior informed the chiefs of the interior committee about activities within the extreme right-wing scene, it was said.

Accordingly, members of so-called prepper groups (to be prepared) are preparing for an alleged day X on which public order is to collapse. In Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia, according to the authorities, weapons and ammunition have been taken from hiding places, so-called safehouses.

+++ 8.45 a.m .: The Robert Koch Institute ( RKI ) reported the number of people infected with the coronavirus in Germany on Friday as 79,696 - an increase of 6174 since the previous day.

Johns Hopkins University ( JHU ), based in the US city of Baltimore, reported 84,794 infected people. The RKI, which only takes into account the electronically transmitted figures from the federal states and updates its list once a day, has registered 1017 deaths so far, the JHU 1107 deaths.

Coronavirus: Spahn gives hope in malaria drug

+++ 7.50 a.m .: Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) raises hopes of the malaria drug Resochin from Bayer in the fight against the new corona virus. There is "initial evidence" that certain medications such as Resochin "seem to help fight medically severe corona disease courses," said Spahn on Friday. But further studies are necessary.

+++ 3.4.2020, 7.30 a.m .: In the evening Maybrit Illner discussed on ZDF the topic "Testing, tracking, vaccinating - race against time". Christiane Woopen, who chairs the European Ethics Council, called for an early differentiated and step-by-step strategy by the federal government to relax the corona contact restrictions.

Spread of the corona pandemic is affecting more and more doctors and nurses

+++ 9:46 pm: In Germany at least 1001 people who were infected with the new corona virus had died by Thursday evening. This emerges from an analysis of the latest figures from the federal states. 24 hours earlier, the death toll was 856.

In addition, the authorities registered more than 79,400 infections with Sars-CoV-2 (previous day at 8:00 p.m .: more than 72,600). The time when a new daily status is reported varies from state to state. In addition, some federal states do not always report their numbers at the same time.

+++ 7:00 p.m .: According to a report, the increasing spread of the corona pandemic also affects an increasing number of doctors and nurses in Germany : According to information from the NDR, WDR and “Süddeutscher Zeitung”, more than 2,300 clinic employees in Germany have now been infected with the virus . The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) announced this on request and at the same time pointed out that the actual number is probably higher.

In North Rhine-Westphalia, 322 employees from outpatient and fully inpatient care facilities had also been infected with the novel corona virus by Wednesday, according to the report from the State Ministry of Health. The majority of these facilities are nursing homes for the elderly. 1,485 employees are also in quarantine.

Coronavirus pandemic: nuns abound in toilet paper

+++ 15.52 PM: toilet paper is still sold out in many stores. But the nuns of a Dominican monastery in Bavaria don't have to worry about that. As the newspaper "Die Rheinpfalz" reports, the nuns of the monastery from Bad Wörishofen have had a huge stock for decades.

There are two reasons for this. Firstly, the religious had given up her spa house 15 years ago - which is why many roles were brought from there. Second, in the past, a supplier had a zero too many when placing an order, which is why the nuns were already well supplied all the time. The nuns have already found a more sensible purpose than storage: they want to donate the toilet paper to boards that would have difficulties in supplying because of the corona crisis.

+++ 14.33 clock: The Berlin police have ordered the closure of 830 locations. The reason is the monitoring of the regulation against the spread of the novel coronavirus . The Berlin police said that a total of 1982 objects had been checked. Among the localities were pubs, betting shops and shisha bars.

The Berlin Union of Police Police (GdP), however, called for larger parks and squares to be closed so that there would be no meeting when the weather was nice.

Corona crisis: Special stress for poor families due to livelihood and school closings

+++ 12.40 p.m .: Children who grow up with single parents or in complex patchwork families suffer most from poverty. This is shown by a study by the German Youth Institute (DJI) in Munich. According to the experts, the corona crisis is likely to exacerbate their situation.

According to the study, money is often not that important for children alone. However, financial worries burden parents, put them under pressure and create conflicts in the relationship.

"The current corona crisis is likely to exacerbate these negative consequences of poverty , not only because fears of livelihood are increasing, but also because exit restrictions and school closures are particularly stressful for poor families," explained Alexandra Langmeyer from the DJI.

