The Limited Times

Corona infection despite a negative test - a little later a Munich doctor has to be put into a coma

4/11/2020, 8:25:05 PM

They were out of action - and have recovered: Nine Bavarians tell what Corona did to them.

They were out of action - and have recovered: Nine Bavarians tell what Corona did to them.

  • They were infected with the coronavirus * and survived, and were cured.
  • Nine Bavarians tell what Corona did to them.
  • Here you will find our guide to reporting and the Corona News from Germany. You can also find current numbers of cases in Bavaria as a map. The following recommendations for corona protective measures are currently available.

Coronavirus: First, a doctor diagnosed him with simple flu

"Mist," shot Markus Staudt, 44, in his head. He won't forget that moment anytime soon. The CSU mayor candidate from Zolling in the Freising district had just learned of his infection with the virus. Until then, he only knew the reports from Wuhan and Heinsberg. When he was admitted to the Freising Clinic on March 9, only 1,300 Sars CoV-2 cases were confirmed in the Federal Republic. "You always thought it was a long way away," says Staudt.

Staudt was already lying flat before the positive test result . A doctor had diagnosed him with simple flu. At that time, South Tyrol, where it was before, was not yet considered a risk area. A severe cough and fever, which caused the body temperature to rise to 40 degrees, forced him to actually suspend the election campaign.

Corona virus in Munich: CSU mayor candidate gets pneumonia

He spent five days in isolation in a hospital room. The doctors couldn't get the fever under control, the blood values ​​went down. Pneumonia also developed. It took days for the doctors to start antibiotic treatment, to apply it, and to lower the fever "to an acceptable level".

But not only the severe symptoms, but also the isolation made Staudt difficult. "This is of course an unusual situation," he says. The caregivers avoided entering the room more often than necessary. “You noticed that there was too little experience,” says Staudt. "However, under these difficult conditions, the nursing staff and the doctors at the Freising Clinic did a great job."

After more than two weeks in the hospital, the family man is now back home. "Certain things are still extremely exhausting," he says. After all, he was only in bed for three weeks. Incidentally, he did not make it onto the executive chair in Zollinger Rathaus - Staudt narrowly lost to his opponent in the runoff. jn


Watched series against boredom: Manuel Riedmeier.

© Stefan A. Schuhbauer - v. Jena

Coronavirus in Munich: football coach tested positive - 23 days in quarantine

When Manuel Riedmeier returned from the training camp in Misano in Emilia-Romagna in Italy with 60 FT Starnberg youths, the shock was deep. The football coach had tested positive for the corona virus. "My first thought was: If I have that, hopefully none of the boys will be infected," recalls the 40-year-old.

In fact, one of the players was infected. The kicker was allowed to leave the hospital after four days, while Riedmeier spent a full 23 days in quarantine - in a 20 square meter isolation room in the Starnberg Clinic. Fortunately, the disease was mild. "I never felt bad," says Riedmeier. "Only the sense of smell was not there." He was therefore not afraid, just boredom. "You have to distract yourself a little and kill time," says the retail salesman. “Watching Hubert and Staller went quite well, because such an episode takes just under an hour. You can get the day off to a good start when you watch six or seven episodes from noon. ”

Despite his isolation, he did not have to do without social contacts entirely. From time to time, acquaintances came to visit and chat with him through the window. Riedmeier had to wait a long time for a negative test result. On day 23, he was finally released. With a sign that said, "You can go home! Juhuu! “, The clinic staff informed him that the time of suffering is over. "It was a really nice touch," he says. jn


Corona patients: Aurelia K. and her boyfriend, also sister Tine (picture below) got it.

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Coronavirus in Munich - Mother falls ill: "Couldn't smell when the diaper was full"

"I fell ill three weeks ago," says Aurelia K. from Munich. The 26-year-old legal trainee only had limb pain, especially her back hurt. "I didn't even think about Corona ," she says, "but then I lay flat for three days and felt sick." Her boyfriend also had Corona. Two and a half weeks before her infection, she was skiing on the Wilder Kaiser in Brixental. "But I don't think I got infected there, but rather with my family," she says. She took the test in her mother's practice. “Fortunately, I didn't need medication or oxygen. But the infection has lasted ten days. During that time, I was only able to eat very little. "


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Aurelia lives in the same house with her sister Tine. The women do not know whether one infected the other, but one thing is certain: the virus also caught Tine K. "For me it started with a severe headache and sore throat," says the 35-year-old teacher on parental leave. “There was also exhaustion and shortness of breath. I didn't smell or taste anything for 14 days, even though my nose was clear. I have three children and I couldn't even smell when my baby's diaper was full. Afterwards I can laugh. But I was really sick for ten days. The symptoms were not easy, as is often reported. It was really hard for five days. ”Her husband was also infected, but the children were not. "It was a difficult situation because the children were full of energy - and the parents were in bed."

