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The closure works? First signs of significant decline in Corona infection in Bnei Brak | Israel today

4/11/2020, 3:52:11 PM


The National Information Center for Combating Corona and the Weizmann Institute report signs of a sharp decline in the rate of infection in the city, which is considered the most significant focus of the disease in Israel • Conversely, a marked increase in the rate of infection in the Arab sector • Among the communities at risk of outbreak: Afula, Ashdod, Safed, Or Yehuda

light at the end of the tunnel? The Weizmann Institute released on Saturday reports of symptoms of the Corona virus in urban distribution across the country - and the published data corroborate the report published by the Corona National Information and Knowledge Center, which indicates a significant decline in infection in the city of Bnei Brak, and slowing the rate of disease infection in the country. However, according to the new data, there is a significant increase in the rate of infection in Arab localities across the country.

Ministry of Health instructions to prevent the spread of the Corona virus in Israel // Courtesy of the Ministry of Health

According to the Weizmann Institute, the number of reports of symptoms of the disease in Bnei Brak is below the national average, which adds to a significant reduction in the rate of infection in the city, from a doubling of 2.8 people to 1.7 in five days, a decrease of 60%.

More on:

• Survey tests for 1,500 Bnei Brak residents

• The number of corona patients in Israel rose to 10,525

• Relief in isolation for "Maanan" residents of the WC was approved

It should be noted that despite the encouraging figures, Bnei Brak is still the second largest number of people infected in Israel, and the first by population size. It should be noted that Bnei Brak is the densest city in the country and one of the densest cities in the world.

According to the Weizmann Institute, the cities where the symptoms were reported to be particularly high are Afula, Givat Shmuel, Beer Sheva, Ashkelon, Yokneam Illit, Kiryat Shmona, Bat Yam, Pardes Hanna-Karkur, Kiryat Motzkin and Ashdod. However, it should be noted that this data is influenced by additional data.

According to data from the National Center for the Campaign, the ultra-Orthodox cities still lead the national infection rate, while in Modi'in Illit, Beitar Illit and Elad the infection ratio is still 2 or higher, and of the cities where there are over 40 verified patients, the first nine cities are cities with an ultra-Orthodox population Significantly.

Another worrying figure is the surge of patients in Arab cities, with some showing a doubling ratio of three patients per person, five and in Jasser a-Zarqa even eight new patients per patient per week, however the number of patients is still low.

The center points to Ashdod, Safed, Ofakim, Or Yehuda, Tiberias and Jat as the next risk cities for the outbreak, and recommends further tests in the Arab sector - with the aim of preventing a significant outbreak in the sector.

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