+++ 11.40 clock: Germany helps other countries in Europe in the Corona crisis with the admission of dozens of Covid-19 patients and sends relief supplies. Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) shared an overview on Twitter, according to which 113 patients are currently being treated in hospitals, mainly from the countries heavily affected by the corona pandemic, France and Italy. "Where there are still free spaces, we have to help," wrote Maas. According to Maas, Germany has already sent seven tons of aid to Italy. In addition, medical teams are on duty in Spain and Italy.

How we help in:

- 113 patients from partner countries in hospitals (: 85 /: 26 /: 2)

- even more reserved beds (: 13 /: 81)

- 7 tons of relief supplies sent to

- Medical teams in and

Where there are still free spaces, we have to help. #COVID ー 19th

- Heiko Maas (@HeikoMaas) April 2, 2020

Coronavirus: Clinics in Germany increase the number of intensive care beds to 40,000

+++ 10.20: The clinics in Germany have increased the number of intensive care beds from about 28,000 to around 40,000 due to the corona crisis . About 15,000 to 20,000 intensive care beds are free, said the head of the German Hospital Society (DKG), Gerald Gass .

At the same time, the number of beds with a ventilator rose from around 20,000 to around 30,000. Some of the ventilators were taken from other areas, such as recovery rooms, or new ones were procured, and some of the devices that had been retired were also reactivated.

The hospital manager was "confident" that a device would be available for all Covid-19 patients who needed ventilation in the next two weeks. There are currently around 2,000 beds with Covid-19 patients.

Corona crisis: ex-head of the constitutional court warns of damage to fundamental rights

+++ 2.4.2020, 6.25 a.m .: The former President of the Federal Constitutional Court, Hans-Jürgen Papier, has warned of serious damage to fundamental rights if the restrictions in the Corona crisis persist for a long time.

He considers the current restrictions on freedom of movement to be legal, said paper of the "Süddeutsche Zeitung". But he sees the danger of an "erosion of the rule of law" if the "extreme encroachments on the freedom of all" drag on for a long time.

Politicians and administrators should therefore keep checking whether less drastic measures are possible. If the restrictions extended over a longer period, "then the liberal constitutional state abdicated".

Coronavirus: Germany stocks up with auxiliary medication

+++ 21.41 clock: In Berlin two more people died after an infection with the coronavirus . The number of deaths thus rose to 17 by Wednesday, as the Senate Health Administration announced. In the capital, a total of 2993 people have been shown to be infected with Sars-CoV-2 (as of 4.15 p.m.). The number increased by 216 proven cases within one day.

+++ 20.41 clock: Germany stocks up with medication that could be used in the alternative for the lung disease Covid-19 . The Federal Ministry of Health informed the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" (Thursday) that the procurement of the antiviral flu tablet Avigan for use in serious Covid 19 cases was being initiated. This also applies to the drugs Kaletra, Foipan and chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine-containing drugs.

"The procured medicines are distributed through pharmacies from university hospitals and pharmacies from treatment centers for the inpatient care of affected patients," said a ministry spokesman for the newspaper. The distribution should work with the Bundeswehr. Citing authorities, the "FAZ" continued to report that millions of packages were involved.

Corona crisis: protective masks can be reused

+++ 19.09 PM: The crisis team of the federal government approves the reuse of medical protective masks in the corona crisis . In view of the procurement problems, it was important to “find pragmatic and effective, but nevertheless safe solutions,” said a joint statement by the ministries of health and work on Wednesday. Medical masks are usually designed for single use.

The aim is "to ensure that medical personnel are supplied with breathing masks with a filter function". Accordingly, breathing masks of the filter functions FFP2 and FFP3 are to be reused up to three times. However, there are a number of requirements. The masks must be personalized and decontaminated by heating between uses. The new procedure could be used "in exceptional cases, if there is not enough personal protective equipment", "without lowering the level of protection".

Corona in Germany: At least 808 dead and 71,000 infections

+++ 6:45 p.m .: In Germany , more than 71,100 infections (previous day as of 4:25 p.m .: more than 65,500) were registered with the new corona virus by Wednesday afternoon (5 p.m.). At least 808 people infected with Sars-CoV-2 have reportedly died nationwide so far.

