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Hamas accuses: "We did not get a real answer from Israel" Israel today

4/11/2020, 5:58:05 PM


The Palestinian al-Quds newspaper quoted a Hamas official as referring to Sandwar's attempt at a prisoner exchange deal: "We have bargaining chips"

  • Distressed because of the Corona. Yahya Snvar // Photo: IAF

Without progress: Sources in the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, on Saturday accused Israel of being serious about contacts for a prisoner exchange deal between the parties. A source led by Hamas was interviewed by the Palestinian newspaper al-Quds, accusing it of not receiving a serious response from Israel to date with the organization's leader Yahya Snawar about the exchange of prisoners, despite Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's willingness to hold talks through mediators.

The source claimed that Netanyahu chose "with a media fraud and has not done anything until now and has not contacted any mediator or factor, including the Egyptian or Russian or other mediator and did not give any real Israeli response, other than the same communication to the media."

The source also claimed that Hamas was "very serious about its intention to seize the opportunity in the wake of the Corona virus crisis," adding that "a deal will be completed that will include a large number of prisoners led by terrorist organizations serving life sentences.

The source further claimed that the terrorist organization "holds strong bargaining chips that will surprise Israel", he said. He noted that "the ball is now in Israel's field" and that Hamas would welcome any mediator to complete a deal, emphasizing "Egypt's historic role in similar cases as in the understandings of the lull and the ruler."

Other Hamas sources told the newspaper a few days ago that senior Egyptian security forces were involved in the Hamas initiative from the outset, and informed Brigadier General Meir Ben-Shabbat about their willingness to mediate between the parties. It was suggested that Hamas provide clear information about prisoner Abra Mangistou's medical condition, as well as information on the remains of Lieutenant Hadar Goldin and Sgt. Oron Saul, who fell in Operation Strong Cliff. Another suggestion being considered is the release of Abra Mangisto or Hisham a-Sayed.

Lack of testing and fear of Israeli response: Hamas under pressure

Remember, more than a week ago, on Thursday evening, Sinwar interviewed the al-Aqsa Channel affiliated with the terrorist organization about the actions taken by the Hamas administration in Gaza to prevent the penetration of the Corona virus into the Gaza Strip. As part of the interview, Sinwar addressed the issue of prisoners and missing persons and said that if Israel released as a humanitarian gesture old prisoners and prisoners, Hamas would be ready for a partial concession on the issue.

It should be noted that Hamas is currently under pressure both because of a lack of medical equipment to cope with the threat of the Corona virus to the Gaza Strip and the economic damage caused by the closure to the organization. In the past week, Gazans were allowed to leave their homes following Sinwar's interview, but the pressure of Hamas increased.

The Gaza Health Ministry recently announced that there was a shortage of viruses. In this context, Hamas is likely to want to exert psychological pressure on Israel to obtain a partial prisoner deal or to expand aid. This is because Hamas fears that launching missiles will provoke a harsh Israeli response in the absence of global attention.

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