Corona virus: "I am an old battleship"

He recently woke up, scratching his throat, and immediately thought: crap, it's back. It was a bit ghostly, says Thomas Sattelberger, 70. "I had the strangest thoughts." The test was negative. Was he mistaken? Do I still have it? In the end it was just a cold, phew. "But you just can't get rid of this virus mentally."


© Jantz

Sattelberger, FDP member of the Bundestag, tested positive for Corona in mid-March, the symptoms attacked him on the plane to Munich. Sweating, tremors, weakness. He went into quarantine at home and made the matter public. At home in Niederpöcking in the Starnberg district , he then started a video diary. Not for himself, he says on the phone, but to encourage and show the world out there: Corona won't kill you straight away. "I never doubted that I would get over it well," he says.

At 70, Sattelberger was in the risk group, of course he knew that. Panic? No, no, he says. "I'm an old battleship." In fact, the disease was fairly mild. "Only on two days did I think I had to deliver myself." The shortness of breath. He left it, preferring to work from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. That helped not to waste thoughts about the disease.

He is now considered to have recovered. There are still worries: about the partner with whom he lives. You keep your distance, which is difficult. But toi, toi, toi - his partner is negative. And of course there is concern about his 95-year-old mother, whose carers sometimes worked without protective clothing. And, you have to put it that way, worry about this country. Sattelberger has been in business for 40 years, now he sees countless small businesses suffering. "It shakes me," he says. "I'm afraid that we will have to build on an economy that has been partially shattered."

He also says things like that in his videos, which were initially personal and are becoming increasingly political. Somewhere there must be irritation about the lack of protective clothing and the lack of shutdown perspectives. The videos are clicked hundreds of thousands of times. Sattelberger has become a small online power. Pöcking's home office opposition. Crazy corona time. mmä

Coronavirus in Munich: The doctor who underestimated the virus

“I was skiing in St. Anton on March 14 and had myself tested directly on March 16. The result was negative. I had mild symptoms and thought it might just be a cold. I worked two more days, but I felt worse and worse and sought advice from a doctor's colleague. An x-ray showed that my lungs were affected. We decided that I would be admitted to the hospital. Blood gas levels got worse and worse. I was ventilated for three days and was in an artificial coma. I am actually very healthy and was surprised at how badly the virus had attacked me. I could have died of it. I am now fever-free. ”Close

Stephan Hoeltz, 57, orthopedist from Munich



Corona virus in Bavaria: no taste and headache

“On March 17th I had the first symptoms. Four days earlier, my husband and I met the children for dinner. My daughter's friend was tired - no one thought of Corona yet. Leaden tiredness also affected me, plus severe headache and loss of taste. My husband had a high fever. He lost 2.5 kilos - because he sweated so much. In addition there was headache and kidney pain as well as cough. I lay flat for three days. Our son-in-law had kidney pain. The virus was different for each of us. Twelve days after symptoms appeared, we drove to the drive-in. My test was negative. I suspect because everything had already subsided. “Thi

Renate Edlböck, 60, secretary from Munich


Renate Edlböck

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Coronavirus: Thanks to all doctors and nurses

"I felt really bad. I used oxygen for days and had a fever of up to 40 degrees. Not being able to breathe is horrible. I was in the Barmherzige Brüder hospital for six days and would like to thank all the doctors and nurses once again. I'm feeling better now, but I'm still very tired and exhausted. I have to do exercises every day: arms up, inhale very deeply, right into the lungs. My wife was also ill, but she had completely different symptoms: she smells and tastes nothing more. We were still in quarantine last week. Fortunately we have a balcony and a large garden in Gern

Ernst Hannawald, 60, actor from Munich


Amar Cekic

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After corona virus: The first species was world class

"It felt like the flu. I was weak, could hardly move, everything hurt. After nine days, the symptoms went away, but I could not smell or taste anything for three days. When the senses came back, I treated myself to a cold special. That was world class. I was quarantined for two weeks, and my parents were also infected. I don't know where I got infected. I have to admit that I wasn't particularly interested in Corona before that. Now I advise everyone to be careful. After 14 days I was allowed to go outside again. This walk felt like letting a bird out of the cage. ”

Amar Cekic, 27

Player at FC Pipinsried and coach at the Munich soccer school


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