The figures are based on an evaluation by the German Press Agency, which takes into account the reported figures of the federal states.

Corona virus in Germany: Merkel would use tracking app

+++ 17.35 p.m .: Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has spoken out in favor of using so-called tracking apps in the corona crisis , if they deliver promising results in tests. According to Merkel, Merkel would also use such an app herself. "It is already clear that we would do this on a voluntary basis," she said on Wednesday.

If tests of these apps turned out to make it easier to check the follow-up of contact cases, then she would "be absolutely in favor of recommending it to the citizens and would of course also be willing to use it for myself and maybe help other people" said Merkel.

Corona crisis: "A pandemic knows no holidays"

+++ 16.35 p.m .: Now it is official: In the fight against the spread of the coronavirus, citizens should keep the already extensive contact blocks over Easter. As the federal and state governments decided on Wednesday in Berlin, contacts with other people outside of their own household should be reduced to an absolute minimum in accordance with the applicable rules.

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) said after a switching conference with the prime ministers of the countries that people in Germany should generally refrain from private trips and visits - including from relatives. "A pandemic knows no holidays," said Merkel.

Coronavirus pandemic: contact restrictions in Germany extended over Easter

+++ 15.35: federal and state governments want to extend the existing strict contact restrictions due to the Corona crisis at least until the end of the Easter holidays. Citizens "are encouraged to reduce contact with other people outside their own household to an absolute minimum, even during Easter, in accordance with the applicable rules", said a resolution on Wednesday for Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) conference call the prime minister of the federal states.

Citizens are therefore asked to “generally refrain from private trips and visits from relatives”. This also applies domestically and for national day trips, the paper goes on to say. According to this information, the corresponding regulations should initially apply until April 19. In almost all federal states, the Easter holidays of schoolchildren end on this day.

Corona crisis: protective masks should be reused

+++ 14:59: Protective masks are a scarce and sought-after commodity in the corona crisis . The lack of materials forces the crisis management team of the federal government to make an unusual proposal, as the "Spiegel" reports. According to this, protective masks should be heated after use and then used again.

"In view of the current supply bottlenecks", all options would have to be examined, the "Spiegel" quotes from a joint paper by the Federal Ministries of Labor and Health. The paper should be based on recommendations from the Robert Koch Institute and the Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

Clinics, resident doctors and nursing homes regularly warn of a lack of protective masks. The paper therefore provides for protective masks to be prepared by heating. Each mask should be able to be processed a maximum of three times. The exemption should apply for a maximum of six months. During this time, the production of masks in Germany is to be increased.

Corona crisis: Further deaths in Wolfsburg senior citizens' home

+++ 14.40 clock: 22 people have died in the Hanns-Lilje-Heim in Wolfsburg after an infection with the corona virus. A spokeswoman for the Diakonie Wolfsburg said on Wednesday that four more victims had been killed in the past 24 hours. The Diakonie runs the home.

At the same time, there is also good news: Four residents are on the mend. "They actually seem to make it." How many infected people live in the home, the spokeswoman could not say at first. On Monday, Wolfsburg's mayor Klaus Dieter Mohrs (SPD) spoke of a total of 79 people who tested positive.

Corona crisis: CSU against softening contact restrictions

+++ 1.45 p.m .: The CSU has spoken out strictly against the softening of the strict contact restrictions when fighting the corona virus. In the current situation, no all-clear can be given, "the situation remains serious," said CSU general secretary Markus Blume on Wednesday. "It is not the time now to talk about easing." First, the agreed measures should be effective.

The infection process is somewhat slowed down, but you are still in the area of ​​exponential increases, even if the time to double the number of infected people in Germany has slowed, says Blume. At the moment you are experiencing a follow-up of infections that existed two or two and a half weeks ago and have only been shown in tests.

Corona crisis: No major drug shortages

+++ 1.00 pm: The fear that there could be bottlenecks in medical care is unfounded, as the KBV now emphasized.

At the moment, the general practitioners see no signs of major drug shortages due to the corona crisis in Germany . The National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV) pointed out on Wednesday that there had already been delivery problems with certain substances, such as the anesthetic propofol.

