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Looking To The Sky | Israel today


Michal anticipates change in duty targets • Yaniv sure dare to go sweet • Gal hopes that we will return to Ben Gurion on holidays • Constant travelers talk about tourism

Michal expects a turnaround on the list of must-see destinations • Yaniv sure dares to come out sweet • Gal hopes that holidays will land passports again • And Nimrod finds it hard to think of life without a flight every week • Constant passengers send cautious optimism, at a time when the planes have replaced planes

  • Nimrod. "Missing Airports" \\ Photos in the article: Moshe Shay

Nimrod Dean Cookie | Digital Wanderer, Founder of Digital Wanderers Group

"This is the strangest situation to describe"

In the last few years I have flown about 50 times a year. I'm used to flying, love to fly and that's my life. This is the strangest situation to describe. I lived at the highest level of freedom, jumping to Sri Lanka, from there meeting with friends in Sydney and now everything just stops, it's an extreme situation. If I want to get to Israel - it's very complicated, there are no Bali flights to Israel.

I miss airports, it is clear to me that once it is possible to fly I will board a plane and come to Israel to visit my nephews. In the end, my flights are a choice, so if I am forced to be in one place for a few months without flying I believe I can survive it.

For the past six years, three weeks have not passed without me flying. There were years I flew 60 flights, an average of a week flying. From the beginning of the year I managed to be in Dubai twice, in Oman, Sri Lanka, India, the Maldives, Australia and now Indonesia.

I think the world of aviation will take at least a year to fully recover from the moment the sky begins to open. The first to fly would be all those who stayed as far away from the family as I was and later businessmen. As for vacation flights - it will take longer, mainly for the economic reason - people will need to recover. There will be requirements for medical certificates before boarding.

Container manor | Owner of the "Seeing World" blog

"We'll cover trips from the states' recovery angle"

When it all started, I treated it quite contemptuously. I was due to fly to the Netherlands in late March as part of a project I was doing with several cities there, for the purpose of promoting tourism there and cooperation between the Netherlands and Israel. Until the last moment, March 10, I was sure I was going. It's hard to undo something that is most of your life - and then, when I saw that it really closed, that there really were no flights, I realized it wasn't the way I think. Now the route is recalculated.

What is the significance of my blog? At first I thought about writing about Israel, but very quickly everything closed down here as well. I keep writing, talking to experts and finding interest in between. It's just a short period of time to go, I sow seeds for the future. I don't think tourism will go away, it will just change. When everything is over, we will cover trips from the recovery states, it will be very interesting.

I believe everything will be over by summer, I am very optimistic. Already one has to think how one can gradually travel back in the world. I guess close places will be the strongest at first, short flights that don't require heroic rescue when something happens.

On the other hand, countries such as Hong Kong and Singapore can also be attractive because of how they deal with the epidemic, and of course it is a matter of people taking into account - going into the table, seeing who the countries have managed to overcome, and being prominent in the field of travel.

Gal Dovrat | Founder of "Overseas It's Here" Group

"Now you learn to enjoy the little things"

I canceled two flights, one in early March to Warsaw and planned to fly in the summer for a trip to the Czech Republic - but we also canceled it. I've talked to a lot of people in the field, and all the private companies in the tourism industry are really collapsing. Everyone told me they had been in the industry for decades and they had not experienced anything like it.

Our group usage data has rarely gone down, but most of the questions are about "what will be tomorrow." In my opinion, the closure will continue until the Independence Day area, and then begin to relax in the country. Regarding vacation abroad - it will take some time for the whole world to reset. It is likely that by the holidays, people seem to be traveling abroad, it all depends on how the virus spreads and how they can stop it.

Until this virus goes away, I think Israelis will not go so quickly to relatively safe countries. The Israelis are obedient, and they will do what the government tells them to do, all in the instructions of the government and the Foreign Ministry.

I miss a lot of vacations abroad, I have to see new places, but during this time I also learn to enjoy the little things, enjoy the home, the environment of the house. People will forget the virus when there is a cure. It is human nature, it is not Something that is necessarily influenced by some dirty handle.

Yaniv Lenis | Founder of "Secret Flights"

"I believe the prices of flights will actually fall"

In the last two months I have been canceled two flights, I have been on the ground for a month and a half. It really sucks because I'm a person who plans a lot ahead and every few weeks I get on a plane. It totally disrupts all the schedule, as far as I'm concerned, travel is not just a job, it's a way of life. My fun starts only with the thought of buying the cheap flight or not.

I believe flight prices will go down, I know some think the opposite, but airlines only have one card that will keep people flying: offer attractive prices. If flights are more expensive, airlines will be severely affected.

Unfortunately, there seem to be a number of airlines that will not survive this crisis, especially those that went into crisis in a bad situation. The big low-cost companies are in better shape and I am less worried, I believe they will stay with us even the next day.

I recommend to anyone planning a future flight: Purchase insurance to cancel the flight and get the most money back.

For me and for many others, planning the next vacation is the perfect escape from the worries and daily stresses we experience around us.

There is nothing like the thrill of booking a flight and the peace of mind we feel when we know when and where the next vacation is. Only the thought that you can continue to plan ahead already makes us good, I'm optimistic. Me and the team continue to look to the sky and look for the next attractive flight.

Source: israelhayom

All life articles on 2020-04-14

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