Corona crisis: new figures for Germany

+++ 10.45 a.m .: New case numbers for Germany. By Wednesday morning, 67,150 infections with the new corona virus had been registered. Bavaria has particularly high numbers with 15,505 proven cases and 191 deaths and North Rhine-Westphalia with 15 251 cases and 148 deaths. Calculated per 100,000 inhabitants, Hamburg has the most infections with a value of 124.4. The national average was 80.8.

At least 701 people infected with Sars-CoV-2 have reportedly died nationwide so far. Several Germans died abroad in connection with a corona infection. Among them were two tourists on a trip to Egypt and a 67-year-old tourist in Cyprus. A 42-year-old German died on the Greek island of Crete.

The figures are based on an evaluation by the German Press Agency, which takes into account the reported figures of the federal states.

Mouthguard duty in the discussion

+++ 10.40 clock: The German Association of Cities and Municipalities rejects a general duty of mouth protection in shops as a measure against the coronavirus pandemic . In the current phase, such a regulation is not "expedient," general manager Gerd Landsberg told the MDR. There are already problems in getting enough respirators for doctors, nurses and other health care workers.

General mask requirement: "A misguided discussion" #Corona #protective masks

- Tagesschau (@tagesschau) March 31, 2020

Landsberg said there would be a fear of hamster purchases with a general mouth protection obligation. Such a measure would make it difficult to supply those who really need the masks, he warned. For example, priority should also be given to old people's homes. The Federal Government and the Robert Koch Institute are also rejecting a general obligation to wear mouth protection at this time.

Corona crisis: Merkel advises the Prime Minister

+++ 8.30 a.m .: Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) advises again this Wednesday (2 p.m.) on the fight against the coronavirus crisis with the Prime Ministers of the federal states. The current development of new infections in Germany is to be assessed.

Is the mouthguard obligation due to the corona virus?

It should also be a kind of evaluation of the previous anti-corona measures. The federal and state governments had passed strict contact restrictions for people on March 22, which should apply at least until April 5. These measures should now be extended. Currently, a mouthguard requirement is also being discussed.

SPD leader Saskia Esken is in favor of a wealth levy due to the Corona crisis.

+++ 1.4.2020, 7.00 a.m .: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, together with heads of state from several continents, pleaded for a “new global alliance” in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. "We are all equal before this virus and we all have to work together to fight it," wrote Steinmeier and the heads of state of Jordan, Ethiopia, Singapore and Ecuador in a joint article for Wednesday's "Financial Times".

"No country will be spared this pandemic, no matter how advanced its economy, capabilities or technology are," says the German translation submitted by the Federal President's Office.

Specifically, it is important to develop treatment methods and a vaccine and to distribute them fairly worldwide. "The global availability of an effective treatment method and a future vaccine should become the shining example of a 'global public good'," said the heads of state.

Corona virus in Germany: Bayreuth Festival canceled

+++ 20.25 PM: Because of the corona virus pandemic , the Bayreuth Festival will not take place this summer. Management and shareholders of the world-famous opera festival justified the cancellation on Tuesday with the "effects that have already occurred" of the coronavirus crisis on festival operations. Tickets already purchased for 2020 are said to remain valid for the 2021 Festival. Because of the cancellation, the plans for the festival will change in the next two years.

The first municipalities are introducing a mouth protection requirement

+++ 17.49 clock: The city of Jena and the district of Nordhausen in Thuringia rely on a mask requirement in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic - such a measure is currently not planned nationwide. Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn said in Düsseldorf on Tuesday that he saw no need for this in the current situation.

+++ 4.30 p.m .: Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) does not currently believe that a mouthguard obligation to contain the corona pandemic is necessary. He sees "in the current situation no need for an obligation," said Spahn on Tuesday in Düsseldorf. There is a high level of willingness among the population to wear masks and thereby protect others from infection.

Corona in Germany: Seehofer wants to get the law on the way

+++ 3.15 p.m .: Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU) wants to introduce a law on basic medical care to ensure the availability of sufficient protective clothing and equipment such as respirators. "There is no use if we are dependent on getting products from China," Seehofer told the "Bild" newspaper. The law is necessary in order to enable the "provision of medical care for medical devices".

+++ 1:15 p.m .: In Germany , the federal government, the federal states, researchers and doctors continue to try to get the corona crisis and the spread of the coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 under control. Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU) now appeals to German industry to participate in the production of urgently needed medical devices.

A duty to wear a face mask * in public space due to the risk of infection is currently not indicated. The task now was to provide medical personnel and the police with sufficient equipment.

Corona in Germany: Researchers develop method for higher test capacities

Meanwhile, a method developed by researchers in Frankfurt is said to increase the possible number of tests for the coronavirus many times over. The Hessian Ministry of Science announced that the number of tests in Germany could be increased from around 40,000 a day to between 200,000 and 400,000 examinations. There was no loss of quality associated with the increase. The new method is based on testing several samples for the virus at the same time.

Researchers at the @roteskreuz_de blood donation service in FFM & the Institute for Medical Virology at the #UniklinikumFrankfurt have developed a method that enables the test capacities to detect SARS-CoV-2 to be increased worldwide. More ➡️

- Goethe University (@goetheuni) March 31, 2020

Corona in Germany: youngest Covid-19 victim 28 years old

+++ 11.20 a.m .: RKI President Lothar Wieler spoke at a daily press conference about the currently discussed mouth protection obligation. He currently sees no need for this in Germany as in Austria. For those infected with the coronavirus , wearing a mouth and nose protector is surely "sensible" in order to protect other people from infection.

He also said that the deaths were on average 80 years old. 87 percent had died aged 70 and over. However, the youngest victim was 28 years old, but had a pre-existing condition,

Medical professionals warn against disproportionate corona measures

+++ 31.3.2020, 10.00 a.m .: The Hartmannbund medical association has warned of disproportionate measures to combat the spread of the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus. "With all due respect for recognizable need for action, we should not lose any measure now," said association chief Klaus Reinhardt, who is also president of the German Medical Association.

He warned against "entering into an overbidding competition of restrictions and intervention options".

Corona rules: The requirement to wear a protective mask against the corona virus is under discussion

First registration:

The corona pandemic * has a firm grip on the world. In most of the federal states there is a blockage of contacts due to the corona virus, Bavaria, the Saarland and Saxony have stricter corona rules with the exit restriction. It can be assumed that they will last at least until the end of April.

The obligation to wear protective masks in public, i.e. primarily when going to the supermarket and on public transport, is currently being discussed. The nose and mouth must be covered to protect the other person from being infected with the coronavirus . The professional, highly effective protective masks * should be reserved for medical staff and caregivers. Sewing instructions for protective masks are available on the Internet.

Austria has already introduced a mask requirement in shops, Jena will follow the example from April 6, 2020. The measure is not without controversy; some fear that the important protective measures against the corona virus such as keeping a distance (two meters) and frequent hand washing will be taken less seriously.

Corona virus in Germany: aid packages in the context of the corona crisis

Due to the social and social standstill in Germany and worldwide, billion-dollar corona aid packages have so far been adopted for the economy and for all professional groups affected by the coronavirus pandemic *. Financial aid has been applied for since Monday. Experts warn that the socially disadvantaged as well as the homeless and drug addicts should be included in the relief considerations.

It is not yet clear whether the restrictions will achieve the desired success and whether the curve of the corona infected will remain within those limits that the health system will not be overloaded. Further measures are being discussed, such as an app that makes it easier to find contact persons for people infected with corona. It is supposed to be a voluntary measure, the effectiveness of which is controversial - data protection concerns are also being raised.

Coronavirus: RKI case numbers for Germany

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Berlin publishes the number of people infected with the corona virus in Germany every day. On Tuesday, the RKI reported 61,913 tested positive, with a dark figure to be expected. It's been a plus of 4615 since the previous day.

Johns Hopkins University (JHU), located in the US city of Baltimore, has counted 67,051 infected people. The different numbers result from the fact that the RKI only takes into account the electronically transmitted figures from the federal states. So far it has recorded 583 deaths, the JHU 650 deaths.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

List of rubric lists: © Peter Steffen / dpa

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-04-06

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